Monday, July 15, 2013

This Also Will Pass

Last Saturday the little book from the antique shop arrived: "Ook dit gaat voorbij". (Translation: "This Also Will Pass.")

It was a strange read. The book was written as a novel with the characters once having been real people.
It felt a little weird to me. Especially the words put in prince Alexander’s mouth made me feel a little uncomfortable, even though the author was very respectful and truthful. Yes, truthful, because he came across as a sweet, socially awkward, but intelligent young man with his own set of opinions and his own way of putting those opinions across. He felt every bit the prince I saw described in many descriptions. He came across as every bit the prince I love to hate.

Side step: that was the best use of “love to hate” I can think of, even though it came from my brains through my fingers.

He was every bit adorable. He was every bit fascinating. He was every bit stubborn. He was every bit socially inapt. He pursued with the passion I’ve come to known of him. He failed in every way he always seemed to. He was every bit the prince I came to know since that fatal day back at the start of May.

I’m not quite sure what to do now. Beside the fact that all of this lies in the past, he’s also an unreachable person. There’s no way I’ll ever meet him. Chances of news about him are very little, nearly even absent. There’s no development, no more life, nothing. There’s nothing there for me. It’s all distant, untouchable. Nothing of that history is mine, nor will I ever manage to attach only a little bit of me in there, because it is all done. How much longer? This also will pass.


Thoughts about him live on between sighs. *sigh* Alexander *sigh*. It’s as if recalling his life is as much a tragedy as his life was. Everybody who showed an interest in him seems to remember him with a sigh. Yes, it is strange how one gets more attention after death than during his whole life. Though technically, that’s not true. When he was still alive he got more attention. When he was alive people knew who he was, or they thought they know. The point is, people had an opinion about him, something people in general don’t anymore. Not about the late prince Alexander, youngest son of King William III.

Yes, he is a forgotten prince. But of all forgotten princes, he’s the one least forgotten.

*sigh* Alexander *sigh*

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