Friday, January 7, 2011

the Online Society

This has to be said.

I am one of the many people inhabiting this online society. I have met many people online since I've been born on here. Some are good people, some are bad apples. Isn't that just how life works?

I remember hearing and reading several fame inflicted people complaining about the comments sections on YouTube or below paper articles and columns. I suppose the advice not read it still stands for them famous people. However, I have to stand up for the occasional normal person with some intellect and the ones with wit. Even though I believe a lot of those comedians operate on a high level, I do also know I have laughed sometimes even harder at online comments.

It's there. Just like I endure some (self acclaimed) artists to get to the good bits, I do endure the many stupid comments to get to the good ones. Thing is, it's all there and like with everything good in life you have to search for it and it never lasts very long. But it's there and I wouldn't want to miss it.

What does scare me about those online comments is; These all come from people living somewhere in real society. Isn't that frightening?

Just a pet peeve. *off soapbox*

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