Thursday, September 27, 2012

Dreamer's Post

Last night, or rather this morning, I dreamt I met Jake Gyllenhaal. Yes, Mr. Gyllenhaal made it into my dreams. I dreamt I met him on some street somewhere, dunno where. Apparently he took some lessons from an illusionist because he was there to show off a few small tricks and then converse with his fans. He literally came floating in like the guy who does tricks on the streets and then walks away as if nothing out of the ordinary happened. Jake didn’t walk away, because he had a meet ‘n greet to attend. I was there by accident and he floated in right next to me. Now that was an impressive entrance.

Somehow I ended up with him in a car, back seat, with two other people. We were sitting in the middle right next to each other. I realized I could touch his knee. I was touching his sides with my own, we were sitting that close; I suppose the car wasn’t that big. He was talking to the person on his left, I was talking to the person on my right, some lady. I think before we got into the car, he looked at me, maybe smiled politely, nothing more. I don’t think we said a word to each other, but I could have touched his knee and I was sitting right next to him.

A few weeks back I had the strangest dream. Yes, Jake was in that one too and so was Paul McGann. Why hasn’t anyone cast them in one and the same movie yet? Probably because some girls would have a attraction overload. Well, I would. Anyway, I cast them in my dream. They were both unremarkably normal and trying to get off a field where something happened. I’m guessing something dreadful and potentially dangerous. I know I should know, it was my fucking dream.

As we tried to get off the field, I completely lost Jake out of sight. I was running with Paul and some girl. We were trying to get wherever when the girl heard her brother/boyfriend(?) was in trouble and she went back to look for him. For some reason I thought she was going back for Jake. Paul meanwhile was trying to get out of a building by jumping from a window. He jumped, survived and then tried to encourage us to jump too. Some other boy and girl both jumped while I had an out of body experience to check the height. It was freakin’ high. I was not so sure I was going to jump. Luckily, I needn’t worry about it anymore; my alarm clock went off.

I must be the most boring dreamer of them all. I never do the exciting things and when I meet my idols, I don’t even talk to them, even when I’m sitting next to them. Nope, never said a word to Paul either. Also met Jude Cole in my dreams. Well I say met, I was at a concert and saw him play. Nope, no talkies. And with Mitchell & Webb I sat quietly. Why did I never meet Charlie Brooker?

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