Thursday, October 10, 2013

DW vs ST

A few posts away I linked to a site were arguments for DW and sort of against ST were given to which I believe I said: “This”.

Eventhough I do agree with the arguments given, they are not my own. For me it’s really fairly simple: “Doctor Who can make me unreasonably happy, Star Trek never managed that”.

Nobody knows the ultimate answer to why DW is as loved as it is. All kind of arguments ring true, and all kind of aspects of the show attract different kinds of people. I don’t think there is an ultimate answer.

For ST it seems more cut-and-dried. When asked, the answer often is: “Because it gives hope”. Really? I didn’t pick up on that one. What I see when watching Star Trek is people struggling as much as they do now. The only difference is we’re fighting on a galactic scale, eventhough we don’t really want to. Damn Romulans….and…other creatures!

ST is somewhat preachy, telling the viewers and other races how best to live their lives, eventhough they claim not to impose their living standards on anyone. Naah, they only judge you. If ST was a bit more honest, and a bit less self-congratulory and a bit less preachy I would like ST even more. It would have been a really serious contender for DW.

DW knows its silly. DW doesn’t claim to know better. In fact, the Doctor is often put in his place. In the Whoniverse actions have consequenses, even over a long run. DW is more about identity searching and learning than ST. DW is not preachy, but stays close to what it was intended for; entertainment.

Star Trek is for ‘hope’ (apparently) and Doctor Who for ‘escape’. In any case, outside shines the sun and and inside the TV is on.

Post: DW vs the Rest of Sci-fi

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