Friday, August 23, 2013

Lot Not Mine

There’s a lot to say, but the words are not mine today. That’s why I’m leaving you with this: "How Someone Got the Most Awesome Brent Spiner Autograph" . I love these stories so much, because I understand them, because I’ve been there.

This one I found rather interesting: "People You Forgot Were in Woody Allen Films" . It also reminded me of the game six degrees of Kevin Bacon and of Brent bringing it up and saying he was at a maximum of four degrees away from a lot of people. When you take the list I just posted the URL to, yes, that would be true.

a very young Brent Spiner. I'm sure this one is taken from the musical
"Sunday in the Park with George". Spiner plays two characters in this musical;
a servant called Franz in the first act and a guy called Dennis in the second act.
This is Dennis who is much more friendly and less funny.

This is glorious: Star Trek Season 4 Gag Reel

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