Thursday, January 29, 2009

2 readers

My readers count is exponentially climbing.

Just a Scribble

Someone on the Dutch forum told me he was reading my blog (Hi there!). And I asked him what I wrote. Not to be funny, but because I seriously forget what I write. Reasons why are described below...scribbles...

Anyway, I decided to reread myself and came across some funny stuff, but one blog left me completely puzzled:

'Just Feckin e'Round'

What the hell was I trying to say!?!?!?


My Writing Habits

When I tell people I love writing, they always ask me 'What sorta thing do you write?' and 'You keep a diary?' The answer to the first question is easy: 'I try to write all sorta things, and I've been trying out all sorta things, including songwriting in which I sucked gloriously.' The second question is harder to answer, cause I don't even nearly write in my diary daily. I don't even update my blog that often. What I do is...

I scribble. I put down on paper whatever pops up in my mind. Sometimes it appears online, or in my diary or computer. More often it disappears in my never ending archive spread out all over my possesions. I don't only scribble on paper, but also on other stuff, like on a box in which I keep my monthly tools. Or on my organizer or bag.

The reason why I write? Sometimes to clear my mind. Other times to feel the keyboard under my fingers. And sometimes to practize my handwriting. And more often to just say without using my mouth for which a forum is excellent.

I used to put quite some amounts of time in writing short stories or articles. I've been wanting to do that again, but I don't write these kind of things if I don't know anything interesting to write. I also find it harder these days, to put my thoughts on paper without it losing its meaning or feel. I suppose I should put more time into practizing free writing, without trying to make too much sense. Interesting conversations can sprout from that.

I think I'll keep spreading my words all over the few forums I visit these days. It's the least I can do.

That's it really. So far for being interesting today.

Interestingly enough, I think this blog is the only me-blog with a sensible title.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

FACTS: Lost Again! revised...2009

  • The passed two years haven't helped me to readers who leave me comments telling me they at least read my blog. That's okay, tho it hurts... editions in red
  • My computer is not ready to log on to the rkop-chatbox...still not after two years, but who cares..I don't at least
  • My computer is finally accompanied by a new screen....still...still
  • The new sound boxes I bought...SUCK! With a Capital SUCK and an exclamation mark...still do...still do, but I bought new ones which make me happy
  • I don't know yet how to handle my new DVD-player, but it was nice to see all that old Mraz stuff again...still not...bought new one and first couldn't figure out how it worked, but got it working now
  • Now I remember Dennis Morris' name again. It's Dennis's nice to have a notepad...and to remind myself again
  • I forgot about my new blogspot all together....Yup, again! And again...
  • We finally attached the towel hangers to the wall; one and a half in the kitchen and four in the bathroom...and two already came off...and the two in the kitchen have been taken off to make our new cooking thing installed
  • I was up at 7.00 am this morning....I could have been....
  • It took me almost 1 hour to get to work....true story, life doesn't improve there
  • I reviewed my passed two years using my review from a couple of years ago which I recycled as well
  • I'm too lazy to write a completely new review...I thought it would be funny to use this list again

And that's how you create a second post in one day.


0% Interest and I've got some space to fill in my daydreams

I'm chewing soft, colorful, gummy kinda candy. I'm not biting through leaving it in one piece while I suck off the sugar. And it just made me cough. I don't even like these kinda candies. I'm a chocolate chewer.

Life will be sweet again. I know for sure, cause I already have a planning for the coming year. I will travel a little, maybe even far. I will meet people, the once I have met before, and maybe some new. I will see new things and old familiar things. I'm looking forward to hanging around the venue again, secretly hoping he will come out and play some while we're waiting for the actual concert to start.

I'm looking forward to the traveling and the secret nervousness that always gets me prior to the travel. It will all be fine, I know that, but my nerves might not. I planned to have my picture taken, at the venue, with someone of significance, or with my co-fans. I'm looking forward to eating some crappy food before the lights go down and we'll be jumping all excited to all the music and familiar unfamiliarty.

It's a grand feeling to be so small, and to be part of something so big you can't possibly describe the whole event. Cause it's not only the music, the man and the band and us. It's our bond, the things we have in common, and the experience of that specific evening, in that specific place. The things that will only be heard right there, right then. The things that will only be seen right there, right then. It's the experience of us, what and who we are, in this time of period, in one small piece of time.

It's relative. It's small against the backbone of life, but it's tingling and great in our minds, cause it means something. It means something to be there, right then, the way we are, the way we sing, dance and steal things. To hold in our hands for a small single time, because you know this moment will never come back again.

That will be sweeter. That's what I'm looking forward to.