Monday, July 13, 2009

Generation >140c

Just like most of my colleague late twentiers, I am aware of the speed of time. Where the electronic development ran late with our needs a decade ago, it's now us having trouble to catch up. The latest electronic hype is Twitter. I am completely in the dark about how to use Twitter to its full advantage. Apparently, Twitter has umpteenth handy functionalities of which I found one, which is the most important one; sending messages into the world. I don't find it handy though, cause usually whatever I have to say runs on for more than 140 characters. This very blog is a good example; the intro alone has more than 140 characters, and I'm not even close to the end of my rant.

Another thing I miss is the functionality to order and archive messages send to me. On Twitter you follow and get followed (could there be a more stalkerish concept?). You see messages of all people you signed up to follow. All messages collect in one long string on your screen. There's no order to it, there is no saving to it and most messages are so incredible random and pointless, it could easily be left unsaid (untyped) in the first place. Also, the limitation of 140 characters often results in unreadable (to me) messages, because your victim is trying to cramp to many words into a too small window. And replies to messages make no sense to me, because I forgot the initial message, because I had to read through 20 other useless messages before I got to the reply.

And why exactly would you set up a tool just to primarly update people what you're doing? You could also do that on msn, or other regular chat tools and there the conversation flows, which it doesn't on Twitter. Or you can do it on a forum, and you can actually search back easy what the hell you have said. Just even if you really do use it the way it was primarly intended, you would need the whole day only to Twitter, because people are known to do several things in one day. First of, I don't think my friends are interested in when I'm traveling to work or taking a pee break. And second, a lot of my activities most of my followers don't need to know about.

You can connect other devices like mobile phones to Twitter so you can tweet from your phone. Hello phone bill! Hello people who really don't need to know my phone number and use it for advertisements I didn't ask for. Like I said before, you don't need to know what I'm doing any minute of the day. You can also hook Twitter up to facebook and other networking sites. This way even more people can stalk you.

Just a question back: Since when is it a good idea to vent your whole life to the public; the ones you know and the ones you don't know and never even met. I like to keep certain things a secret and other things private. If I need you to know something, I'll phone you or I'll e-mail you. And for those who are interested in more; Welcome to my blog. If phone and internet are out of service, I'll write you a letter. If you hear nothing from me for months, I'm probably just doing fine minding my own business.

This is a short blog, but try twittering it.

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