Monday, January 31, 2011

the Oddest Thing

Disclaimer: In no way do I mean to annoy or hurt couple Brooker's feelings. I believe they can take it and I'm sure they're aware of the irony themselves. Hopefully they understand why I can't stop laughing about this ridiculous on-going tredmill of rumours, confused but fascinated gazes and unforgiving slashing.

It’s curious how much stick couple Brooker get. Granted, Mrs B is probably not the best presenter this world has ever known, and that coupled with the general complaint we know Mister B for, it remains an odd story, their marriage. I don’t think they deserve to get that much crap dumped on them. Yet I can’t help laughing. It’s too paradoxal and ironic to keep a straight face. Sometimes you wonder if they are in on the joke as well, because both have fed the irony around them. Mr B decided to take a few steps back from his trademark scowl at (current) television. He’s still scowling; he’s just avoiding having to scowl at his own wife which seems fair. It’s quite a bold suggestion he leaves; Does he also think she sucks at presenting the Xtra factor? And Mrs B made a program in which she tried to become a rapper. I didn’t see it, but only thinking about it made the corners of my mouth curl downwards in a cringy embarrassment. Could be good though, just like Mr B’s new program could be bad. Or maybe they’re just moving to a level where they can meet, somewhere in the middle. And have weird, sarcastic, beautiful babies and make average quality programs. This is how TV ruined their lives, I suppose.

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