Tuesday, December 29, 2009

My Take On How To Save Suffering

Just stand still for a moment. Just think where you came from, what you're made of. Just realize that all that makes up you (except for your experiences, feelings and other mind controlled things) already existed in some form. We exist out of stuff that was once apart, and now just for one moment, makes up you. And while I typed this, or you read this, parts of you already got separated from you and became once again a part on its own. We're dying, surviving and living at the same time constantly.

Try to think big. Try to realize that was makes up the centre of this Universe for you, is you. You are in the middle, because everywhere you see is all Universe around you.

Try to realize how much nothing you are compared to the completeness of things around you. In the scheme of things, you don't matter. Your life doesn't matter. You got born, you lived, celebrated and suffered and then you died. In the end, it really doesn't matter.

So, does that mean the suffering of others doesn't matter? Or the suffering of animals? Or us justifying the suffering cause we're trying to survive? I really believe it doesn't; it only sucks.

I don't believe I will get a reward or award for good living after I died. I don't believe Obama will take his Nobel Prize with him after he died. I don't believe a criminals bad deeds will follow him into death. I believe our bodies will fall apart and become new pieces of reality. I believe long after the body has been reinvented into new objects and lifeforms, our souls will have passed into history without pain, without memories. Nothing will be left of us.

The suffering we're experiencing or witnessing is one of this moment. Should we stand back and avert our eyes? Should we step up and risk our own survival? In this whole world there are no species who believes that. And still that is what we're saying right now, while on the other hand we're still killing animals with deseases to save our own sorry asses.

I think a little more respect for life, but also for death would be in order. It probably won't save our lives or those of animals, but it will help earth recover better till the Universe consumes us all.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Wowsie! What happened here?

I did a little IQ-test, just for fun. The test was only 20 questions, so the result was merely just an indication. I answered 16 out of 20 questions correct which resulted in an indicational IQ of 130. I don't think I'm that smart, but it's quite cool I only answered 4 questions wrong. Unfortunately, they don't tell which questions.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

What about them who never had a choice?

What about the rapist who never knew anything but sexual abuse? Who’s going to listen to him?

What about the murderer who killed out of passion, because he doesn’t know how to handle love, cause he never had anything to handle? Who’s going to listen to him?

What about the prostitute who was only searching for a better future? Who’s going to listen to her?

Or the drug addict who’s only trying to relieve the pain of her past still ringing in her ears? Who’s going to listen to her?

They all had to suffer crimes, but who wants to fight for them? We are all to blame for not listening, looking away and simply ignoring the cries for help and a little love.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Public Transport

We’ve got chip in our public transport in Amsterdam. Every trip you make by bus, tram or metro has to be paid by chip. And from time to time they do checks to see if you paid.

Yesterday a big team of controllers was awaiting us at one of the stations. They halted the metro and took the time to check on every body still in the metro.

I have a membership, so I don’t need to reload for about 5 years. That’s convenient. With my public transport pass I’m also keeping my company pass to enter my office. The company pass’ magnet is stronger than the public transport pass’.

When the controller asked for my pass I gave him both passes. I knew he’d probably scan my company pass which was under my public transport pass. He did.

In a demeaning voice he asked me: “What did you do, m’am?”

I thought: “I didn’t do anything wrong, but you did.”

Instead I removed the company pass and only answered: “Try again.”

He scanned again and of course the pass was okay. In my mind I was laughing at him, loud.

I just hated the way he said: “What did you do, m’am?” implying I was the one trying to hack the system. And then they wonder why people tend to get aggressive with them.

Handle me with respect and I will do the same with you. Handle me like a little child and that’s probably what you’ll get.

In all the years I travelled with the public transport, I hardly ever encountered a friendly and respectful controller or driver; there were only a few. Most however, did ask to be beaten up or be treated without respect. I never gave in to the urge though.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009


Usually in a good mood, or at least not in a bad mood.
Picks up on new things quickly.
Is enjoyable to be around.
Can listen en sometimes even help.
Is good at thinking of quick fixes or permanent solutions for problems.
Is good in understanding someone elses situation.
Is spontaneous.
Is passionate about things and will defend if found necessary.

Is (too) direct.
Is blunt.
Doesn't let other people lift her mood.
Sometimes suffers from mood swings or a regular Bad-Morning-Mood.
Is lazy.
Daydreams a lot.
Doesn't like organized 'Be friendly and fun' with other people.
Is sometimes too passionate; doesn't know when to let go.

I'm round to re-identifying who I am. I think the above are my traits, good and bad. Later this week I'll come up with a list of my likes and dislikes.

Monday, November 23, 2009

One Storyteller Speaks

Sometimes I have the suspicioun Jason reads my blogs: Proof.

Thursday, November 19, 2009


My life has always been supported by my rich fantasy. When I was a little kid I had a fantasy friend called ‘Anders’ (‘Different’ in English). Since it’s been such a long time, I’m not sure why I called him Anders, maybe because he was different from the kids in my real life with whom I couldn’t get along very well. I think, though, the name sounded nice and beautiful to me when I named him.
I recall vaguely his (fantasized) presence, but not the things we did together, or the stories I made up to be his history. I do recall my mom being worried about it, and the doctor saying it was pretty normal for a girl my age. Both my mom and the doctor were convinced I would grow over it; I never did.

The memories of my childhood are pretty foggy. I remember mainly my moods or the way I felt in a certain situation. I do not recall all the characters I made up in my youth, but there are many. After Anders I didn’t constrain myself to only one character, but I started to make up complete communities. Some I was, some I wanted to be, and others were just cool friends or passerby’s. The only thing they got in common is the reason of their birth; my dreams for other situations than the one I was living in.

When I got into my teens, the birth of some of my characters changed. Their becoming, not the reason. The characters I made up from that point on where often based on existing persons, like the members of Take That or my first teenage crush. The stories I made up became more lively and exciting. But I was still wishing for and dreaming about. I still pictured the girl I wanted to be, not the girl I was.

Another remarkable trait was that all of my characters always were a little older than I was. I remember my main character being 16 while I was 13. She was one of the faces on a girl’s magazine and she looked like my cousin who must have been 16 at the time.
I remember a variety of characters passing by when I was 18 to 20 while all the characters were female and somewhere along the line of the age of 25.

I also started to make up (boy)friends who were, usually, all born in 1978. The one who stuck was Roy. I loved Roy very much. So much, that any guy called Roy was preferred over any other guy. Unfortunately, I had to cut Roy off, and he died in June 2006 of cancer. Roy had a boyfriend Noah (oh yeah, a lot of the guys are gay or at least bisexual). Noah is now one of my best friend and a steady force. He calms me when I’m feeling down, frustrated or plain mad. Another friend I made up is Maximilian. He’s such a sweety and a great friend. I love him to death. Max is a little younger than Noah; he was born in 1979 while Noah is born in the usual year of 1978.

Even today I’m still fantasizing, and still I’m fantasizing of what I want. This results in Noah and Max being my twin boys. Sometimes I picked the names, because I love the names, and sometimes I named them after my dear friends.

And sometimes you get inspired and they amaze and touch you in a way you never expected. Maybe it’s because I want them to, and maybe because they are really that damn talented. Or maybe they experienced and described situations and feelings I experienced; the things that speak to me. They end up in my fantasies as well. They become my friends, but we’re not best friends, cause I’m aware of the distance between us; be it a physical distance or psychological distance. It’s a different kind of friendship, one not quite existing.

I’m well aware they are my fantasy and stand apart from the public persons John Mayer and Jason Mraz who are celebrated in real life. I am aware the things I make them crave for or act like are possibly the opposite of the things they really crave for or act like. It’s my take on their reality; it’s my reality fantasy.
And then they say or do something which complements my story about them even better than I could ever make it up. It blows me away time after time. Many a time it lightened my mood, and sometimes I even wept. It always was mind blowing. Weird.

Whatever it is, or whatever brings my fantasized world together with their worlds of music, I love it and I will keep on fantasizing.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Live 4 Love Leaves

This blog got a stupid title, but it pretty much sums up the themes in my life.

I do remember (vaguely) blogging something about my adoption. Apparently, today is the day to elaborate about it.

Read to understand a bit of my inspiration for this blog the blog below:
jasonmraz blog: four leaves left

I was adopted when I was 2 months old. I was one of the lucky ones to get offered an easier life with way more oppertunities. And since I was only a baby not understanding what it meant, nor understanding it was happening, it were my biological mother and my adoption parents who grabbed that chance for me. I'm glad they did, cause I would never have been where I am now if I had not been given that chance, nor when the chance was grabbed for me. Therefore, I can't be anything else than incredibly grateful, which I absolutely am. I'm aware of this luck of having the oppertunity to live the way I want, and I'm always grateful for that. Even when I'm moody and being annoyed by people without any sense of social awareness.

I grew up in a loving family. I grew up learning the value of love and respect and total commitment. I can't say anything else than that was what I got. I am even grateful for my dad's illness (he was a MS patient), even though it sucked. It tought me to be grateful for the things I have and for the things I am able of doing. Even as of today, all I need is a roof over my head and food. All other stuff is a bonus. I even never turn on the heating; I'll wear an extra sweater. I'll be fine.

When I was about 12 or something, I found a four-leaf clover. I think I lost, but I kept a substitute with the picture of my parents. Two young people in the frame of light let through by the window they were standing in. It's beautiful. And even though I lost the four-leaf clover, it's still with me in my mind. I remember the miracle of finding it. I wasn't even looking for one. I was walking over a field; I just finished working (picking blueberries). I was walking to my bike to drive home when I looked down and saw the four-leaf clover. I couldn't believe my eyes. The leaf didn't present the superstition of luck, it represented my luck. It reminded me of how lucky I had been already and that I didn't even really need an extra charm of luck. I was born with luck.

For a few months I have been thinking of getting me a tattoo to forever remind myself of all the luck I always seem to have. I already found some designs and I have images in my head of how I want it. I should just go for it.

Okay, so this piece seems a little going everywhere. It wasn't really inspiration to write, rather to remember and feel. Still, I wanted to let the world know how lucky I feel and how grateful I am for it.

I was also born a sunday child.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

The Elitists

In the past I accused people of elitist’s behavior. I saw the slaughter of new members (newbies or noobs or even more popular: n00bs), because they didn’t live up to unwritten rules of speech and behavior. Easily the older members attacked them for not knowing nor living by those unwritten rules. It seemed unfair to me, which is was, so I fought my battle for the ones who didn’t dare to speak up, or were too weak to defend themselves. These days belong to my past.

First I joined the Dutch equivalent of that community and later I even quite visiting the American (official) community. With that, a new era started.

Now, about 2 years since I joined the Dutch community and about 6 months since I left the American community, I realized something.

The Dutch community, young and innocent and still searching for its identity at the end of 2007 when the forum was born, grew into its own. As of today we count 400 members and a shitload (there goes the classy tone of this blog) of posts.

We had some falling outs, though never as hard and tough as the ones on the American community (watch me dodging the term ‘official’). Still, we are a group of people, members if you will, with our own book of unwritten rules. We do measure new members to these rules and we won’t cut you any slack. As a matter of fact, if you don’t get through the tests, you won’t ever be a real part of us.

I consciously described it as harsh as I did. We’re actually quite a nice group of people with not that tight of rules as the ones on RKOP. Fact is, not everyone will feel right at home. Fact is also that we defend our unwritten rules whenever we see fit. We’re everything a normal, real life, European community would be; kind and welcoming, but judging and kind of liberal.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Fans vs Lovers

Today we had a discussion on the Dutch forum. One girl asked why we critized Jason all the time. That it seemed like we were no real fans. I was glad to see most people regarded our fandom of Jason the same way as I did; We're in it for the music. The girl couldn't understand how we don't like certain things of Jason or the things he does or says, or the music he chooses to play. She couldn't understand that it was possible to not like the person Jason Mraz, but like the music he puts out.

Than I realized I couldn't understand how you can dismiss music solely based on a person's personality. To me, those are two completely different things which have only remotely to do with each other. I even dare to say that the quality of the music has nothing to do with his personality. So why would I judge the music based on the person who created it? That's simply not fair.

I think she forgot that a lot of us know more of Jason than he has put out the last two years. A lot of us fell in love with him pre I'm Yours. I hate to draw that line, but it's that line where things started to change. Jason used to put out more serious stuff, heavier stuff. Stuff that took some time to dawn and find a place in your heart. A lot of that stuff still is my favourite Jason Mraz music. I love Jason for his honesty and his passion. Cause eventho his directions have changed, he still does everything with a passion and an honesty which is rare. I love that about him, not the direction he choose to take.

The direction he choose to take is simply not my direction, and sometimes I even wonder that is the direction he should have chosen. Sometimes he really annoys me. Sometimes I simply don't care. Truth is, he's not on the same path as I am anymore. I won't be the one telling him to do things in a different way, but I won't keep my mouth shut either. He's got the right to blog about whatever he wants to, and I've got the right to say my say about it; whether be it agreeing or disagreeing.

The music he chooses to play is another subject. Some of that music reflects his personal state of mind. I can put up with some of it, but only in a small quantity. I just don't understand why I have to like everything he does. I just don't understand why I just can't enjoy the songs I do like without having to think of which president he's supporting today. Wasn't music supposed to bring people closer anyway? Wasn't music the instrument to forget about the things that make us different and remind us what we have in common? What Jason and I have in common is that we both love certain music. Let us just enjoy that without limiting each other in thought and speech.

Credit where credit is due.

Thank you.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Persistendly Stupid

I just read Jason Mraz's latest blog: freshnessfactorfivethousand.

He's persistendly annoying me. The fact he decided it was time to preach to smokers to stop smoking didn't help.

I stopped smoking a few months ago, and to be honest, I've not been very happy. Never has smoking been much of a problem to me; I just simply didn't care. The only difference is; I quit smoking. The fact that I really don't care didn't change. So every time someone's smoking or talking about smoking, I feel like crying. I never had that during my smoking time. I've been thinking a lot of times; "Gimme a cigarette, cause I really don't care and I want to go for that little moment of self fooled relax time." I never asked for a cigarette and I never gave in when people around me where smoking. I've been dreaming about smoking quite often; I never had that before either. So, so far, life got a little suckier.

I'd like to react on a few things he blogged:

"I smoked for 10 years so I know how much fear and insecurity is wrapped up in it."

No fear, just curiosity. No insecurity, cause I know I don't really need it. I really did it for that little moment, no matter how hard it fucked me. I'll fuck myself anyway.

"I also know how scary it is when you think about quitting. You might think life is gonna suck, that you’ll gain weight, or be depressed. But the fact is, if you keep smoking, you will always be out of shape and depression will be more common."

The worst thing about it is; I probably won't get much refreshed energy back for it, cause I never had it. Not even before I started smoking.

"To not smoke means you care about what goes into your body, thus strengthening your level of consciousness."

Not true, cause in that case I would do more sporting. I'm most certainly not.

"The less toxins in your body means the less toxic thoughts you’re likely to have. Ignorance may be bliss, but it is also unattractive."

It doesn't make me happier and negative thoughts don't go away, cause they weren't really there (they are now tho; I've never been wanting more to hit people). And I never tried to be attractive, my personality is most likely gonna put you off anyway.

"It’s you who chooses boredom, to be awake or to relax."

I didn't choose boredom, I choose to spend some minutes with a cigarette instead of staring at my screen. I mean, it was really the same difference. You try working an office job. You wouldn't last a day.

I just want to forget about cigarettes, that would make life easier for me. I really don't need it, cause when I'm not reminded, I don't feel the need. I do feel the need, or fool myself I feel a need, when I see a cigarette.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Facts: Update on my Journy Through Life

And here's the moment you all have been waiting for (obviously to my 4 readers who might just as well have missed the previous update lists).

- A bit more than 2 1/5 years have passed and now I have 4 readers of which 2 notified my on the Dutch forum and 2 actually leave comments. I thank you very much.

- Like I always promised myself and others, I won't delete old posts. This leaves me just not mentioning RKOP nor MSM anymore. The last couple of months without have been a blessing, though I miss talking to certain people. (Most respect earned over the years: Emmy. Always respected and loved: Holly. Hilary, also respected; I hope to hear from you.)

- The new soundboxes (which are now about 2 years old) have an annoying blue light when turned on.

- DVD player / Mediaplayer and me are very close. Emile, thnx for the downloads of old shows; they rock, literally.

- Dennis Morris will be forever in my head when typing updates. And he is accompanied by Charlie Mingronie (Is that how you spell his last name?).

- During my holiday, I forgot about my blogspot and when I remembered, I was too lazy to post. Let's call it a lack of inspiration.

- Bathroom needs remodelling. The towel hangers have been discussed and will be replaced. When? We don't know.

- I got up around 8.00 am to Farmville and then went back to bed, cause 8.00 am hurt my head.

- There was no need to go to work today, but will go coming monday. And you guess it, it'll take me 1 hour to get there.


- I reviewed my passed two years using my review from a couple of years ago which I recycled as well...and...

- I'm wrote a completely new review. However, I used the old list to keep the tradition going. Because I needed to update the points and add some new ones.

- Jason Mraz is increasingly annoying me.

- My love for John Mayer is back in big volumes.

- RKOP and PORK are still worrying me. MSM does not worry me.






Monday, August 10, 2009

habits, addictions...what's in a name?

I made a mistake by posting on RKOP today. I choose to remove my post, but for the peace of me repost it here:

U2BELOVE, everybody on here thinks we need to enlighten each other, so don't take that personally.

I'm just here to jump on the bandwagon and add my own, special opinion on the case and then disappear again. No matter what or who Jason is; that was simply a shitty response. Sure, it's true no-one is always 100% cool and great, but it's no excuse to draw a curtain and shut someone out, but it is a good reason to forgive Jason for that, since he probably didn't mean to hurt anyone's feelings. As for missing out on meeting him? I'm sorry, but you gonna have to get over it. It's just not gonna happen that quick anymore and really, Jason might be a cool guy, but this world is loaded with cool guys; Jason is not the only one. Honestly, he's not more special than most guys, he just happens to have a very visible and audible talent. My boyfriend is freaking talented...in programming and connecting with people, but he not even half get all the attention Jason got. Just let Jason be; the idea of who Jason is, exists only in your head anyway.

You can now move on.

Will the drama ever stop? Meout.

I also dreamt I smoked....

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

John Mayer vs Jason Mraz

The updated comparison

The polls still pop up. Usually John wins, because he's the most famous and got the most fans. So, how would the results be if it was entirely up to me?

Points can be earned in 3 categories:
· Talents: Playing & Singing (1 point);
· Their Songs (2 points; each sub category 1 point):
- Musical;
- Lyrics;
· Personality & Publicity (2 points; each sub category 1 point):
- Personality;
- Publicity.

There's a total of 5 points to be earned. The one earning the most points out of 5 wins.

Playing & Singing
John Mayer is amazing on guitar, but tends to suck at singing. He tries and sometimes he surprises me, but usually not so much.

Jason Mraz is an amazing vocalist, but his guitar playing is not impressive. I usually got the feeling the guitar really only is a tool to back his vocals up, so he doesn't try too hard to evolve in that area.

Still, I have to reward 1 point to Jason, cause Jason's guitar playing is bearable where John's singing sometimes really isn't.

Jason 1 versus John 0.

Their Songs
John Mayer is more developed in a greater variety of sounds. He also tends to be edgier, but usually it only lasts for a few songs per period. He has written a few songs which are incredibly good in quality; I dare to say these are timeless. Unfortunately, he also writes quite a few songs which disappear easily.

Jason Mraz tries on a great variety of musical styles, but tends to get stuck at the simple (sounding) love songs and happy tunes. Especially a lot of his new songs sound alike. Jason can be a really fun songwriter and takes you to a party, but the songs don't last. Sometimes he's edgy, but usually the edginess of it is superficial and underneath lies another happy (love) tune.

I have to chose quality over quantity; John gets this point.

Jason 1 versus John 1.

John wrote some of my all time favourite lyrics; really clever ones in which just anyone could find something they understand and love.

Jason wrote some clever lyrics. The difference lies in where the lyrics are clever; where John writes stuff anyone can relate too, Jason can describe one situation in 100 different ways, making it sound poetic. He even manages to give double meanings to sentences or make seemingly meaningless sentences mean something really grand.

Still I'm going to have to give John the point, because I find myself relating more to his lyrics than to Jason's. Tough choice though, because I really admire the way Jason can play tricks with words and make his message come across.

Jason 1 versus John 2.

Personality and Publicity
John Mayer dated Jennifer Love Hewitt, Jessica Simpson and Jennifer Aniston; all ladies in brighter spotlights than he is. His tendency to date those women gives the suspicion he dates them for the benefit of his career; for the attention. Obviously, that's a big No-No.
John is able to deal with the press well, but regularly fails, because the press takes the liberty to misunderstand. I'm pretty sure John hates certain aspects of the image the press made of him.

Jason Mraz hardly is in the publicity. Whenever he is, it's because he released an album, a single or a book of pictures, or he gives a concert. There's no news, not even gossip about who his new love interest might be. He's only seen in briefs and with a big ass knife, because he posted it himself on his blog. So tongue in cheek, it was obvious this was worth a buzz, not a rumour. Jason handles everything he puts out into the open, and especially to the press, so well and smart, there's nothing that could be turned and twisted into a rumour. Jason already took the edge off for you or handed it to you edgier than you can pass it on to anyone else.

Obviously, one point to Jason for knowing how to deal with people and especially with the press.

Jason 2 versus John 2.

John is a weird guy with a wicked kind of sense of humour. He's often misunderstood, because he tends to express himself a little too strong or chooses the wrong words. John is an attention seeking guy, somehow. Even though he makes a lot of social mistakes, he's not dumb; on the contrary, I believe he's actually pretty smart. John understands his own choices and he's aware of his social awkwardness. John doesn't follow without understanding, but thinks for himself.

Jason is a bit of a follower; he's an eternal victim of fashion. But because he is, he understands completely why people do certain things and what they're trying to do, and he's smart enough to tap in on it. Beside that, Jason is very passionate about his latest choice of fashion and other people see and feel that and want to feel the same way as Jason does. Even though I hate how he follows without completely understanding, I love how passionate he is about it and how he brings that passion on to others even though it leads others into doing stupid things. His not completely understanding, however, is a big No-No.

Half a point to John Mayer for being nothing but himself and the other half to Jason Mraz for inspiring people to do the right things and being passionate about it.

Jason 2 1/2 versus John 2 1/2.

So, who wins?
I don't know.

In my opinion, neither is better than the other. They both got their talents and use them well. They both got their personality issues, but who doesn't? I love them both for doing what they do in their own way. I love how they believe in their ways and how passionate they are about it. And of course, I love their music; I am a fan after all.

Half of My Heart, but Hopelessly Devoted

So far, with any of my celebrity crushes, I was always hopelessly devoted to my crush (or crushes). The kind of love one feels, for someone you really don't know, is baffling. In fact, I'm only in love with the image, the character I created in my head who bears the same name as my celebrity crush. I am quick to note that anything I think and say about my idol is based on what I read, what I heard, what I experienced on a very superficial level and the way I put all that information together. The person I see as, for instance Jason Mraz, is not the actual person the way he developed, acts and is in real life. I am very aware of that.

It's a bit of a scary thing to say I'm totally and hopelessly devoted to an illusion. He's not completely an illusion; he lives for real, he puts music out for real and I've been to several of his concerts for real. What is an illusion are the specific characteristics I connect to him. He's probably got some of those characteristics, but some others he does not have. Overall, the complete collection of characteristics that I have in my head and labeled Jason Mraz is probably not the collection that define the real Jason Mraz.

Do I care? No, not really. You can't possibly know every little detail of one person; not even your own partner, or child. I am aware I probably know nothing about Jason Mraz, and the small things I think I know, might be very wrong, or changed, or whatever. It's not really the case of loving someone who's not close, who's far from being a personal friend or even knowing anything about that person. It's all about the love for the things he brings to the table of which I am (kind of) sure; his music. All I know is that when I listen his music, I am usually at ease and enjoying the words and melodies he put together and brings to my ears.

John Mayer once/often (select whatever applies) said he needed 30 minutes to bring people back to a place where they thought they knew nothing about him, before he could tell them who and what he really is. He is right; a lot of people, especially fans, claim they know their idol. They don't. Whatever they know are the superstitions in their heads and the rumours they read on Perez.com or ONTD. They might have guessed a few characterizations right, but only a few characterizations don't make a person (it would make a very boring person however). There's so much to have missed; it should keep us guessing.

So what's that relationship between an idol and his fan? What's more interesting; What's that relationship between a fan and her idol? (Note the subtle usage of he/she.)

It's in the melodies the idol brings, and also in the words. I can only really explain it with one of John Mayer new songs. Read the lyrics (and listen the song) and you'll know what I'm about. And with this, I take the liberty of assuming, you'll understand why this song caught my heart so bad and made me love John.


I was born in the arms of imaginary friends
free to roam, made a home out of everywhere I've been
then you come crashing in, like the realest thing
trying my best to understand all that your love can bring

oh half of my heart's got a grip on the situation
half of my heart takes time
half of my heart's got a right mind to tell you
that I can't keep loving you
oh, with half of my heart

I was made to believe I’d never love somebody else
I made a plan, stay the man who can only love himself
lonely was the song I sang, 'til the day you came
showing me a better way and all that my love can bring

oh half of my heart's got a grip on the situation
half of my heart takes time
half of my heart's got a right mind to tell you
that I can't keep loving you
oh, with half of my heart
with half of my heart

your faith is strong
but I can only fall short for so long
time will hold, later on
you will hate that I never gave more to you than half of my heart
but I can't stop loving you
but I can't stop loving you
but I can't stop loving you with half of my...

half of my heart (2 times)

half of my heart's got a real good imagination
half of my heart's got you
half of my heart's got a right mind to tell you
that half of my heart won't do

half of my heart is a shock on a wedding to a bride with a paper ring
and half of my heart is the part of a man who's never really loved anything

half of my heart (6 times)


Thursday, July 30, 2009

Answers from A-Z to Mr. Azzzz

Comments to the Home Game:

"Feelings like disappointment, embarrassment, irritation, anger, jealousy, and fear; instead of being bad news, are actually very clear moments that teach us where it is that we are holding back…"

So there's my invitation. But since I usually don't feel like commenting on his blogs filled with not-thought-through wisdoms, I'm going to post somewhere for everyone to read, but you probably won't.

"How would you feel if I waltzed into TGIFriday's where you worked and suggested you not wear all that flair and promotion? I wish you would just serve the shitty franchised food and not have an opinion. Save the political commentary for Ruby Tuesdays. In here it's Friday.

Fuck you. I'm voting. It's my right."

How I would feel? Frankly, I wouldn't give a damn, because you're one of the many idiot customers I have to deal with. I've seen worse and I would only wonder what crawled up your butt. Oh, guess what! I did work in a supermarket wearing all that flair and promotion. I did it for the money and if I could choose, I would take the uniform off.

As for the opinion: Behind the counter, I really didn't have an opinion, because that was not my job. I was there to serve people and I tried to do that as best I could. I have sent many people off with their grocery shoppings and without them knowing any of my opinions. If someone would ask, I would tell them. If someone would yell at me because they suspect I have an opinion, I would just shrug.

And finally, I would like to end with saying you were immature in replying the way you did; you could have handled that way better.

Comments to the People Have Spoken:

"To me, it should make no difference whether or not I use my celebrity to promote voting or to shout from the rooftops how I (and you) should contribute to Barack Obama's unique online campaign. I'm just an eager citizen and I trust you are too in some fashion."

That's where you go wrong. You make it sound like we have to vote Obama, because you said so. Don't I have the right to have a sincere and true hearted opinion?

"The stolen user quote wasn't affiliated with any party, but was a good idea to post to create this dialog among us, which is exactly what we're supposed to be doing prior to an election. It was not my intention to bring shame to that person, their family, or their co-workers at Friday's."

See, you didn't start a dialog, you started a contest of name calling without any thoughtful structure. And even if a dialog was started, it was not about Obama's campaign nor was it politically involved, but it was about if she or you were out of line. So for as far as I have seen, no political discussion was made based on your Home Game blog.

"Everyone on these social networking sites has access to the world and can say just the same as I and have as heavy or heavier an impact. I hope rather than use the Internet as a tool to condemn each other from the privacy of our soiled underwear, that we all understand how we're free to use this medium for the better, for change, or for triumphant evolution. The way R. Kelly does."

Yes, but that doesn't mean you can be mean to someone because that someone said something you didn't like. She never said you didn't have the right to vote. She only posted her opinion. Maybe not very subtle and maybe she should not have done that, but it never gave you the right to quote her comment so anyone could trace, spam and make her life miserable. It was just not worth it and you sure as hell didn't show any class.

"And for those of you who identify too strongly with words, it's time to turn off the computer and go outside and lick the first living thing you see. (Tree frogs are recommended.)"

Hun, you were the one who started with identifying too strongly with words.

So tell me, how do you justify your outburst while you like to be known as someone who preaches Positivity and Gratitude?

So here's for you:

"Feelings like disappointment, embarrassment, irritation, anger, jealousy, and fear; instead of being bad news, are actually very clear moments that teach us where it is that we are holding back…"

These two blogs have been removed shortly after they were posted and discussed.

13 Minutes Rant - Office Life

Office life is a lifestyle. It's usually us typing away on sticky, questionably clean keyboards and with coffee stains on the desk and papers shattered all over it. It's us bending down over papers with eyes nearly popping out trying to make sense of formal sentences too long to comprehend. It's wise cracks on the lowest level and laughing like your life depends on it. Any time, anyone could become your saviour, so laugh, even when it's really not that funny.

Don't you think it's strange you seem to spend almost equally as much time with your co-workers as you do with your life partner? You know them almost just as well; you know how to push their buttons and they know how to push yours. They interrupt when you're writing your 13 minutes rant, or when you're doing some actual working. They whine and complain just as much as your boy/girlfriend does.

People make livings, but they also make lives. They can make a person, but they can also break a person. And since it's your job, that's a sensitive little game we're playing. I love how we realize it and keep it in the back of our minds. I, for example, signed up for a communication course, so I learn how to play the game even better. It's all about acting; the way we appear to each other and the things we do to each other. It's all about how we appear and do it, even more than what. It's incredible what a difference it can make. It can help you finish your project with success, but it can also make your project fail. It's most always us and sometimes external situations.

We can make positive energy and we can practise it. We can make luck work for us, and affect others, our co-workers with it. And so we are back at t he subject of positivity. I just happened to have discussed this with a co-worker and we had to acknowledge, it works in most situations, even in the office. No, especially in the office. We concluded by saying; a good leader manages to motivate his employees with a bit of criticism and a whole lot of positivity.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Question of the Day

Question of the Day

Do all Asian people chew their puddings, yohgurts and ice creams?

Monday, July 20, 2009

13 Minutes Rant: How Practising Gratitude leads to Green Handling

With Mr.AZ and the rest of the world being all consumed in the green gratitude thoughts, I suppose I can’t really ignore what keeps our minds busy these days.

Being grateful sounds like a simple thing. Of course I started to wonder about if we really should be grateful for certain things, like being alive. Are we really supposed to be grateful to be alive? The way I look at it, I can’t find a good reason to be grateful to be alive. Since I don’t remember anything about me being not alive, and since I don’t remember it hurting or uncomfortable to be not alive. I wonder if that really is what I should be grateful for.

See, I’m sure of two things: 1) I got born once, apparently a painful and traumatizing experience and 2) I will die one day, apparently that could be another painful and traumatizing experience. Before 1 and after 2 I’m not existing, and therefore there is no me who is in pain or being uncomfortable. Therefore, I am not as much grateful for being alive, but rather for the painless, interesting and helpful way my life is being experienced. I am only one cog in the wheel of life of Mother Nature. Quite a responsibility.

I am grateful for my upbringing; My parents teaching me how I can be a positive addition to life on planet earth and how to make the best of it for me and all other living things around me. It is my responsibility to respect life and treat all I’m given by earth, which is pretty much everything, with the same respect. And I am grateful for everything I get as an extra from earth in return for my respectful handling. (I’m not saying I’m a saint, cause I’m obviously not.)

This is what ‘Practising Gratitude’ is all about to me. If I do it right, I am grateful and green in one go. If I do it right, I lived my life the way all life was supposed to be. And now I am worried about the last judgement before I go out.


Friday, July 17, 2009

13 minutes rant blog

Lately, I've been suffering from sleepless nights. It's so warm everywhere, it's so damp everywhere, no matter what you do, you end up feeling sticky and gross. It keeps me from sleeping. For some reason it makes me want to roll around in my bed and stretch and flex my muscles all the time, which results in more friction and heat. Yuck! And when I do fall asleep, I tend to wake up to musquito stings around 4 am, slapping and scratching away. I'm not sleepy enough to fall asleep right away after the slapping, scratching and hiding, but I'm not awake and fresh enough to get up and start the day early. Result is me waking up late and arriving at work late. Yuck!

As of now, I'm still sweating a swimmingpool. I'm wishing to be home on my couch, out of the sun, not moving too much. Just leave me alone. You don't want to be too near to me anyway, cause I smell like stickyness and too much sun. When I get home this evening, I'll have diner and then die in front of the tv or on my bed with the music on. Hopefully, in the meantime the skies will clear and/or drop some rain to cool things down. That would be cool.

This is my 13 minutes rant. I have 4 minutes left before having to get back to working and join in a meeting. It's a good thing I signed up for it, but the though of the dampness inside the square makes me gasp for air already.
Three minutes left. I've got a printed version before me, though it's the old version. That's okay, I'm just not willing to sacrifice another tree or man to the sun. That's not my style.
1 minute and time to post.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Filosofatie over 'Persoonlijkheid'

Definitie van Dale:
Per.soon.lijk.heid de; -heden 1 v datgene wat een persoon karakteriseert: weinig ~ hebben een weinig uitgesproken karakter 2 m,v iem met veel persoonlijkheid

Is het hebben van een persoonlijkheid een mythe?

Als we de bovenstaande definitie bekijken bestaat een persoonlijkheid uit een set van karakteristieken van een bepaalde persoon. Als we ervan uitgaan dat deze karakteristieken tijdens het leven aan ontwikkeling doen, dan zou je kunnen zeggen dat een persoonlijkheid een mythe is. Maar dan nog, bestaan er geen karakteristieken die niet doorontwikkelen maar zijn en blijven zoals ze waren toen het persoon geboren werd? Dat is wat ik wel geloof.

Ik wil graag mezelf als voorbeeld nemen. Ik ben van herkomst Indonesisch; ik ben geboren in Indonesië, maar opgegroeid in Nederland bij een Nederlands gezin. Tijdens mijn jeugd heb ik typische Nederlandse trekjes opgepikt wat maakt dat mijn gedrag voornamelijk als Westers betiteld kan worden. Toch bezit ik nog steeds typische Indonesische/Aziatische trekjes. Dit werd mij onlangs duidelijk toen ik opeens Aziatische vrienden kreeg.

Ik ben opgegroeid in een klein dorpje in Midden-Limburg. In het dorp was ik destijds het enige geadopteerde Indonesische kind. Ik groeide op te midden van allemaal Nederlandse kinderen. Aziatische vrienden had ik niet.

Twee jaar geleden ben ik verhuisd naar de ‘grote’ stad, Amsterdam. Ik werd opeens geconfronteerd met een stuk kleurrijkere cultuur, of liever gezegd verschillende culturen naast de Nederlandse cultuur. Amsterdam is een smeltkroes van culturen en dit dringt vanzelf door in het leven en het werk van de mensen uit deze streek. Zo kwam ik ook in contact met twee (half-)Aziatische mensen. Het contact ging al snel over in vriendschap en ik merkte op dat het me een stuk minder energie koste om met hen te communiceren; op een bepaald niveau denken en leven we hetzelfde wat resulteert in dezelfde smaken, ideeën en daaruit vloeiende standpunten en keuzes. Niks aangeleerd, niks invloed van de maatschappij waarin wij leven. Maar karaktertrekken die aangeboren zijn.

Hieruit concludeer ik dat je persoonlijkheid niet alleen een stuk maatschappijgebonden is en dus ook in ontwikkeling, maar ook een stuk biologisch en maar moeilijk ombuigbaar.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Facts: Lost in transcription

• The passed two years haven't helped me to readers who leave me comments telling me they at least read my blog. That's okay, tho it hurts... editions in red...I had three, but I think I lost one. I also forgot how to color text.
• My computer is not ready to log on to the rkop-chatbox...still not after two years, but who cares..I don't at least...I left RKOP
• My computer is finally accompanied by a new screen....still...still...still
• The new sound boxes I bought...SUCK! With a Capital SUCK and an exclamation mark...still do...still do, but I bought new ones which make me happy...:D
• I don't know yet how to handle my new DVD-player, but it was nice to see all that old Mraz stuff again...still not...bought new one and first couldn't figure out how it worked, but got it working now...We are close now
• Now I remember Dennis Morris' name again. It's Dennis Morris....it's nice to have a notepad...and to remind myself again...I won't ever forget ever again
• I forgot about my new blogspot all together....Yup, again! And again...Not really, was just lazy
• We finally attached the towel hangers to the wall; one and a half in the kitchen and four in the bathroom...and two already came off...and the two in the kitchen have been taken off to make our new cooking thing installed...one in the bathroom keeps falling off; it's annoying
• I was up at 7.00 am this morning....I could have been....Not so much
• It took me almost 1 hour to get to work....true story, life doesn't improve there...no change there
• I reviewed my passed two years using my review from a couple of years ago which I recycled as well...still the same list
• I'm too lazy to write a completely new review...I thought it would be funny to use this list again...I thought I should keep this tradition

And that's how you create a second post in one day. True story.


Generation >140c

Just like most of my colleague late twentiers, I am aware of the speed of time. Where the electronic development ran late with our needs a decade ago, it's now us having trouble to catch up. The latest electronic hype is Twitter. I am completely in the dark about how to use Twitter to its full advantage. Apparently, Twitter has umpteenth handy functionalities of which I found one, which is the most important one; sending messages into the world. I don't find it handy though, cause usually whatever I have to say runs on for more than 140 characters. This very blog is a good example; the intro alone has more than 140 characters, and I'm not even close to the end of my rant.

Another thing I miss is the functionality to order and archive messages send to me. On Twitter you follow and get followed (could there be a more stalkerish concept?). You see messages of all people you signed up to follow. All messages collect in one long string on your screen. There's no order to it, there is no saving to it and most messages are so incredible random and pointless, it could easily be left unsaid (untyped) in the first place. Also, the limitation of 140 characters often results in unreadable (to me) messages, because your victim is trying to cramp to many words into a too small window. And replies to messages make no sense to me, because I forgot the initial message, because I had to read through 20 other useless messages before I got to the reply.

And why exactly would you set up a tool just to primarly update people what you're doing? You could also do that on msn, or other regular chat tools and there the conversation flows, which it doesn't on Twitter. Or you can do it on a forum, and you can actually search back easy what the hell you have said. Just even if you really do use it the way it was primarly intended, you would need the whole day only to Twitter, because people are known to do several things in one day. First of, I don't think my friends are interested in when I'm traveling to work or taking a pee break. And second, a lot of my activities most of my followers don't need to know about.

You can connect other devices like mobile phones to Twitter so you can tweet from your phone. Hello phone bill! Hello people who really don't need to know my phone number and use it for advertisements I didn't ask for. Like I said before, you don't need to know what I'm doing any minute of the day. You can also hook Twitter up to facebook and other networking sites. This way even more people can stalk you.

Just a question back: Since when is it a good idea to vent your whole life to the public; the ones you know and the ones you don't know and never even met. I like to keep certain things a secret and other things private. If I need you to know something, I'll phone you or I'll e-mail you. And for those who are interested in more; Welcome to my blog. If phone and internet are out of service, I'll write you a letter. If you hear nothing from me for months, I'm probably just doing fine minding my own business.

This is a short blog, but try twittering it.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Spirits are UP!

It's been at least 3 years since I indulged myself in planet Mraz. A lot of things happened, on planet Mraz and in my personal life. I never really had the pleasure to say I grew up with an artist. I kind of came of age with Take That, but that only lasted from age 11 to age 14. That doesn't hold that much beef; I was just a kid at the start and still just a kid at the end. Take That was my first entertainment crush, and maybe, according to my mom, the most intense crush. After Take That I wandered around a little. I went from Acda & de Munnik (Dutch artists) to Queen (love of my life) to Monty Python, Kiefer Sutherland and Jude Cole. Except Queen, those were all just small crushes. Then a new era started with John Mayer and then finally to Jason. Yes, I said Queen is the love of my life. I can always go back to Queen and get excited all over again from time to time. The difference between my Queen love and Jason love is, during my Jason love I did some significant growing up. I think I can even say I did the growing up while Jason was doing some significant growing up. Queen was already out of exsistence when my love for Queen started. Therefore, I feel more sentimental with Jason's music than I do with Queen's.

We don't grow in the same direction, but we both did grow some wiser. It's a love/hate relationship. Sometimes intense, sometimes hardly exsisting. Even though we don't agree most of the times, he does inspire me to write or think and then write about stuff. He frustrates me or he lifts and cheers me up. Together we have some dynamic kind of relationship all exsisting in a non-exsisting way. I don't think he's even aware of our relationship, but he is some way or another. Not with my face and name to it. Well, maybe with my name to it, but I doubt that. He is aware of it in a professional kind of way. He knows I exsist in the way of seeing me when I stand in front of him asking for his autograph (that happened only once). He knows it when I buy his music or attend one of his shows. I'm a blend of faces and voices to him; one of the many. I don't care, I wouldn't want it any other way. Whatever we have won't ever survive as a full fletched relationship in voice and touch, face to face. We are two completely different characters. We will acknowledge, accept and respect each other, but we won't agree and bond. We would probably keep the idol-fan relationship and leave it at that. That's a good kind of relationship. Let's high five to that.

It's so much easier without the rest of his army behind him. There are no translaters or analysts of his words and lifestyle explaining it differently than he meant to say. There are no defenders defending something that needs no defence. There are no blind souls righting his wrongs. There's only my opinion and interpretation of his words. There are only his words and songs. Without them, we can do with our relationship whatever we want to do, without anyone dictating what to do. We know best and we do it fucking well! And we both know we are responsible for how we feed this relationship. When something goes wrong, it's our fault and no one elses. And I think we can look each other straight in the eye and say "I love you".

Jason, see u thursday. Let's have a party!

Monday, June 15, 2009

No More

It's a little hard to keep it up. After three years of fighting I'm getting worn out. When did it stop being about the music?

One thing I have to agree on: There's no way winning this fight.

ETA: I just missed a trend. I shall now retreat and let them have it.

John Mayer: MSM vs. Anti-Local-83
Jason Mraz: RKOP vs. PORK

Monday, June 8, 2009

RKOP vs PORK vs Me

This Needs a Blog Today

I've got an actual invite to join PORK!!! Me, the anti-RKOP-er and refuser to suck up and lick JTM's ass or kiss his feet for that matter. Yes, those are all valid features to join the club of the Official anti-RKOP. Still, I don't belong there. I would kick their ass as hard as I would RKOP's. Apparently, they don't realize I find them just as ridiculous as RKOP. My eyes are watering of laughter when thinking I am the one to get an invitation from them. It's like being invited to join RKOP's Weets. I'm a bitch all right, but I'm NOT a Weet.

What would I add. I would add honesty. I would laugh at their comments on RKOP while I tell the RKOP-ers to go fuck themselves, or the other way around. I would point out where they're not right, unfair, narrow minded and should shut up; pretty much like on RKOP. I would tell them how ridiculous they are, and with them me, for being a member of a group that solely exsists to shoot another community.

This was the private message I found in my yuku inbox:

"Hi Wiwik, Just a quick question. Why do you think you do not belong in PORK? I
think you do. Greg"

Well Greg, I think I don't belong in PORK, because...

1) I think creating a community only to talk bad about another community is ridiculous.

2) I don't agree on all of PORK's ideas, statements and opinions.

3) PORK is just as ridiculous as RKOP itself.

4) I don't feel the need.

But sure I'll join, just to tell you off.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Get Real!

These days everybody seems preoccupied with being 'Green' and being 'Healthy' and being 'Green & Healthy'. It seems weird we're only coming around since a few years back, after hearing we're becoming fat and lazy and our little planet is not keeping up.

Like so many trends, these two are hyped up and out. I can see the good of it. Unfortunately, people are following the media like meek sheep not quite understanding what they're committing to and if all the work they put into it will actually pay off. See, that's the problem.

Being 'Green' only works when you put your heart & soul and brains into it. A simple example is the hybrid. I bet more than half of the Green-population doesn't realize what it takes to create a battery powerful enough to make a car run (for about 1 mile per hour). And they don't realize how much it will take Mother Nature to break it down after we're done using it. It's not like it's going to dissolve all by itself.

Think of all the things you do, and all the stuff you use. Think of how much it takes of Mother Nature to get your food to you, or the clothes you're wearing. We start off with planting seeds in a high powered, pollution heavy machine. Then we spray some chemicals over the plants to kill bugs. Next we grow the plants by watering them with high powered, pollution heavy watering systems. Then we spray them some more. And so on, and so on. Before it gets to you, your product caused some (serious) damage already. For the food you can go Bio, but have you ever heard of Bio clothing? I did: http://blendapparel.com/

Mother Nature also puts out loads of crap. Think of all the volcanoes. The volcanoes spit out more CO2 than we can in our little cars. Think of where your product comes from; the earth. All the stuff you use came from the earth somehow; even when it's created in a chemical process. It was already there; where else did we take it from? We just helped getting it out in the open air faster. Too fast for Mother Nature to clean up behind us.

Being 'Healthy' only works when you put your heart & soul and brains into it. Let's take the raw food followers. These people only eat products which are not cooked at all, or heated to only a certain temperature. This means, they won't be able to eat meat. They claim: "Eating meat isn't healthy." That's not true; eating too much meat isn't healthy. But that goes for everything. Eating too much fruit, vegetables and nuts and seeds won't help you either. All those natural ingredients provide us, human beings, all kind of proteins, vitamins and minerals, and what more, we need. A healthy diet contains out of a mix of all above mentioned and all taken with moderation. Not the food is our enemy, the way we prepare it or how much we eat, is the enemy.

What I find striking is how raw food people tell new followers to go take pills for extra vitamins and all the stuff they're missing out. Then I think, just eat normal and you don't need to take those pills. Another striking example is some scientist who claims the human brains started to grow and develop when they started to cook (meat). Because of the meat, our brains could grow and develop the way it did and we gained a whole new set of abilities. Another striking example is a mother who let her child only eat raw food. Because of that, the poor kid got behind on the growing schedule.

This new trend already has its victims. Ever heard of Orthorexia Nervosa? Read about it here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Orthorexia_nervosa

The problem is not that we should do something about all the crap we’re putting out into the world or putting into our mouths. The problem is that people only know half the facts. I wish people get more educated before they decide to commit themselves to some of kind group to save the world or our fat children and call everybody out for not doing the way they would do it.

Get a life! Please!!!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

JM JM Reply

And as for the Best Male Pop Vocal Awesomeness, I’d like to acknowledge John Mayer for being so generous with his gifts in music, but also for being so outspoken regarding his admiration for I’m Yours. I am blessed just to participate in music, but even more blessed to do so at a time when the music community is so loving and encouraging. Thank you John. It is a great honor to be recognized by one’s peers. You deserve every bit of acclaim that’s out there. Hope to see you and your giant heart on the road again soon.

Jason is right. And I'm lucky to witness this. And you...

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


I think Jason Mraz wrote, recorded and SANG one of the best songs of 2008, and I hope this makes it back to him...

Isn't he a peach? Makes you wanna pinch his cheek, wouldn't you?

I probably already said it profusely, but I both love John and Jason. I got to know about them at about the same time, and I've been to concerts of both. I'm also still regretting not going to Hard Rock Calling in London, last year. John right after Jason. Ah well, I'd probably pass out anyway.

This blog, cause I only wanted to say 'Makes you wanna pinch his cheeck, wouldn't you?'.

And because I safe every piece 'n bit that's even only remotely about both. It's like having them together in one room. John playing the guitar and Jason doing the vocals for a song they might have written together...

Oh c'mon! Let a girl dream!

Monday, February 9, 2009

Once More, We're Talking Fruits Here!!!

I've been grinning all day from the moment I published my post up until now and I think I'm not done grinning yet.

Keywords are: suits, Grammy's, JM and JM, Say, I'm Yours.

Maybe I can tell someone to say 'Say I'm Yours'. I think I'm gonna try that one on my boyfriend tonight.

Anyway, the loss/win leaves me less baffled than expected. The weird comparisons amuses me this time. That brings me back to a short article I once found online. This should be registered for eternity:

Are John Mayer and Jason Mraz the same person?
Okay, so it's likely that John Mayer and Jason Mraz are not the same person, I know that. I also know I am not the first person to point out the similarities between the two. However, after checking out Jason Mraz Monday night at the Paramount I see now why the comparisons are made.

The words that made me laugh: .

...so it's likely that John Mayer and Jason Mraz are not the same person.

Buahahaha: As if there's any doubt.


However, after checking out Jason Mraz Monday night at the Paramount I see now
why the comparisons are made.

I bet most people have no clue why they compare the two. But this might be right on the money.

That article was the most inventive of all the comparisons, and probably the most true. Still, I feel it's like comparing apples to oranges. Let's just say 'It's a Fruit'.

Note to self: Stop reading your own blog!!!




Look at the Suits

Great suits!

Tho J, what's up with your hair and the shoes?

Grammy for Rant

I'm a little bit bummed out.

Last night the Grammy's were given out. Jason was nominated in two categories; Best Song of the Year and Best Male Pop Vocal Performance. He didn't win any. That's okay really.

What is not so okay is; John Mayer won the one for Best Male Pop Vocal Performance. That is total bullshit, because he can't even nearly sing as well as Jason. Besides that, it was for the song Say. Jason was nominated with I'm Yours. Neither of the songs are great treasures of the pop music world, but in my book, I'm Yours stands one place higher than Say. Say says nothing. At least it says nothing new we never have thought of ourselves. Jason has a song about the same freakin' subject, and I dare to bet many more artists do.

John Mayer won, because he's John Mayer, and Jason obviously isn't. And here the ridiculous comparison of the two comes in play. (I'm annoyed! Can you tell?) John is so much more commercial than Jason is. He sells his records, where Jason plays the songs from his records. John dazzles people for the sake of dazzling them, where Jason dazzles people, because he almost literally plays and sings his heart out. With that I don't say John doesn't like to play music; he loves it, but the third factor 'attention' is more important to John than it is to Jason. John does and tries more to get that attention to a point where the attention has nothing to do with his music anymore. Think of all the public relationships he has had in the last couple of years (Jessica Simpson, Jennifer Aniston). While John is doing that, Jason is eating raw food (That's another way of getting attention. Not better, but just as effective. And I digress). Apparently, eating raw food isn't as sexy as dating a famous blonde (and a raw food diet don't sell a glossy).

My point is, the Grammy's have nothing to do with the quality of music, but rather with how much money one artist can bring in with his work. Not even with that particular song, cause Jason's I'm Yours is still somewhere high up in the charts where John's Say has disappeared altogether.

I mean: 'Say what you need to say'. Okay, but do you really need to say that 35 times at a time? I think I'd rather hear that someone's mine 35 times, eventhough that would make me wanna slap someone as well.

Conclusion: A Grammy winning artist is not per se a good artist.

And last but not least, I'd like to show how sophisticated the two songs were:

Take out of your wasted honor
Every little past frustration
Take all your so called problems

Say what you need to say
Say what you need to say
Say what you need to say
Say what you need to say

Say what you need to say
Say what you need to say
Say what you need to say
Say what you need to say

Walkin' like a one man army
Figthin' with the shadows in your head
Livin' up the same old moment
Knowin' you'd be better off instead
If you could only

Say what you need to say
Say what you need to say
Say what you need to say
Say what you need to say

Say what you need to say
Say what you need to say
Say what you need to say
Say what you need to say

Have no fear for givin' in
Have no fear for givin' over
You better know that in the end
It's better to say too much
Than to never to say what you need to say again

Even if your hands are shakin'
And your faith is broken
Even as the eyes are closin'
Do it with a heart wide openA wide heart

Say what you need to say
Say what you need to say
Say what you need to say
Say what you need to say

Say what you need to say
Say what you need to say
Say what you need to say
Say what you need to say

Say what you need to say
Say what you need to say
Say what you need to say
Say what you need to say

Say what you need to say
Say what you need to say
Say what you need to say
Say what you need to say

Say what you need to say
Say what you need to say
Say what you need to say
Say what you need to say

Oh my dear gawd!!!I had to type out the lyrics, because I couldn't just simply copy/paste it. I was very effectively confronted with the overload of Say what you need to say's.


I'm Yours
Well you done done done me and you bet I felt it
I tried to be chill but you're so hot that I melted
I fell right through the cracks
Now I'm trying to get back
Before the cool done run out I'll be giving it my bestest
And nothing's going to stop me but divine intervention
I reckon it's again my turn to win some or learn some

I won't hesitate no more, no more
It cannot wait, I'm yours

Well open up your mind and see like me
Open up your plans and damn you're free
Look into your heart and you'll find love love love love
Listen to the music of the moment babay sing with me
We're just one big family
And It's our God-forsaken right to be loved love loved love loved

So I won't hesitate no more, no more
It cannot wait I'm sure
There's no need to complicate
Our time is short
This is our fate, I'm yours

Scooch on over closer dear
And I will nibble your ear

I've been spending way too long checking my tongue in the mirror
And bending over backwards just to try to see it clearer
But my breath fogged up the glass
And so I drew a new face and laughed
I guess what I'm be saying is there ain't no better reason
To rid yourself of vanity and just go with the seasons
It's what we aim to do
Our name is our virtue

But I won't hesitate no more, no more
It cannot wait I'm yours
Well open up your mind and see like me
Open up your plans and damn you're free
Look into your heart and you'll find that the sky is yours
Please don't, please don't, please don't
There's no need to complicate
Cause our time is short
This oh this this is out fate, I'm yours!

Oh my dear gawd!!!

I must admit, I'm fan of both John and Jason and knew both songs and sing-a-song-along happily, but I never thought of what I was singing. Do I now feel smart, or what!?

....Hear my gritting teeth in embarrassment....

John had this to say on twitter:

Best Pop Male Vocal!! I wanna share it with Mraz. His is a really special performance. Hands are shaking, about to play some R and B!!

I think they should, because that will make me (and about a thousands more people) happier, and they so deserve it.

Fair enough, I already knew the Grammy's are bullshit and that both John and Jason are capable of producing high quality music.

There, I said what I needed to say.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Contra Blog

You can heal your bones. You can't make your heart beat, but you can make it beat faster (don't do that too often). You can think of making your food digest. You can make a kid tick, but you can kill its own initiative all together as well. Yes, the Universe is at work in so many wonderful ways, and it won't stop just because we begin to think we know everything in the adult system (by the way, we don't). And yes, everything we know is just a story that we've made up to help us organize this reality. You're story is not completely written yet, so you can make the coming chapters interesting and inspiring. Feel free to make a difference.

When a person feels down, and brings himself down, it can result in sickness. It can make you more fragile, and therefore vulnerable to diseases. On the other hand, when someone's feeling happy, it can help healing wounds and broken bones. Excitement can result in hearts beating faster, like being in love, or like having an orgasm. I can even go as far as saying that having sex on a regular basis is healthy.

With that said, I never meant to say that we rule over the Universe, cause we simply don't. There's so much more outside than we can see, smell, taste, feel or even comprehend. The Universe, literally, rules. The Universe gave life to our Mother Nature who gave birth to us. The Universe and Mother Nature can make us feel happy and therefore make us able to heal ourselves. But they can also take our lives.

What I'm saying is, we're all responsible for all we create (lack of self esteem versus cockiness, beauty versus ugly, and so on). The things we leave behind and might effect our surroundings. Sometimes deliberate, sometimes not so deliberate. Sometimes more, and sometimes less. The Universe and Mother Nature will make us pay for those things we should have done, but didn't. And for the things we shouldn't have done, but did.

In short, we're responsible for all our actions. We can create and make happiness and uniness, and a healthy place to live in and with. Be considerate. That's our responsibility.

BTW, this piece can be interpreted in many ways. Take and make the way you can do something with it.

Reference: http://freshnessfactorfivethousand.blogspot.com/2009/02/seeds-sewn.html

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Plant a Tree. Grab a Star. Make the Oceans Wave

I still do belief that we can make a difference. That's not the question. The question rather is if we got it right. Are the things we choose to do really the things we're supposed to do?
Life is not about preserving everything that once lived. It's not even about trying to keep it alive. In my opinion life is about life, including all the killing and dying. It's just a part of life, like surviving only applies to the bits from birth till your dying. After that it's up to the next form to make a life.

Sure you can try to be considerate, but with all the useless poluting aside, this earth was never meant to be forever. Forever is a really big word, which we can't even comprehend.
People got the balance so screwed up. We watch wildlife documentaries were the strongest animal always wins, and the weaker animal is sometimes lucky. And we say: "That's nature". Hell yes it is.

We have the courtesy of letting Mother Nature deal with death concerning our pets, most of the times. We think it's not good to let an animal suffer unnecessarily, but it's okay to let grandma suffer that much, cause we'll miss her so bad when she's gone. Sure we do, but what about that dog who was around for 12 years?

So what about Mother earth herself? Should we let her suffer? Fact is that we could have done better, sure. Fact also is that, in the end, we won't be able to safe her. Maybe she will safe us from our useless suffering.

In this world of contradictions, we're trying to make a reality that turns out to be as fictional as a virtual reality. We can't make the oceans wave. We can't grab a star. We can plant a tree, but that tree won't have eternal life. It'll breath and provides air, food and water for a period of time till all is done.

The question rather is; can we be proud of what and how we did?
Go on, make a difference and be good to your neighbour. Be good to nature. Just take what you need to survive for as long as it lasts, nothing more. Be generous, cause you don't need all the money of the world and you've got plenty of love to give. Make sure you can be proud at the end of your life.

This is the most unstructured rant I did so far.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009


My ankle got a little smashed up, and for some reason I let it become a pull down. I've been fighting tiredness ever since I started working again. I can't seem to find my rhythm.

Tonight I read a mail from Jason to RKOP. I felt so disconnected, as if I was watching from the sidelines, not being involved.

It was nice to see, however, Jason had the same thoughts and ideas on his mind as me.


Thursday, January 29, 2009

2 readers

My readers count is exponentially climbing.

Just a Scribble

Someone on the Dutch forum told me he was reading my blog (Hi there!). And I asked him what I wrote. Not to be funny, but because I seriously forget what I write. Reasons why are described below...scribbles...

Anyway, I decided to reread myself and came across some funny stuff, but one blog left me completely puzzled:

'Just Feckin e'Round'

What the hell was I trying to say!?!?!?

Reference: http://wiwipedia.blogspot.com/2007/09/just-feckin-eround.html

My Writing Habits

When I tell people I love writing, they always ask me 'What sorta thing do you write?' and 'You keep a diary?' The answer to the first question is easy: 'I try to write all sorta things, and I've been trying out all sorta things, including songwriting in which I sucked gloriously.' The second question is harder to answer, cause I don't even nearly write in my diary daily. I don't even update my blog that often. What I do is...

I scribble. I put down on paper whatever pops up in my mind. Sometimes it appears online, or in my diary or computer. More often it disappears in my never ending archive spread out all over my possesions. I don't only scribble on paper, but also on other stuff, like on a box in which I keep my monthly tools. Or on my organizer or bag.

The reason why I write? Sometimes to clear my mind. Other times to feel the keyboard under my fingers. And sometimes to practize my handwriting. And more often to just say without using my mouth for which a forum is excellent.

I used to put quite some amounts of time in writing short stories or articles. I've been wanting to do that again, but I don't write these kind of things if I don't know anything interesting to write. I also find it harder these days, to put my thoughts on paper without it losing its meaning or feel. I suppose I should put more time into practizing free writing, without trying to make too much sense. Interesting conversations can sprout from that.

I think I'll keep spreading my words all over the few forums I visit these days. It's the least I can do.

That's it really. So far for being interesting today.

Interestingly enough, I think this blog is the only me-blog with a sensible title.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

FACTS: Lost Again! revised...2009

  • The passed two years haven't helped me to readers who leave me comments telling me they at least read my blog. That's okay, tho it hurts... editions in red
  • My computer is not ready to log on to the rkop-chatbox...still not after two years, but who cares..I don't at least
  • My computer is finally accompanied by a new screen....still...still
  • The new sound boxes I bought...SUCK! With a Capital SUCK and an exclamation mark...still do...still do, but I bought new ones which make me happy
  • I don't know yet how to handle my new DVD-player, but it was nice to see all that old Mraz stuff again...still not...bought new one and first couldn't figure out how it worked, but got it working now
  • Now I remember Dennis Morris' name again. It's Dennis Morris....it's nice to have a notepad...and to remind myself again
  • I forgot about my new blogspot all together....Yup, again! And again...
  • We finally attached the towel hangers to the wall; one and a half in the kitchen and four in the bathroom...and two already came off...and the two in the kitchen have been taken off to make our new cooking thing installed
  • I was up at 7.00 am this morning....I could have been....
  • It took me almost 1 hour to get to work....true story, life doesn't improve there
  • I reviewed my passed two years using my review from a couple of years ago which I recycled as well
  • I'm too lazy to write a completely new review...I thought it would be funny to use this list again

And that's how you create a second post in one day.


0% Interest and I've got some space to fill in my daydreams

I'm chewing soft, colorful, gummy kinda candy. I'm not biting through leaving it in one piece while I suck off the sugar. And it just made me cough. I don't even like these kinda candies. I'm a chocolate chewer.

Life will be sweet again. I know for sure, cause I already have a planning for the coming year. I will travel a little, maybe even far. I will meet people, the once I have met before, and maybe some new. I will see new things and old familiar things. I'm looking forward to hanging around the venue again, secretly hoping he will come out and play some while we're waiting for the actual concert to start.

I'm looking forward to the traveling and the secret nervousness that always gets me prior to the travel. It will all be fine, I know that, but my nerves might not. I planned to have my picture taken, at the venue, with someone of significance, or with my co-fans. I'm looking forward to eating some crappy food before the lights go down and we'll be jumping all excited to all the music and familiar unfamiliarty.

It's a grand feeling to be so small, and to be part of something so big you can't possibly describe the whole event. Cause it's not only the music, the man and the band and us. It's our bond, the things we have in common, and the experience of that specific evening, in that specific place. The things that will only be heard right there, right then. The things that will only be seen right there, right then. It's the experience of us, what and who we are, in this time of period, in one small piece of time.

It's relative. It's small against the backbone of life, but it's tingling and great in our minds, cause it means something. It means something to be there, right then, the way we are, the way we sing, dance and steal things. To hold in our hands for a small single time, because you know this moment will never come back again.

That will be sweeter. That's what I'm looking forward to.