Monday, August 19, 2013

Still Baffled

It seems a normal reaction for me these days.

10 Things I Hate About You – Or 10 Things That Puzzle Me About You

1) His total change into Data, that includes yellow paint, yellow lenses and voice work;
2) His protrayal of an emotionless robot while he himself is one of the most expressive actors I have ever seen;
3) His blue eyes;
4) His voice;
5) His aging process *shrugs*;
6) His physical appearance;
7) His boyish charm;
8) His talents and his use of…;
9) His quiet demeanor in group interviews;
10) His extravert demeanor on panels in conventions.

1) I talked about my puzzlement of his complete transformation into Data. I will only say this: “I suppose that’s acting”.

2) I watched his face, mainly his eyebrows, during interviews. He’s very expressive, he uses his facial muscles a lot when he talks. When he’s playing Data, most often, his facial expressions are limited to confusion, all other emotions don’t appear.
There is one scene were Data is in charge, because Captain Picard and Commander Riker are absent (episode: Gambit). Luitanent Worf keeps questioning Data’s orders to the point where Data tells Worf to come to the readyroom with him. He tells Worf off sharply. While doing so only his mouth is moving, the rest of his face stays completely still, he even doesn’t blink. I was very impressed and a little scared.

3) As Data he’s got very yellow, weird eyes. As himself he’s got remarkable blue eyes. It gaves him a totally different look. It never fails to throw me.

4) I don't like his speaking voice when he's speaking as any character other than Data, including Brent Spiner. I like the way Data talks.
I don't like the fact that he's a fairly good singer, nor his range. It continues to throw me how high pitched his voice can get when singing.

5) He looks nothing like he did when he was young and yet he does. He was really skinny and looked like a twelve year old for a very long time. When the aging process finally caught up with him, his face got fatter and that keeps throwing me. Yet, when his face is covered in Data's gold powder he looks, sort of, still like a twelve year old boy.

6) He's still fairly skinny. Not as skinny as he used to be.

7) His boyish charm, that self contented grin that seemed to be plastered on his face a lot, his humour and how he manages to sweep a room with his keeps flooring me.

8) At this point I was running out of steam when I made up the list. But here goes anyway. I never thought much of his work. For a great deal because I wasn't really paying attention. For another part because I wasn't expecting it from him. Turns out that what he does in entertainment, he does fairly well. What annoys me most is his brilliant performances in Star Trek, be it as Data, as Lore or as any of the Soongs, or Sherlock Holmes or whatever other characters he got to play. The writers/showrunners gave Brent a lot of oppertunities to stretch his acting muscles and he grabbed the chances. Not always as succesful, but mostly quite succesful. Succesful enough for me to have noticed.

9) I noticed when there are seven of them on stage, he tends to be quieter, leaving others to answer most questions. Whenever it is his turn to say something, he makes it last. I'm quite impressed with his playing audiences skills.

10) When there is only four or three of them, Brent tends to dominate somewhat. Might also have something to do with him being the best at amusing the audiences. I also suspect he does enjoy it.

And what is it about Brent’s obsession with Rutger Hauer?

The name "Spiner" is tricky to type for me. I don't think I once managed to type his name propperly in one go. Variations so far:
  • Spinter
  • Sponer
  • Spinner
  • Spnn (I retyped before I finished)

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