Thursday, February 16, 2012

10 O'Clock Live - S2E2 Pre-review

Reading some tweets. It seems it's again Charlie who's going to snatch the points. Apparently he's going to rap? A Sun Poem? Hmmm...

10 O'Clock Live - Season 2, Episode 1

So, it’s been a week since the first episode of season 2 aired and it’s already been a few hours since the second episode aired and I haven’t even said anything about the first episode. I have to admit that my attention was taking up by other things, but I have already watched the first episode and I am now waiting for the second episode to surface on YouTube.

I didn’t do an exhaustive research. I didn’t even check Twitter to see what the reactions were. So, what follows are my view on the show only.

First thing that actually popped in my head just now was that the audience wasn’t half as annoying as last year; I didn’t even really notice them. That’s definitely a plus, though the lack of responses might have had something to do with the tepid start of the season.

No-one stood out.

The only thing I remember Jimmy Carr doing is a dreadful sketch; so that they didn’t take out. Shame. He must have done a ‘Week that’s been’, but I can’t remember a single word of it, so it probably wasn’t very impressive.

Charlie Brooker wasn’t impressive either; forgot his piece as well. No, hold on, I do remember him wearing an incubator. Okay, so minor points for impressiveness.

David Mitchell lost his speech segment of which I forgot the title; he now only did an interview. I forgot what the subject was. Not really impressive I guess. What I do remember about the interview is that someone on YouTube said the interviewees were annoying talking over David. So yeah, no points there. I said it last year and I keep saying it: “David should get some education about interviewing techniques”.

Then we have…uh…thingie…Oh, Lauren Laverne. She’s the ringleader, like last season, which means she has not much to do.

In one sentence, I found the first episode rather boring. At least last season the audience gave us something to grumble about.

Charlie Brooker, hesitantly 1 for doing something vaguely memorable.
Jimmy Carr, David Mitchell & Lauren Laverne, 0 for failing to make any impression at all.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

the Doctor's messy state of mind

I found a creepily accurate and detailed website about Gallifrey and about the Doctor. However, reading the Doctor's personal timeline is highly amusing:

In his fifth incarnation:
The Doctor looses his spare Mark 2 Sonic Screwdriver under the TARDIS console. (Don't mind how canon it is, just check the link below)

In his eigth incarnation:
The Doctor finds his spare Sonic Screwdriver under the console.

He's such an idiot.
5th Doctor's timeline
8th Doctor's timeline

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

"10 O'Clock Live" - They're Back!...Nearly.

Coming Wednesday will see the start of season 2 of "10 O'Clock Live". They said they learnt from last year; it's shorter... Yes...

I feel I ought to get back into the swing of things and start reviewing. Well, not quite yet. I'm probably gonna be way behind, because my internet connection at home has been reduced to my phone and the show will now be on on Wednesdays. Hardly a convenient day for me to dedicate myself to other things than work. Also, only thinking about it makes me feel exhausted.

Anyhoo, they were on to something, so maybe they really did learn. Also they had a nice break, a lengthy one in which a lot of reflection could take place. I'm curious how this season will work out. Eventhough things didn't go as perfect as hoped, I still think this could become something great. Let's just wait and see.