Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Anja and America's Gun Problem

I was stupid enough to read some arguments for and against guns. Now I feel the need to join the discussion.

First of, let me make my position clear first: “I’m against guns, but I do understand why certain people feel the need to have one…Though in some cases, I’m not sure it’s justified.”

Here’s the source that got me going:

First of all, it’s not the guns that save lifes, it’s the people and usually, not the people who are holding the guns. I do understand a gun can help to keep a situation under control. The point is the gun is used when that control fades or when the person holding the gun thinks the control fades. In other words, the gun is controlled by a human who might make an interpretation error. And when the error is made and the trigger is pulled and the victim is hit, there’s no way back. That’s why it’s scary. Anything can set off a horrifying scene.

A Tweet from Adam Baldwin (@AdamBaldwin):

“Hi @BrentSpiner: In fact, the gun is the greatest tool of peace ever inventented.It is the great equalizer between individual Liberty & Tyranny.”
I really don’t see how that works. Let me give you the definition of peace first:

“Peace is a sign of harmony characterized by the lack of violence, conflict behaviors and the freedom from fear of violence.”
See, a gun usually results in the opposite. Presence of a gun means a bigger potential for violence and a certain conflict in behaviors. It also limits the freedom of the person who the gun is pointed at or even when the gun is in its holster and people know. Also, the apparent need gun owners say they’re feeling indicates fear. And obviously, the none gun owners feel fear too since so many shoot outs are happening lately.

So, what do you mean, “…the gun is the greatest tool of peace ever inventented.”?

I see the gun problem partly as a tool problem and partly as a social and maybe even cultural problem. You can’t solve that by banning guns, you can’t solve it by not banning guns. What’s needed, I think, is a change of culture, a change of social behaviour and a change of heart. That takes time. The first step would be a first, mild regulation of gun owning. Over time the regulations should become stricter as people get used to the new situation. In the meantime reasons for owning a gun should be reduced, remedied, or taken the edge of. Also that will take a lot of time. But let’s start with not granting gunners the attention for their destructive behaviour.

Not too long ago, when there was a shoutout in Germany, experts were asked what to do to reduce the chances of repeat dramas. The answer was: “First of all, the press should not make it that big a deal. The shooters are discussed like heroes. After all, negative attention is still attention.”

So, the attention should go out to them, because there’s something terribly wrong in their life. Screaming and yelling at them won’t help. Shutting them out won’t help. I’m no expert, but I do know that negative behaviour causes negative reactions while positive behaviour is more likely being met with a positive and friendly response. In that vein, when you’re holding a gun you’re more likely to get a negative reaction (and very possibly being shot at) then when you’re holding flowers.

There is just no reason big and fullfilling enough that convinces me owning a gun is a good thing.

So what would I do if someone points a gun at me? I would not pull my own gun for two reasons: 1) I don’t have a gun and 2) The gunner would probably shoot me before I can shoot him. And even if I manage to shoot him, what does that solve? He’s dead and I will go to jail. Great! (Yeah, I know, it was self-defense, but who says my judge will have a good day? And there’s also something called my conscience.)

And…Why is he holding me at gun point? Because he’s trying to mug me? Why is he trying to mug me? Because he wants my phone? Why does he want my phone? Because he wants to make easy money? Why doesn’t he earn his money like any honest-to-good people? Because it’s slow and tedious? So? I’m doing it? Because he’s a mug who wants his friends to think he’s cool? What’s so cool about being a selfish ass? And who’s fault is that? Ah, parents and society.

Let’s start at the start for a change.

I’m sure I’m forgetting about some mindblowing reason to own a gun, if such thing exists, but please feel free to point it out…or agree for that matter.

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