Thursday, July 30, 2009

Answers from A-Z to Mr. Azzzz

Comments to the Home Game:

"Feelings like disappointment, embarrassment, irritation, anger, jealousy, and fear; instead of being bad news, are actually very clear moments that teach us where it is that we are holding back…"

So there's my invitation. But since I usually don't feel like commenting on his blogs filled with not-thought-through wisdoms, I'm going to post somewhere for everyone to read, but you probably won't.

"How would you feel if I waltzed into TGIFriday's where you worked and suggested you not wear all that flair and promotion? I wish you would just serve the shitty franchised food and not have an opinion. Save the political commentary for Ruby Tuesdays. In here it's Friday.

Fuck you. I'm voting. It's my right."

How I would feel? Frankly, I wouldn't give a damn, because you're one of the many idiot customers I have to deal with. I've seen worse and I would only wonder what crawled up your butt. Oh, guess what! I did work in a supermarket wearing all that flair and promotion. I did it for the money and if I could choose, I would take the uniform off.

As for the opinion: Behind the counter, I really didn't have an opinion, because that was not my job. I was there to serve people and I tried to do that as best I could. I have sent many people off with their grocery shoppings and without them knowing any of my opinions. If someone would ask, I would tell them. If someone would yell at me because they suspect I have an opinion, I would just shrug.

And finally, I would like to end with saying you were immature in replying the way you did; you could have handled that way better.

Comments to the People Have Spoken:

"To me, it should make no difference whether or not I use my celebrity to promote voting or to shout from the rooftops how I (and you) should contribute to Barack Obama's unique online campaign. I'm just an eager citizen and I trust you are too in some fashion."

That's where you go wrong. You make it sound like we have to vote Obama, because you said so. Don't I have the right to have a sincere and true hearted opinion?

"The stolen user quote wasn't affiliated with any party, but was a good idea to post to create this dialog among us, which is exactly what we're supposed to be doing prior to an election. It was not my intention to bring shame to that person, their family, or their co-workers at Friday's."

See, you didn't start a dialog, you started a contest of name calling without any thoughtful structure. And even if a dialog was started, it was not about Obama's campaign nor was it politically involved, but it was about if she or you were out of line. So for as far as I have seen, no political discussion was made based on your Home Game blog.

"Everyone on these social networking sites has access to the world and can say just the same as I and have as heavy or heavier an impact. I hope rather than use the Internet as a tool to condemn each other from the privacy of our soiled underwear, that we all understand how we're free to use this medium for the better, for change, or for triumphant evolution. The way R. Kelly does."

Yes, but that doesn't mean you can be mean to someone because that someone said something you didn't like. She never said you didn't have the right to vote. She only posted her opinion. Maybe not very subtle and maybe she should not have done that, but it never gave you the right to quote her comment so anyone could trace, spam and make her life miserable. It was just not worth it and you sure as hell didn't show any class.

"And for those of you who identify too strongly with words, it's time to turn off the computer and go outside and lick the first living thing you see. (Tree frogs are recommended.)"

Hun, you were the one who started with identifying too strongly with words.

So tell me, how do you justify your outburst while you like to be known as someone who preaches Positivity and Gratitude?

So here's for you:

"Feelings like disappointment, embarrassment, irritation, anger, jealousy, and fear; instead of being bad news, are actually very clear moments that teach us where it is that we are holding back…"

These two blogs have been removed shortly after they were posted and discussed.

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