Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Plant a Tree. Grab a Star. Make the Oceans Wave

I still do belief that we can make a difference. That's not the question. The question rather is if we got it right. Are the things we choose to do really the things we're supposed to do?
Life is not about preserving everything that once lived. It's not even about trying to keep it alive. In my opinion life is about life, including all the killing and dying. It's just a part of life, like surviving only applies to the bits from birth till your dying. After that it's up to the next form to make a life.

Sure you can try to be considerate, but with all the useless poluting aside, this earth was never meant to be forever. Forever is a really big word, which we can't even comprehend.
People got the balance so screwed up. We watch wildlife documentaries were the strongest animal always wins, and the weaker animal is sometimes lucky. And we say: "That's nature". Hell yes it is.

We have the courtesy of letting Mother Nature deal with death concerning our pets, most of the times. We think it's not good to let an animal suffer unnecessarily, but it's okay to let grandma suffer that much, cause we'll miss her so bad when she's gone. Sure we do, but what about that dog who was around for 12 years?

So what about Mother earth herself? Should we let her suffer? Fact is that we could have done better, sure. Fact also is that, in the end, we won't be able to safe her. Maybe she will safe us from our useless suffering.

In this world of contradictions, we're trying to make a reality that turns out to be as fictional as a virtual reality. We can't make the oceans wave. We can't grab a star. We can plant a tree, but that tree won't have eternal life. It'll breath and provides air, food and water for a period of time till all is done.

The question rather is; can we be proud of what and how we did?
Go on, make a difference and be good to your neighbour. Be good to nature. Just take what you need to survive for as long as it lasts, nothing more. Be generous, cause you don't need all the money of the world and you've got plenty of love to give. Make sure you can be proud at the end of your life.

This is the most unstructured rant I did so far.

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