Thursday, February 3, 2011

"10 O'Clock Live" Suggestion

It’s Thursday again. Tonight the 3rd episode of ‘10 O’Clock Live’ will go out. This means I’m reading up again on opinions and suggestions about the show. I’m getting to an interesting conclusion.

“Charlie Brooker should be the centre person and the others just contributors.”

I’m not saying that because as of today he is my favourite person on the planet (Blah! Ugh! Puke!) I’m saying it, because I’ve been counting and so far several people online suggested it, or something on the line of. (I didn’t actually count, but I read it enough times to write this piece about it)

Every time it was met by me with a: “Meh, don’t know.”. Every time I had a little think about it and concluded that they actually might be right. And here are the reasons why:

1. If Charlie was the centre person he would script the hell out of the show and with that pull it all together and it’ll be funny. This was not something I came up with; I read it actually on a forum and had to admit it sounded sensible. This wasn’t literally what I read, it’s heavily paraphrased.

2. He has been the most consistent in quality of work and most consistent in funny so far.

3. Charlie can do interviews. He’s done several interviews for Screenwipe and he did bloody well. He also interviewed cast members of the series ‘the Wire’.

And here we land at the reason I see as why Charlie shouldn’t be the centre person: “He lacks the political interest and passion.” And I think he would be too nervous. Another negative is, to me he still feels out of place in this show.

I’m still not convinced he should be the ‘Jon Stewart’ of ’10 O’Clock Live’, but I am warming up to the idea. Let’s just see how things will go tonight. Hopefully David took some interview lessons and Lauren some comedy lessons.

Why can’t I seem to get rid of that nervous feeling; I’m not on that bloody live show.

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