Monday, July 20, 2015


It seems I have a tighter grip on where my obsessions come from and why they wax and wane or flourish. However, a touch of mystery is always welcome.

I realized it a few weeks back, actually. Youtube must have come up with the suggestion of Dad’s Army, because in April they were still filming the new film. I followed through on the suggestion, because I was bored and sentimental, and there wasn’t a better suggestion.

The mystery part is why James Beck keeps attracting my attention. I still don’t know, and I’ve got the feeling I’ve got the wrong end of the stick about him…meaning that I think I know a few things about him, but those things might very well be wrong.

Then there’s Thetford.

Ever noticed the sun was always shining in Walmington-on-sea? Ever noticed that Walmington-on-sea only knows two seasons; a warm spring and a bit chillier, but still pleasant spring? That’s because David Croft not only reserved the locations to film on, but also the sun to weather the scenes in some sunlight. Bollocks, of course, but the sun always seemed to be shining when the Dad’s Army team was filming the outdoor scenes in Thetford.

Then there are the many stories about their times in Thetford, with the whole crew and cast including the extra specials. There are the stories of people roaming the cafes in Thetford in between shoots and the one big diner held at the principal cast’s hotel where crew and cast including the extra specials, would meet to eat, talk and have a merry old time.

It sounds rather idyllic, with the ever shining sun and all the good spirits (mental and alcoholic). So, you find it strange that’s the place and time I imagine to be at?

I tried different kind of scenarios; me just being a bystander, me getting mildly involved, me getting heavily involved. I leave it to your own imagination what “involved” means in these cases.

One thing never differs; I meet him.

None of the above I will ever be a part of. It’s a shame, but something I can live with. What I find harder to accept is, I will never have the chance to meet him. I will never have a chance to tell him I enjoy his performances, and that I’m very keen to see more of his work. Well, I can tell him, but I won’t ever be able to look him in the eyes while I do. I will never get an answer from him, or a reaction. There will never be, in any way, a connection between us. Because he died before I was even born. Mind you, he would be 86 if he was still alive.

Jamie (Alan Rickman) & Jimmy (as pte Walker)
One funny, weird thing, one of the main characters in the film Truly Madly Deeply is called Jamie, and the film is about Nina, his girlfriend, missing him terribly after he suddenly died. I find in my fantasies that’s the situation I fantasize up when I fantasize about Jimmy. I had done that a few times before I realized the similarity.
And this is where I see the weird connections: Halfway through the 90’s I saw Truly Madly Deeply for the first time and the film stuck with me. It was also around this time I saw Jimmy for the first time, and he too stuck with me. I say “stuck with me” on purpose, because it was them sticking with me, not the other way around; I wandered off and went exploring other interests. Now both Jimmy and Jamie are back in my life. Hilarious!
To get that last joke(?) you have to know the film. Oh, and I imagine they’re both actually named James. I know that of Jimmy, I’m guessing that of Jamie.

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