Monday, December 9, 2013


From experience I know I won’t be fit and awake in the morning, yet still most likely to do my greatest load of work. So I always plan the heavy, thinky stuff in the morning, like writing designs or analysis. In the afternoon, just after lunch, I’ll do a little more work, usually stuff I already thought up in the morning but didn’t get around to. Then around 2pm I don’t feel like working anymore so my work pace slows. Often this is the time to start making models. Even though drawing the models I need for my work requires thinking, the fact I’m drawing makes it look like less of an effort. When I finished my model, I’m completely tired of work. That’s usually the time to start doing some personal work related stuff, like registering hours and figuring out how many and when holidays to take.

…or writing blogs…though I often write these around lunch time too.

It’s December. In December I never seem to have much inspiration to write. I’m too busy counting down the days. January always seems so much brighter to me. I miss the light. I miss the warmth. I miss swimming in the lake.

My mind has been wandering back to Alexander. What’s there left to say? Nothing much.

I took therapy, or counseling, a few times. I was told I was not a depressed person, just a bit down.

I have to find the things that give me energy. I have to find the things I like doing, cause they give me energy. Problem is, I’m a naturally lazy person. But sitting down doing nothing does nothing to elevate my energy levels, so I take trips on my bike to the supermarket or a walk around the lake. At work, doing nothing is even worse, so I take up all kind of things to do, just to keep myself occupied. Apparently, I’m active enough, and succesful enough, people trust me in doing all that needs doing. That’s good.

So, that’s nearly 2013 done. I’m counting down. What’s for 2014?

Today I read an article on LinkedIn. The readers were challenged to come up with three highlights for 2014. I could only think of two for myself:

1) Designing and having developed an application for extra distribution functionalities;

2) Promotion to senior level.

I couldn’t think of a third one. Maybe I’ll come up with something for the women movement at work.

This is as much I could think of to write about.

Current status:

- Rewatching Next Generation;

- Watching DS9;

- Buying all 50th anniversary DW related stuff;

- Watching my finances turning to goo;

- Work is busy and good.

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