Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Make A Plan

Make a plan

Look around
Define your goals
Decide a strategy
Claim your tools and resources
Here we go

That’s basically what you need to do when you start on a new project. I can’t remember why I wrote it down. I vagelue remember it having something to do with my personal business development and with trying to write a new blog. Yes, even for writing a blog these steps can be useful.

I’m sure I wrote this before, but I’m going to tell you again, if only to make myself feel good about me.

I’m working on two major projects at work. For both projects several technical connections need to be made. For both projects the information streams can’t be put in standard templates with standard solutions. What I’ve been doing this week, and mainly today, is trying to find the right form and trying to fit the connections in standard solutions. It’s interesting and confusing. But bit by bit we’re building up and improving an organization for information sharing.

I’m so in the moment!

Good thing Christmas holidays are on its way. I’m tired. Hopefully 2014 will start of bright. Hopefully, the winter won’t last as long coming year. 2014 scares me, more than any other years have done. Hmm, I’m not sure that’s true. I feel mildly uncomfortable about 2014. Big things are on the horizon and I’m trying to fit them within the cramped confines of human abilities.

Other than that, I’m really looking forward to being two weeks off.

With this post I reached my quotum. I’m not sure if this will be my last post, but in case it will be:

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Monday, December 16, 2013


Only two more posts to go and I will have posted just enough posts to rival the most posts in December I ever posted. One more, and this year’s will be the most. Problem is, I don’t know anything to write about.

Did you also notice how I stopped posting pictures? Well, almost.

Some of my posts I write these days are so short, I might just as well try tweeting instead. Most of the time, I end up deleting them alltogether.

There’s one more study I’m sort of working on. Why doesn’t Brent Spiner get more roles? And why doesn’t he ever play the leading character? He only did once, and that was ages ago. Well, okay, decades ago. Still, most things we see him in are small parts, usually the nerdy scientist guy.

So, that’s a bit longer than 140 characters.


Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Great Minds...

My mind was just a little greater....or I saw it earlier and he aped me...Hey, oh wait....funny...



Tuesday, December 10, 2013

OMG, She Was Melora!!!!

A Whovian has been woken:


Daphne Ashbrook

In 1996, Daphne Ashbrook was cast as Dr Grace Holloway in the Paul McGann TV Movie of Doctor Who. A few weeks before the film debuted, BBC2 premiered an episode of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine called Melora in which Daphne starred as the eponymous Melora Pazlar.


I watched this episode recently and didn't realize.

Office Notes

Yesterday I described how I work. Maybe I should have described how I don’t work. Right now, for instance, my brain is in such state, it can’t comprehend much. I just don’t feel able to construct any meaningful work related sentences. On my blog I can blabber as much as I want (within certain limits, because big Brother is always watching you).

It’s easier for me to start on something new, because I can create chaos first. A fine complete chaos with loose ideas, half formed sentences, starts of structure and notes about things I shouldn’t forget. That’s what I’m best at, coming up with the idea of a new product. I’m fairly good at the execution, the description and definition part of it, but it takes more effort on my part. Designing something completely, practical and functional is awefully difficult. That reminds me of an episode of Star Trek TNG. At the start Worf is testing torpedoes he designed. One torpedo completely misses its goal and spirals off into space to Worf’s great annoyance. Captain Picard and Data have to go after it to retrieve it. Worf spends the rest of the episode, till his transfiguration into something more primitive, grumbling about his flawed design.

I shrugged at it, because I know how hard it is to design something and have it work propperly at the first go. At least he was still in the testing fase.


My brains seem to have turned to mush. I was also very late in work. This evening is the Christmas party from work, so it’s going to be a very short working day. I wonder when I’m supposed to catch up on the lost time.

They’ve been doing air quality tests in the office; a lot of people had been complaining about dry eyes, etc. The shape of the office completely throws the air flow which causes drastic temperature differences on the floors. Also the air is much too dry. For me it has been all right. I remember the first year working here was worse; I left almost every evening with a headache which would disappear after I left the building. Go figure.


As expected, my blogging frenzy has decreased. Just like the leaves on the trees, (Or should I say the leaves off the trees?) my inspiration for blog posts has dried up. I don’t really want to whine about my autumn depression again and there’s only so much I can say about Star Trek and even Doctor Who without being repetitive. Funny, 50th anniversary. Hardly notice anything of it. Fortunately, we still have Bigfinish. I can’t believe it’s already behind us.

Next year seems empty and low on excitement. Star Trek 50 years is still two years away. Not that I care as much as I did for DW, but it’s something at least.

It seems I’ve been reading more books this year, my hunger for new stories has been bigger. It was an interesting year with all kind of things happening. Also still not used to having a King. The royal family waved at us, obligatory. I waved back without realizing it was them. To me it only made clear how ridiculous being royalty can be.

We had a hot summer after a very long and cold winter. I had several swims in the lake which I enjoyed immensely. I missed the last opportunity because I had a cold. I don’t as much regret it as much as being disappointed about that missed swim. Ah well, hopefully it will be nice coming year.

Overall, I liked this year. A lot was happening. I’ve been learning a lot too and I have been entertained plenty as well. After 2010-2012, it was a welcome change.

Monday, December 9, 2013


From experience I know I won’t be fit and awake in the morning, yet still most likely to do my greatest load of work. So I always plan the heavy, thinky stuff in the morning, like writing designs or analysis. In the afternoon, just after lunch, I’ll do a little more work, usually stuff I already thought up in the morning but didn’t get around to. Then around 2pm I don’t feel like working anymore so my work pace slows. Often this is the time to start making models. Even though drawing the models I need for my work requires thinking, the fact I’m drawing makes it look like less of an effort. When I finished my model, I’m completely tired of work. That’s usually the time to start doing some personal work related stuff, like registering hours and figuring out how many and when holidays to take.

…or writing blogs…though I often write these around lunch time too.

It’s December. In December I never seem to have much inspiration to write. I’m too busy counting down the days. January always seems so much brighter to me. I miss the light. I miss the warmth. I miss swimming in the lake.

My mind has been wandering back to Alexander. What’s there left to say? Nothing much.

I took therapy, or counseling, a few times. I was told I was not a depressed person, just a bit down.

I have to find the things that give me energy. I have to find the things I like doing, cause they give me energy. Problem is, I’m a naturally lazy person. But sitting down doing nothing does nothing to elevate my energy levels, so I take trips on my bike to the supermarket or a walk around the lake. At work, doing nothing is even worse, so I take up all kind of things to do, just to keep myself occupied. Apparently, I’m active enough, and succesful enough, people trust me in doing all that needs doing. That’s good.

So, that’s nearly 2013 done. I’m counting down. What’s for 2014?

Today I read an article on LinkedIn. The readers were challenged to come up with three highlights for 2014. I could only think of two for myself:

1) Designing and having developed an application for extra distribution functionalities;

2) Promotion to senior level.

I couldn’t think of a third one. Maybe I’ll come up with something for the women movement at work.

This is as much I could think of to write about.

Current status:

- Rewatching Next Generation;

- Watching DS9;

- Buying all 50th anniversary DW related stuff;

- Watching my finances turning to goo;

- Work is busy and good.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Business Oppertunities

Quite a while back, actually, a long time ago, back when I was still a student, a friend and I were thinking up what we could do together as a job. We came up with an ideas shop. We could come up with the ideas and sell them to people who would like to execute them. Of course, nothing came of it.

Since I was looking for my first job I'm signed up to several sites ranging from vacancy sites to professionel (IT) sites. This means I get newsletters about what's going on out there on the market jobwise and development wise. Today I had one from LinkedIn. I smelled another business oppertunity I'm not going to act upon:

Connecting People

It's like starting a dating site for people with ideas. Connect the right people and see how ideas develop and get executed. It sounds like a regular dating site and job hunters agency. It is not.

Obviously, the idea is not explored enough to make it really interesting. Neither do I really have the time to work it all out. Maybe I'll revisit this idea one day.