Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Headlong into the Future

Recently I embraced an old theory, because everybody kept saying it. Also, because after thinking about it, I could not disagree anymore.

Everybody is always searching for happiness. What is happiness? What are we all searching for? Is it a state of mind? Is it a feeling? Is it a way of life? Did we think about the definition of ‘happiness’ at all? Do we even understand what we’re asking for? Is it possible we’re searching for something we already have?

Lately, I’ve been told not to search for ‘happiness’ but for ‘peace of mind’. I was told to think about how I felt about my current situation. I was told to think about the things I thought made me unhappy and to think about how to make the situation go away or to accept it. Then back to thinking of happiness.

I found out I actually was happy. Maybe not with certain situations, but that could be fixed or accepted. Take it or leave it. I could choose happiness or gloom. I could choose to stay where I am or move on. I choose to move on. Happiness is a choice. Happiness is a state of mind, even a way of life. So I stopped searching for happiness, I choose happiness. I am searching for peace of mind.

Realizing it was knowing what I needed to do to completely feel contented, or to get ready for the next phase. Life is an ongoing battle, and it’s up to you if you’re conquering or perishing. If you put your mind to it, you can achieve way more than you think. If you accept certain limitations you will be contented easier and feel good about yourselves quicker. In both cases you will grow faster than you would ever dream you would.


stephanie clara said...


no offence and of course it's your blog with your thoughts so this is not criticism but you seem a little sure of yourself and find that people who think differently have an 'attitude problem'.
Don't you think that someone who has the possibility, the time and the energy to think about finding happiness, can't be very unhappy in the first place? Or at least that he can't have many real problems if he has time left to worry about that?

it's just a thought.



Wiwik said...

I wrote you a whole blog. If you'd rather remain anonymous, I can delete some texts.

stephanie clara said...


no no need to remain anonymous, I'm not looking for polemics, just discussing ideas, so go ahead.
I will answer to your last post a little later, when I've got some time.
