Monday, September 23, 2013

Dreamland - Review

This weekend I listened ‘Dreamland’ three times.

It’s not bad. Maude Maggart, as expected, is a great singer. Brent, as expected, wasn’t bad either. The story was somewhat prozaic, yet molded in an interesting form. The cd was not just music cd, not quite an audio play or musical, but something in between. For me, it did what the title promised to do, transport me to Dreamland. Not in a bad way, though the imagery, the script and the songs were very distracting for me; I kept drifting off into my own dreamland leaving the characters to it.

Time slipped away quietly and quickly. When I reached the end of the cd, 45 minutes had passed unnoticed. That must mean something.

I must admit, at this point, I’m more in awe of Brent than his cd. I try to stay sharp. This leads me to saying Brent’s singing is not bad at all, but neither is he the best singer I’ve ever heard. Neither is he the best story teller I’ve ever heard a story of. I’m not sure he was aiming for that. He did, however, succeed in creating a tapestry of dreamlike situations, mainly in song.

Maude Maggart is a great singer, but she does not have the most beautiful voice I’ve ever heard. Her technique is good, her voice by nature unremarkable.

Mark Hamill playing several characters was a bit too obvious for me. It distracted me.

The story line was a bit predictable. In some places so predictable, it made me roar in laughter. It did cause me to come up with the following line aimed at Brent: “I didn’t know you were a dirty old man”. If you listened the cd, you know what I mean.

Still, overall, a pleasurable experience.

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