Thursday, September 27, 2012

My Cybermen Dream

Now that I'm talking about dreams I thought I'd tell you about my Cybermen dream. It's been a while, but I'm sure I can remember quite a bit about it. The reason I dreamt about Cybermen was, I fell asleep while listening to Bigfinish's Spare Parts, a Cybermen (origin?) story.

I was with the 5th Doctor and Nyssa in the TARDIS. The Doctor was talking his regular gobbledygook; I certainly didn't understand a word of it, but Nyssa seemed to understand him. Nyssa was told to do such and so and I was ignored. I felt utterly useless. That must have been how Tegan always felt.

So suddenly we are in a house with panick stricken other people. The Cybermats are slowly making their ways towards and into the house. It was, quite frankly, terrifying. When the Cybermats came into the house we went out of the house and climbed on rooftops thinking the Cybermats couldn't climb up there. We were wrong. One by one they, the humans, were taken by the Cybermats and brought to a conversion unit to be turned into Cybermen. They got the people by shooting some seringe into you that started the conversion. After that the people's will was diminished so far, they went to the conversion unit willingly.

I, still on the roof, saw at some point a Cybermat making its way to me. It shot a seringe at me and I knew I was buggered. I did come off the rooftop and walked promptly into the Doctor. I was so distressed and upset I failed to stay clear from the Cybermat and because I failed the Doctor I clung to him like a little child. He was talking to me, telling me to do something. But because I was rather distressed I missed his whole instructions. However, I had decided I was not going to fail the Doctor again so I started stumping Cybermats left, right and center wherever I could. Then I woke up.

So that's my Cybermen adventure with the Doctor. Ironically, ever since the Cybermen are my second favourite monsters; the Weeping Angels are my favourite.

Dreamer's Post

Last night, or rather this morning, I dreamt I met Jake Gyllenhaal. Yes, Mr. Gyllenhaal made it into my dreams. I dreamt I met him on some street somewhere, dunno where. Apparently he took some lessons from an illusionist because he was there to show off a few small tricks and then converse with his fans. He literally came floating in like the guy who does tricks on the streets and then walks away as if nothing out of the ordinary happened. Jake didn’t walk away, because he had a meet ‘n greet to attend. I was there by accident and he floated in right next to me. Now that was an impressive entrance.

Somehow I ended up with him in a car, back seat, with two other people. We were sitting in the middle right next to each other. I realized I could touch his knee. I was touching his sides with my own, we were sitting that close; I suppose the car wasn’t that big. He was talking to the person on his left, I was talking to the person on my right, some lady. I think before we got into the car, he looked at me, maybe smiled politely, nothing more. I don’t think we said a word to each other, but I could have touched his knee and I was sitting right next to him.

A few weeks back I had the strangest dream. Yes, Jake was in that one too and so was Paul McGann. Why hasn’t anyone cast them in one and the same movie yet? Probably because some girls would have a attraction overload. Well, I would. Anyway, I cast them in my dream. They were both unremarkably normal and trying to get off a field where something happened. I’m guessing something dreadful and potentially dangerous. I know I should know, it was my fucking dream.

As we tried to get off the field, I completely lost Jake out of sight. I was running with Paul and some girl. We were trying to get wherever when the girl heard her brother/boyfriend(?) was in trouble and she went back to look for him. For some reason I thought she was going back for Jake. Paul meanwhile was trying to get out of a building by jumping from a window. He jumped, survived and then tried to encourage us to jump too. Some other boy and girl both jumped while I had an out of body experience to check the height. It was freakin’ high. I was not so sure I was going to jump. Luckily, I needn’t worry about it anymore; my alarm clock went off.

I must be the most boring dreamer of them all. I never do the exciting things and when I meet my idols, I don’t even talk to them, even when I’m sitting next to them. Nope, never said a word to Paul either. Also met Jude Cole in my dreams. Well I say met, I was at a concert and saw him play. Nope, no talkies. And with Mitchell & Webb I sat quietly. Why did I never meet Charlie Brooker?

Monday, September 17, 2012

Why I thought ‘A Town Called Mercy’ was boring

Having that as the title suggests I found the whole episode boring; that’s not actually true. Up to the appearance of Doctor Jex I was bored. Why? It didn’t grip me. Why not? I can’t remember properly; my attention was waning at that point. I think it had to do with the time it took to get to the actual story. The Doctor, Amy and Rory took a little long to get into the town and get to meet Doctor Jex. What I found interesting about the story at all were the moral dilemma’s. These dilemma’s didn’t come to the front till Doctor Jex appeared in the story.

Another reason why I think I didn’t find it interesting was the very predictably looking and behaving Cyborg. I had a very ‘Been there, done that’ feeling about it. At that point the reason why didn’t interest me all that much. It was only later on in the story I started to get interested in the Cyborg’s intentions.
Strangely, I never found Doctor Jex interesting enough to want to know what he did in his past. I think that might have to do with the character not having been fleshed out well enough. Not sure though, this reason seems a bit off, but there goes something wrong.

What I did like was the exploration of duality of morality in the Doctor’s mind. I like how the Doctor is once again tempted to lean more towards the dark side. However, I feel it could be explored even further, but maybe Moffat is working his way to that point. So far he’s shown quite a bit of his dark side in this series. Definitely a theme.

Another thing I need to explain. I haven’t written a blog for ‘Asylum of the Daleks’ nor for ‘Dinosaurs on a Spaceship’. The reason I choose to write a blog for ‘A Town Called Mercy’ was because on Digital Spy some people were wondering why some people found this episode boring. I felt the need to explain, even though they’re not going to read it. ‘Asylum…’ and ‘Dinosaurs…’ were just obviously at least good episodes, no real need for explanation why I felt about those this way.

Anyway, I still think this series is going to be great. Looking forward to next week’s episodes. For once we get a dose of Pond-life which we haven’t had quite enough over the last two series. It’s Earth bound and has Brian (Rory’s dad) in it.

Monday, September 10, 2012


Why should artists meet up with their fans? To get goodwill. That doesn't mean they have to work the whole line every evening. That was what it said: "He didn't really work the line". What the hell does that even mean? What are these people expecting of him? Do they expect him to talk to every member of the line and take pictures and give autographs to every single one of them? Do they expect him to shake bystander's hands and ring the bells of the first 10 frontdoors he comes across? Don't they realize how ridiculous that request is?

For Fuck's Sakes!!! Grow some sense of perspective!!!

Is that the word 'perspective'?


How much more do actors and musicians owe us? I’m seriously wondering, because I came across another discussion about time spent meeting fans and signing stuff by an actor (Jake Gyllenhaal) after the play. Apparently he only met a handful of people and signed just as less autographs. Some people were very annoyed and some even heartbroken.

I never understood that reaction. My assumption was always that you paid to see the play or the concert and after, meeting the artist was just an extra. I always thought, and still do, the artist doesn’t owe you more than that. This means, in my opinion, that when the artist decides not to come out to meet fans, that’s his good right and there’s no reason for fans to be offended or heartbroken. Disappointed: Yes. Offended and/or heartbroken: No!

Same discussion going on in respect to Christopher Eccleston. He choose not to jump back in that ol’ river and move on. I think it’s unfortunate, and somewhat naïve of him, that he thought he could move on from Doctor Who as if it was just another project. People will always keep asking him. Will he reprise his role as the 9th Doctor? Will he meet up with other Doctors? Etc… He should have talked to Paul McGann before accepting the role.

However, I find it unfortunate and a little naïve, I still think he doesn’t owe us more than he has given as the 9th Doctor. I will thank him instead.

This still makes me angry. People are so greedy, after two hours of entertainment they still want more. Go home you buggers, you got what you came for!!!

Note: I’m in an angry mood, or at least easily agitated today. That last comment was its child. What I really meant is, don’t be offended and heartbroken if your favourite artist turns out to be human.