Monday, November 4, 2013

Boring Piece 1

As a young girl, I used to read a lot.

My mum made sure we started going to a library from a young age on. With young, I mean really young; our first trip to the library would come at age three or four, right before we learnt to read. I used to be an avid reader, my younger brother was not. I remember my bedtime routine. Me and my brother went to bed at the same time every evening, some time around half past seven. My brother was talked and rocked to sleep by my mum while I got my book out to read for an hour. I can’t remember how many books I read, probably about one per week.

Then, when I was growing up, my interest in the written word moved from reading to writing. I’m sure at one point in my life I wrote more than I read. As a matter of fact, I hardly read anything. Later when the Internet was unlimited available to me, I started to read more again, on the Internet rather than in books. Now I’m back to reading books again, though most of those books are sci-fi books.

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