Tuesday, August 17, 2010


I thought it was only fair to update the latest in my quest that is checking out what and who Mitchell & Webb are.

Yesterday was themed 'Peepshow'. It started with me concluding that I was Jez @ Mark's work. That's Freaking depressing thought. I might have tweeted that, but I'm not sure. Memories of yesterday are a little hazy.

In the evening I had to decide what to do; 1) Turn on telly to conclude nothing interesting was on or 2) Turn on PC (yes, PC not Mac) and watch Peepshow since that's the only thing I haven't seen all episodes of. I finished watching the first season a few weeks ago and wasn't thinking anything of it. Must be said, I watched it drunk. I knew I ventured somewhat into the second season so I picked one episode I was sure I hadn't seen yet and watched from there on.

Low 'n behold, I was laughing my ass off at some point and started to develop a weird kind of liking for both Mark & Jez.

So my advice: If you tried to watch Peepshow, but didn't like it; Try Again. Make sure you have a steady and sensible head on. The show is actually quite funny and Mark & Jez are endearing in their own weird ways.

So now I'm a Peepshow convertee. I think I tweeted that today, I'm not sure though. Today is even hazier than yesterday.

My first M&W related blog

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