Monday, June 27, 2022

What the hell is this!?

 Wiwipedia: the Incomprehenisble Lil Luli - I confused myself! I do like the title though, it's intriguing, if I can give myself a compliment.

Wiwipedia: 2006 - Oh wonderful, I logged my quarter life crisis in 2013. Tell you something, I did move on and for a bit things were not too bad. Now I'm back doing crisis. Evidence, I'm reading my own blog. Sad discovery, I still haven't figured out how to deal with a life crisis and I'm doing what I was doing in 2013. However, 2006 has now somewhat escaped my memory; my mind has now gone back to 1992/1993. It's disconcerting.

Wiwipedia: Save Me & Wiwipedia: James - More evidence of mindless fangirl musings coming from a confused heart. Funny enough, I would still call him my soulmate. Even funnier, I would call Tobey the exact opposite.

Wiwipedia: Anti-heroes & Wiwipedia: Anti-Heroes 2 & Wiwipedia: Anti-Heroes 3 - I'm back to basics. It's not my fault, Tobey is just so hot! Fortunately for me, he's behaving himself these days, so I need not to worry about things affecting my life that really shouldn't be affecting my life. Not good for my obsession though...I love Tobey!!!!

Wiwipedia: List of Things - 2022 Edition - I didn't want to post a new version of my pointless list of points, but I do have an update on my speaker situation. I bought new speakers for my bedroom, which I'm not using, and plugged the old speakers from my bedroom into nothing, because it's bluetooth. Actually, I plugged it into my screen so I can watch Chromecast on that screen so I can feed my Tobey obsession. I feel like a middle aged guy who bought a sports car to sooth his midlife crisis. I'm rather more like a middle aged housewife desperately dreaming about all her lost dreams. I feel like a cliché. Because I probably am one. Tobey is still really hot, though. He probably also is when I'm not having a midlife crisis. Right!?

I'm going to be so embarrassed about this post in the future.

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