Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Office Notes

Yesterday I described how I work. Maybe I should have described how I don’t work. Right now, for instance, my brain is in such state, it can’t comprehend much. I just don’t feel able to construct any meaningful work related sentences. On my blog I can blabber as much as I want (within certain limits, because big Brother is always watching you).

It’s easier for me to start on something new, because I can create chaos first. A fine complete chaos with loose ideas, half formed sentences, starts of structure and notes about things I shouldn’t forget. That’s what I’m best at, coming up with the idea of a new product. I’m fairly good at the execution, the description and definition part of it, but it takes more effort on my part. Designing something completely, practical and functional is awefully difficult. That reminds me of an episode of Star Trek TNG. At the start Worf is testing torpedoes he designed. One torpedo completely misses its goal and spirals off into space to Worf’s great annoyance. Captain Picard and Data have to go after it to retrieve it. Worf spends the rest of the episode, till his transfiguration into something more primitive, grumbling about his flawed design.

I shrugged at it, because I know how hard it is to design something and have it work propperly at the first go. At least he was still in the testing fase.


My brains seem to have turned to mush. I was also very late in work. This evening is the Christmas party from work, so it’s going to be a very short working day. I wonder when I’m supposed to catch up on the lost time.

They’ve been doing air quality tests in the office; a lot of people had been complaining about dry eyes, etc. The shape of the office completely throws the air flow which causes drastic temperature differences on the floors. Also the air is much too dry. For me it has been all right. I remember the first year working here was worse; I left almost every evening with a headache which would disappear after I left the building. Go figure.

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