Tuesday, July 30, 2013


Yesterday I had the strangest comment about my looks.

I was printing something, and while I was doing that I was also, quite intimately, re-adjusting my underwear. Before I started re-adjusting I had checked no-one could see me. Unfortunately, someone appeared from behind the wall to print something. A man I have seen many times before, but whom name I don’t know. I grinned embarrassed and said: “I’m re-adjusting my clothes”, to which he answered: “If you want to lose weight, that’s all right.” Eh? Did I say something about weight? Are you calling me fat? Had I complained about my weight, the comment still wouldn’t be too flattering, but I would be able to accept it. However, I did not, I was re-adjusting my clothes. From his comment I can only conclude he finds me fat. Well, that’s great. I could have told that man that if he wanted a facelift, that’s all right. I didn’t, because I’ve got decency.
I was also too stunned.

Top left is me about one year ago. My hair is much longer now. The one bottom right you might recognize as my header; My hair is much longer now.

To end this post on a positive note….

A few weeks back I went into a liquor store to buy, well, liquor. The man behind the counter asked me for my ID. That hadn’t happened for a while. I was too surprised to complain or be insulted, so I showed him my ID which says I was born in 1981 which makes me 32 years old. The man looked up in surprise and wondered: “How do you do it?” “Do what?” “Keep such a smooth skin, you look much younger.” Baffled I replied: “I wash.”

I was too stunned, once again, to give a clever response.

This reminds me of a column I read a few weeks back by a guest writer. He stated Dutch people are not used to flirting. When someone flirts with them, they’re too stunned and stumble away. I don’t know that’s true.


Hasan Ördek said...

De eerste man is een regelrechte hork. Dat zeg je toch niet tegen iemand? Een lul van het zuiverste water. Een 24-karaats ploert.

Gelukkig gebeurde dat laatste nog bij de slijterij. Zoiets kan je dag aardig verpesten.

Hasan Ördek said...

De eerste man is een regelrechte hork. Dat zeg je toch niet tegen iemand? Een lul van het zuiverste water. Een 24-karaats ploert.

Gelukkig gebeurde dat laatste nog bij de slijterij. Zoiets kan je dag aardig verpesten.

Wiwik said...

Leuk dat je reageert, dankje.

Ja, op het moment vond ik het echt een stomme opmerking, vandaar ook deze post.

Ik was de frustratie allang weer vergeten. Ik vermoed zomaar dat die man wel vaker communicatiestoornisjes heeft. Daar heeft hij waarschijnlijk het meeste last van.