Monday, January 17, 2011

The Most Depressing Day of the Year

Today it was brought to my attention someone declared this day, January 17th, the most depressing day of the year. Apparently that was news, because it was something that could be read in a paper.

I do agree this is not the most cheerful day I’ve ever experienced. It’s dark and misty outside. It’s also a Monday, which never helps, apparently. And all the festivities have come to an end for a while.

I must admit, I have felt better. I have experienced days without a headache and with floods of sunshine and days that are not Mondays or days on which we are celebrating something. And yet, I have the feeling we can’t yet say this is the most depressing day of the year. I’m even sure more depressing days are ahead of us. Maybe not for you, but certainly for a lot of other people. Fact is, no one can tell yet, unless they have the ability to look into the future which they don’t.

Why is that news anyway? If you don’t have anything worthwhile to say, why do you feel the need to air a depressing unfact? Who even put energy in justifying why this is the most depressing day of the year? You don’t know and nor does anybody else. Why depressing yourself and everybody who was unfortunate enough to read it or come across it in some way?

This been an irritating day, to me. Yes, it could have been better. It also could have been worse. Overall, this was not a too bad day. I was stuck at work, like so many other days, and tried to wrestle my way through incomprehensible problems. No, not the most inspiring or motivating way to spend a day, but at least I’ve got some work done. Actually, I’m pretty contented with how today things went (apart from the whole ‘Alarm Clock Affair’).

Today I brought a few bags of candy to work, which resulted in hilarity. I had some funny and rather tense relieving conversations with a colleague. I handed in a few documents which I could tick off as finished (for now). Also a few incomprehensible problems turned out to be not as incomprehensible as expected, which was good.

So, I’ll be going home with an OK feeling about today. Nothing more, nothing less.

Good day!

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