Tuesday, February 7, 2012

"10 O'Clock Live" - They're Back!...Nearly.

Coming Wednesday will see the start of season 2 of "10 O'Clock Live". They said they learnt from last year; it's shorter... Yes...

I feel I ought to get back into the swing of things and start reviewing. Well, not quite yet. I'm probably gonna be way behind, because my internet connection at home has been reduced to my phone and the show will now be on on Wednesdays. Hardly a convenient day for me to dedicate myself to other things than work. Also, only thinking about it makes me feel exhausted.

Anyhoo, they were on to something, so maybe they really did learn. Also they had a nice break, a lengthy one in which a lot of reflection could take place. I'm curious how this season will work out. Eventhough things didn't go as perfect as hoped, I still think this could become something great. Let's just wait and see.

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