Monday, March 8, 2010


I know where I want to be. I’m still sitting on a wooden bench in the burning sun smoking my cigarette. I’m at the point of really getting tired and annoyed at my cigarette. All the rest is fine. I’m sitting backwards on the bench to avoid blowing smoke in the girls’ faces and because I’m a little tired of their conversation about foods they don’t like. Just yet a few minutes back, a young boy snatched our empty plastic cups off the table without asking. Even though I had no intention to bring back the cups for coins, it annoyed me. First of, he could have asked. Second, we all know he was probably dragged along by his parents and was told to go collect cups so he could buy himself a hamburger. All that, the burning sun, the picnic tables, the music blasting from the stage and sweaty people spilling their drinks on you is part of the festival life.

I indeed wrote in my review the concert was not really up to par. Yet, that’s where I want to be right now. Watching people tagging along and buying weird products from huge plastic cups filled with fresh fruit to mugs with a flat face on it. It’s almost romantic. Like the mass hanging over fences in front of the stage and the crispy sound when you stand on a plastic cup again. It’s almost charming all the people elbowing their way to wine and beer, or to the front to be able to catch a closer glimpse of the artist. Especially that particular day, on that particular festival, it was almost magical, but it wasn’t really.

What I’m longing for is the sun on my face. I’m longing for the laziness and abundance and fast-food. The sticky feeling that you need to change clothes and not lift your arms. To listen to music of artists you don’t know and who maybe have potential for success, or not. I’m longing for the times where I know I can leave office and forget about all and everything. Going to take a bite before entering the festival ground and deciding the little restaurant is not worth the price they ask.

I am here though. Outside it’s dark and rainy. Inside it’s work and keeping busy. I’ve been indulging in music. I’ve been submerging in voices and sounds. Things which became so familiar that they got new again. This morning been bliss, even though I was not completely up to energy or anything. Today, I am only sitting listening, remembering.

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