Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Spirits are UP!

It's been at least 3 years since I indulged myself in planet Mraz. A lot of things happened, on planet Mraz and in my personal life. I never really had the pleasure to say I grew up with an artist. I kind of came of age with Take That, but that only lasted from age 11 to age 14. That doesn't hold that much beef; I was just a kid at the start and still just a kid at the end. Take That was my first entertainment crush, and maybe, according to my mom, the most intense crush. After Take That I wandered around a little. I went from Acda & de Munnik (Dutch artists) to Queen (love of my life) to Monty Python, Kiefer Sutherland and Jude Cole. Except Queen, those were all just small crushes. Then a new era started with John Mayer and then finally to Jason. Yes, I said Queen is the love of my life. I can always go back to Queen and get excited all over again from time to time. The difference between my Queen love and Jason love is, during my Jason love I did some significant growing up. I think I can even say I did the growing up while Jason was doing some significant growing up. Queen was already out of exsistence when my love for Queen started. Therefore, I feel more sentimental with Jason's music than I do with Queen's.

We don't grow in the same direction, but we both did grow some wiser. It's a love/hate relationship. Sometimes intense, sometimes hardly exsisting. Even though we don't agree most of the times, he does inspire me to write or think and then write about stuff. He frustrates me or he lifts and cheers me up. Together we have some dynamic kind of relationship all exsisting in a non-exsisting way. I don't think he's even aware of our relationship, but he is some way or another. Not with my face and name to it. Well, maybe with my name to it, but I doubt that. He is aware of it in a professional kind of way. He knows I exsist in the way of seeing me when I stand in front of him asking for his autograph (that happened only once). He knows it when I buy his music or attend one of his shows. I'm a blend of faces and voices to him; one of the many. I don't care, I wouldn't want it any other way. Whatever we have won't ever survive as a full fletched relationship in voice and touch, face to face. We are two completely different characters. We will acknowledge, accept and respect each other, but we won't agree and bond. We would probably keep the idol-fan relationship and leave it at that. That's a good kind of relationship. Let's high five to that.

It's so much easier without the rest of his army behind him. There are no translaters or analysts of his words and lifestyle explaining it differently than he meant to say. There are no defenders defending something that needs no defence. There are no blind souls righting his wrongs. There's only my opinion and interpretation of his words. There are only his words and songs. Without them, we can do with our relationship whatever we want to do, without anyone dictating what to do. We know best and we do it fucking well! And we both know we are responsible for how we feed this relationship. When something goes wrong, it's our fault and no one elses. And I think we can look each other straight in the eye and say "I love you".

Jason, see u thursday. Let's have a party!

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