Tuesday, August 13, 2013

A Demonstration of Wasting Time

Like some fans I could study my fandom extensively. I could try and memorize all episodes, or complex lyrics. I could study Klingons or Sontarans, learn their language. Or I could become an expert in the engineering of the Enterprise or the TARDIS.

Or I could do something useful with my life.

I choose to do neither of the above. I choose to sum up the things mister Spiner tends to repeat. Some occurences involve other Star Trek TNG alumni.

One such typical pose
1) His posing on stage in different positions after he’s been announced during conventions;

2) Answering that…”it was like swimming in a rainbow with beautiful naked babies…” or something to that effect;

3) The yesterday mentioned “you can’t argue against that” reply on why Data was gold/yellow;

4) That Spot (Data’s cat) only once did something in the first take as was described in the script: Eat;

5) Patrick Stewart imitation;

6) That Gates McFadden (who played Doctor Beverly Crusher) discovered Brent’s on button. Yes, Brent’s on button, not Data’s off switch. This one is usually initiated by Gates;

7) Heckling his cast mates when they’re on stage on conventions;

8) Calling his web series a “com trag”; edited 25 Sept: It's actually "sit trag". It annoys me so much, I didn't even bother to get it right.

9) Telling about the one time he couldn’t get to say his line without laughing. He had to say: “Can I speak to Geordie?” The reason he couldn’t get the line out was, he could see him lie on a table behind the Doctor, very lifeless. Apparently, that was hilarious.

One short of ten. Still quite an impressive list. A good demonstration of wasting time.

Sorry for the cynism. I envy his talents.

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