Deze is meer voor mijn eigen archief. Mijn excuses voor de herhaling en eeuwig geemmer.
De geschiedenis van het Huis van Oranje is geplaveid met tragische prinsen die reeds op jonge leeftijd politiek waren uitgerangeerd en op poëtische wijze ten onder gingen. Het meest pregnante voorbeeld wordt nog altijd geleverd door het droeve prinsenkoppel Willem en Alexander, de twee onfortuinlijke halfbroers van de latere koningin Wilhelmina. Deze zonen van Sophie von Württemberg, de eerste vrouw van koning Willem III, hadden in de doorlopende loopgravenoorlog die het huwelijk van hun ouders kenmerkte altijd partij getrokken voor hun moeder.
Kroonprins Willem haatte zijn vader met hart en ziel, zeker nadat deze zijn huwelijksplannen met een Hollandse onderdaan, jonkvrouw Mathilde van Limburg Stirum, categorisch had afgekeurd. Wat hier vreemd aan is, is dat zijn moeder het voorgenomen huwelijk net zo goed afkeurde. Maar dat schijnt niets uit te maken. Liever dan zich te schikken naar het vaderlijke bevel om een Russische prinses te huwen, vertrok prins Willem naar Parijs, waar hij zich stortte in een leven van seks, drank en gokken. De Parijse boulevardpers was gek op «Le Prince de Citron», en wijdde met enige regelmaat grote scandaleuze verhalen aan zijn liederlijke handel en wandel. Op 10 juni 1879 stierf prins Willem, 39 38, hij is geboren in september 1840 jaar oud, totaal berooid aan een combinatie van tyfus, syfilis, leveraandoening en totale uitputting Daarvoor had hij ook een dubbele longontsteking gehad waardoor hij bronchitis had gekregen in zijn Parijse hotelkamer, slechts bijgestaan door één trouwe bediende Aanwezig waren prinses Mathilde, familie van zijn moeder en prins Alexander.
Vijf jaar later volgde zijn broer Alexander. Deze overleed op 33-jarige 32, geboren 25 Augustus 1851 en overleden 21 Juni 1884 leeftijd in zijn paleis aan de Haagse Kneuterdijk, verscheurd door melancholische driften en kwalen van allerlei aard die het hem bijvoorbeeld onmogelijk hadden gemaakt om gewone kleren te dragen — men herinnert zich deze droeve prins, die «niet voor de huwelijkse staat was geschikt Dit is slechts een vermoeden. Volgens Alexander's personeel was het vrij zeker dat de prins nooit vrouwelijk gezelschap heeft gehad. Eerder asexueel dan homosexueel?», vooral gekleed in kamerjas.
Over de dood van Alexander hangt nog altijd een mysterieuze waas Niet echt. Hij is overleden aan vlek tyfus en leed daarnaast aan uitputting — speculaties over de mogelijkheid dat hij is vermoord om ruim baan te maken voor zijn halfzusje Wilhelmina, weerklinken tot op de dag van vandaag Roddel en ramptoerisme. Alexander vreesde in ieder geval altijd voor zijn leven, vooral voor de mogelijkheid dat men hem probeerde te vergiftigen Die is nieuw voor mij!. Brieven van de hand van deze tragische prins waarin dit vermoeden uitgebreid ter sprake kwam Wederom roddel en ramptoerisme, veelal verspreid door fanatieke republikeinen, zouden door Wilhel mina hoogstpersoonlijk zijn vernietigd. Een en ander was onlangs nog een bron van inspiratie voor de KRO, die een behoorlijk conspiratief getoonzette dramaserie wijdde aan het mysterie van Alexander.
Bron: De Groene Amsterdammer
Het was het liberale kabinet De Vries-Fransen van de Putte Het zit 'em in de naam, niet? Putte, Rutte, tijd voor een Koningslied, dat in 1873 de destijds al vermaarde priester, dichter en politicus in spé Herman Schaepman de opdracht gaf om een officieel Koningslied te schrijven. Een slimme zet, want in een tijd dat de katholieken zich heftig aan het emanciperen waren (en het Zuiden van het land als economische motor fungeerde), had je het roomse deel der natie meer dan ooit nodig.
Bron: Geschiedenis 24
Friday, May 31, 2013
Correcties en Opmerkingen
Dutch Royals,
prins Alexander,
prins Willem,
Thursday, May 30, 2013
When I was in school in history class we were taught Dutch history over any other history. When I was about 7-12 I used to watch an educational program for youths. Both very educational. Only now I found out some nationalism was involved in how the material was presented to us.
I realized this when I watched some of the eductional program I used to watch; “het Klokhuis” (core of an apple).
I’ve been searching for my own personal brainwash. I found it hard to tell good sense, nature and brainwash apart. I mean, what is good sense? And in which cases I was born that way or brainwashed? This search for my personal brainwash started when I realized that every person thinks they’re right in their convictions. Where did those convictions come from? In which cases are we fooling ourselves in what we think is truth and right? In what cases society (we grew up in) is to blame and in which cases we are just ignorant, fool hardy or just plain stupid? How do you find out where nature stops and culture starts? According to Kees Torn, Dutch comedian, it’s all nature. Still, not all we believe nature dictated. We were also taught things. Like what’s good and right, or what is wrong and bad. Nature didn’t dictate that; nature only dictated us to survive, as individuals and as a species.
In this society we live in, we developed strong believes in what is right or wrong. However, everybody around you believing something is good doesn’t make it good. For example, you could teach a whole generation that 2+2=5. They will all believe that’s the truth and they will all agree with each other, because that was what they were taught. It doesn’t make it right, though.
This little example is easy to unravel, but when we’re talking about believes of a certain society, coming out with new ideas and believes can be tricky, even when you turn out to be right. There are many examples in the sciences and it works exactly the same with moral believes. So, who says I am right in my believes? Of course I do, but what is that worth? Very possibly someone can come along, read my blog and disagree with all I’ve written in the past or will right in the future. So what are my believes worth, and ain’t I fooling myself?
Back to my basic history lessons from school and my believes that I am too brainwashed; I just didn’t know in which capacity and on what subject. It turns out it was history, Dutch history, and about my own country. Let’s lay out some rules: All countries have their own characteristics. All countries have nice and good assets and bad and wrong assets. There’s no such thing as a completely pleasing government, there’s always someone disagreeing with the rulers or the ones executing the rules. Everybody commenting on countries will be right or wrong, but that’s usually left to interpretation, social morals and the judgement of people.
Now, here it comes: I was taught about the Dutch golden age. I was also told about the conquering and slavery the Dutch were involved in. I was taught about Willem of Orange, Michiel de Ruijter and the brothers de Witt. I was taught about the Dutch Republic, back in the days during the golden age. And I was taught to be really proud of the Netherlands and to love the colour Orange.
In all these cases it was recognized/mentioned some of these people and some of these events weren’t as glorious anhd good as we would like them to be, but we were also taught to quickly move over that part and to love Orange. Of course right now I can’t think of a good example.
A few weeks back I watched “het Klokhuis” to brush up my knowledge of Dutch history. I had already read up on the Internet, so I had some references to judge the information against. I noticed how romantically the Oranges were painted. I could see fault, but that didn’t come forward in the program. In the end I was correcting them aloud in my living room I was getting annoyed and I looked back at my youth and how I sat through the history lessons. I started to realize we were brainwashed to love the Royal family. Not massively, but surely, just to be sure we wouldn’t revolve against the kingdom in too massive a crowd. I felt cheated.
I’ve never been this obsessed with the Dutch royals before. I’m glad it only grabbed me at a grownup age. Who knows what nonsense I would have started to believe had I been younger. The idea of me believing the Royals were chosen by God revolts me. Then again, I might not feel the pain for it then like I do now. In the end, who says they aren’t? I honestly don’t know, but I don’t believe it either; I find it arrogant.
So, as objective as I can I will declare myself a Republican instead of an Orangist, if I must choose. What’s for opinion, who knows I turn out to be wrong in the end and will suffer for all my social believes.
I realized this when I watched some of the eductional program I used to watch; “het Klokhuis” (core of an apple).
I’ve been searching for my own personal brainwash. I found it hard to tell good sense, nature and brainwash apart. I mean, what is good sense? And in which cases I was born that way or brainwashed? This search for my personal brainwash started when I realized that every person thinks they’re right in their convictions. Where did those convictions come from? In which cases are we fooling ourselves in what we think is truth and right? In what cases society (we grew up in) is to blame and in which cases we are just ignorant, fool hardy or just plain stupid? How do you find out where nature stops and culture starts? According to Kees Torn, Dutch comedian, it’s all nature. Still, not all we believe nature dictated. We were also taught things. Like what’s good and right, or what is wrong and bad. Nature didn’t dictate that; nature only dictated us to survive, as individuals and as a species.
In this society we live in, we developed strong believes in what is right or wrong. However, everybody around you believing something is good doesn’t make it good. For example, you could teach a whole generation that 2+2=5. They will all believe that’s the truth and they will all agree with each other, because that was what they were taught. It doesn’t make it right, though.
This little example is easy to unravel, but when we’re talking about believes of a certain society, coming out with new ideas and believes can be tricky, even when you turn out to be right. There are many examples in the sciences and it works exactly the same with moral believes. So, who says I am right in my believes? Of course I do, but what is that worth? Very possibly someone can come along, read my blog and disagree with all I’ve written in the past or will right in the future. So what are my believes worth, and ain’t I fooling myself?
This is what the Golden Age looked like....Apparently.... |
Now, here it comes: I was taught about the Dutch golden age. I was also told about the conquering and slavery the Dutch were involved in. I was taught about Willem of Orange, Michiel de Ruijter and the brothers de Witt. I was taught about the Dutch Republic, back in the days during the golden age. And I was taught to be really proud of the Netherlands and to love the colour Orange.
In all these cases it was recognized/mentioned some of these people and some of these events weren’t as glorious anhd good as we would like them to be, but we were also taught to quickly move over that part and to love Orange. Of course right now I can’t think of a good example.
A few weeks back I watched “het Klokhuis” to brush up my knowledge of Dutch history. I had already read up on the Internet, so I had some references to judge the information against. I noticed how romantically the Oranges were painted. I could see fault, but that didn’t come forward in the program. In the end I was correcting them aloud in my living room I was getting annoyed and I looked back at my youth and how I sat through the history lessons. I started to realize we were brainwashed to love the Royal family. Not massively, but surely, just to be sure we wouldn’t revolve against the kingdom in too massive a crowd. I felt cheated.
I’ve never been this obsessed with the Dutch royals before. I’m glad it only grabbed me at a grownup age. Who knows what nonsense I would have started to believe had I been younger. The idea of me believing the Royals were chosen by God revolts me. Then again, I might not feel the pain for it then like I do now. In the end, who says they aren’t? I honestly don’t know, but I don’t believe it either; I find it arrogant.
So, as objective as I can I will declare myself a Republican instead of an Orangist, if I must choose. What’s for opinion, who knows I turn out to be wrong in the end and will suffer for all my social believes.
Dutch golden age,
Dutch history,
Wednesday, May 29, 2013
How On Earth Can the New Dutch Republic Ever Survive? On These Twats!?!?
Those conspiracy theories are doing my head in. Not because it’s depressing, I admit it is, but because they don’t seem to be able to get any basic facts right. They keep calling prins Willem, Alexander’s older brother, “crown prince Willem Alexander”. The only proof they’re talking about Alexander’s older brother is the mentioning of his birth year and year of death. First, the Netherlands has no crown princes or princesses. Willem was the prince of Oranje-Nassau, the heir apparent to his fathe King Willem (William) III of the Netherlands. But I’ll let that one go. What is really annoying is the wrong use of names. He was prince Willem, not Willem Alexander, and his nickname was Wiwil(l?).
Herstel de Republiek: Ik Willem Niet
Information on this site isn’t completely correct either. In the first paragraphs it’s claimed the people of the Netherlands never asked the Oranjes to lead us. That’s nonsense; the people have asked and welcomed in the Oranjes at least twice. The last time Willem VI of Oranje-Nassau was asked back. He would become King Willem I.
Before that, if I’m not mistaken, after stadholder Johan de Witt was murdered, the Oranjes returned on request. However, I must admit that it was never quite clear if the Oranje was behind the murders on the brothers de Witt. One thing is clear though, the people weren’t happy with the rule of the Witt (Johan) but were happy to welcome the Oranje person back. Which one has slipped my mind. I’m guessing Willem IV prince of Oranje-Nassau.
If I had read on I would have found out it was Willem III. The prince, not the king who wasn’t even alive yet. If they got that right, of course.
This one is funny:
Or this one:
Bisexual, so what!!! What does that have to do with their rightful throne sitting? By the way, the adultery, even though not very charming, doesn’t mean anything either. Maybe not faithful to wife, but faithful to country still. And legally inherited the throne.
This one about Queen Juliana:
Yes, I am angry. I am, as a matter of fact, steaming, almost literally. Not because they’re trying to unravel the Royal fraud that is our Royal house, but because they can’t seem to get anything right and therefore won’t ever have any strong foot to kick the throne over with. Even I can blow them over hands tied to my back. This way you start believing the Oranges believes that the people are stupid are right and true.
King Will II |
Information on this site isn’t completely correct either. In the first paragraphs it’s claimed the people of the Netherlands never asked the Oranjes to lead us. That’s nonsense; the people have asked and welcomed in the Oranjes at least twice. The last time Willem VI of Oranje-Nassau was asked back. He would become King Willem I.
Before that, if I’m not mistaken, after stadholder Johan de Witt was murdered, the Oranjes returned on request. However, I must admit that it was never quite clear if the Oranje was behind the murders on the brothers de Witt. One thing is clear though, the people weren’t happy with the rule of the Witt (Johan) but were happy to welcome the Oranje person back. Which one has slipped my mind. I’m guessing Willem IV prince of Oranje-Nassau.
If I had read on I would have found out it was Willem III. The prince, not the king who wasn’t even alive yet. If they got that right, of course.
This one is funny:
“De second time he put his unlawful autograph under a contract to give up the colonies and fleet…”In other words, he was still the low lands lawful leader? That’s surely not what the author was trying to say?
Or this one:
“King Willem II (multi-adulterous and bisexual)…”
Queen Juliana, the one and only
Bisexual, so what!!! What does that have to do with their rightful throne sitting? By the way, the adultery, even though not very charming, doesn’t mean anything either. Maybe not faithful to wife, but faithful to country still. And legally inherited the throne.
This one about Queen Juliana:
“Queen Juliana, better known as Juultje van Soest, because she could impossibly being conceived by two syphilis sufferers, prince Hendrik and Paulientje de Ranitz…”Syphilis breeds out. Queen Wilhelmina had some failed pregnancies because of the syphilis. By the time she was pregnant of Juliana, the syphilis had been bred out. That’s a normal development which doesn’t only go for royals, but for commons alike.
Yes, I am angry. I am, as a matter of fact, steaming, almost literally. Not because they’re trying to unravel the Royal fraud that is our Royal house, but because they can’t seem to get anything right and therefore won’t ever have any strong foot to kick the throne over with. Even I can blow them over hands tied to my back. This way you start believing the Oranges believes that the people are stupid are right and true.
Monday, May 27, 2013
Back to the Dutch Republic
Last Friday I posted some links to sites about the Dutch Republic and later that day also about the Independence of Belgium (and how lame the fate of East-Limburg was).
Now, imagine the King leaves and the kingdom falls, the only possibility is the Dutch Republic (in this imaginary situation). The unity of the Netherlands immediately disintegrates; Friesland becomes an independent state, the provinces Utrecht and Zeeland revolve back to being a “Gewest”1 and the provinces North- and South-Holland end up in a civil war, because they can’t decide which city should become the capitol. In the end it will be the Hague, but it’ll take them about 10 years to decide that, because both Rotterdam and Amsterdam are begging for the title. Then we have some provinces who are not sure what should happen to them.
Groningen, Drenthe, Overijssel and Gelderland are not quite sure what to do. They could try to make it as an independent “Gewest”, like long ago, but it’s been very long ago and Germany is now not divided anymore and very big (and rich and powerful). Those four will start out trying to make it as an independent “Gewest”, but the cool stares of Europe are nerve racking.
Both North-Brabant and East-Limburg have proposals from the Belgian to join them, to reunite the provinces with their Belgian counterparts. Limburg also has a proposal from Germany to join them. In the end the pull from their Western counterpart is strongest and the reunited Limburg is encouraged to also split from Belgium and become an independent state, like Friesland. That’ll fling Belgium into another crisis and before long, also Belgium falls apart. They will fall apart into a Dutch speaking part and a French speaking part. Meanwhile, Europe desperately pulls at the tail of Brussels. Europe is panicking.
In the end it turns out that the low lands or states, have trouble getting buy. Holland is ravaged by the civil war and all the other former provinces find they’re too weak to get by. The first provinces needing help will probably be Groningen, Drenthe, well, etc. It turns out we forgot how to be the Dutch Republic, the golden age has long been gone, and we’ll start looking wich Orange is nearest by to take over the reigns. We don’t want a king back, but a stadholder will do. The new stadholder will very likely be called Willem the umpteenth. And before you know the Oranges are back in the sadle…or maybe even in the throne ruling over the new united Low lands.
After about 15 years the South-Netherlands will grow discontented, because it feels it’s being repressed and they will split off. After about one year they’ll give a bit of Limburg back and the Netherlands will look like it had before all over again.
Oh yeah, Flevoland is completely and utterly confounded, because they never done anything as ridiculous before.
Conclusion: We might just as well not have bothered.
I suppose my point is, we’ll always end up with some member of the Orange-Nassau family. It’s a real love/hate relationship. One that seems to endure through all the good and bad times. Since the 1500’s.
Or maybe I should do my homework propperly.
1: A “Gewest” is a “district”.
Now, imagine the King leaves and the kingdom falls, the only possibility is the Dutch Republic (in this imaginary situation). The unity of the Netherlands immediately disintegrates; Friesland becomes an independent state, the provinces Utrecht and Zeeland revolve back to being a “Gewest”1 and the provinces North- and South-Holland end up in a civil war, because they can’t decide which city should become the capitol. In the end it will be the Hague, but it’ll take them about 10 years to decide that, because both Rotterdam and Amsterdam are begging for the title. Then we have some provinces who are not sure what should happen to them.
Groningen, Drenthe, Overijssel and Gelderland are not quite sure what to do. They could try to make it as an independent “Gewest”, like long ago, but it’s been very long ago and Germany is now not divided anymore and very big (and rich and powerful). Those four will start out trying to make it as an independent “Gewest”, but the cool stares of Europe are nerve racking.
Both North-Brabant and East-Limburg have proposals from the Belgian to join them, to reunite the provinces with their Belgian counterparts. Limburg also has a proposal from Germany to join them. In the end the pull from their Western counterpart is strongest and the reunited Limburg is encouraged to also split from Belgium and become an independent state, like Friesland. That’ll fling Belgium into another crisis and before long, also Belgium falls apart. They will fall apart into a Dutch speaking part and a French speaking part. Meanwhile, Europe desperately pulls at the tail of Brussels. Europe is panicking.
In the end it turns out that the low lands or states, have trouble getting buy. Holland is ravaged by the civil war and all the other former provinces find they’re too weak to get by. The first provinces needing help will probably be Groningen, Drenthe, well, etc. It turns out we forgot how to be the Dutch Republic, the golden age has long been gone, and we’ll start looking wich Orange is nearest by to take over the reigns. We don’t want a king back, but a stadholder will do. The new stadholder will very likely be called Willem the umpteenth. And before you know the Oranges are back in the sadle…or maybe even in the throne ruling over the new united Low lands.
After about 15 years the South-Netherlands will grow discontented, because it feels it’s being repressed and they will split off. After about one year they’ll give a bit of Limburg back and the Netherlands will look like it had before all over again.
Oh yeah, Flevoland is completely and utterly confounded, because they never done anything as ridiculous before.
Conclusion: We might just as well not have bothered.
I suppose my point is, we’ll always end up with some member of the Orange-Nassau family. It’s a real love/hate relationship. One that seems to endure through all the good and bad times. Since the 1500’s.
Or maybe I should do my homework propperly.
1: A “Gewest” is a “district”.
belgian revolution,
limburg revolution,
10 O'Clock Live - Season 3
I have not seen any episode from 10 O'Clock Live season 3. I haven't even finished watching season 2, from last year. I just don't have the courage, especially after finding out it's still all the same faces. Obviously, I have no problem with David Mitchell or Charlie Brooker and I can even accept Jimmy Carr. The Laverne woman still mystifies me, though. From what I've read so far, still nobody is sure what she's doing there. And still, nobody thinks she's particularly funny, but she's not the either; her attempts at humour are still too many for that.
Will I find the courage to watch an episode from season 3? I might, I am still curious. But right now I find my muesli more interesting.
There, my duty done, I said something about 10 O'Clock Live season 3.
I have not seen any episode from 10 O'Clock Live season 3. I haven't even finished watching season 2, from last year. I just don't have the courage, especially after finding out it's still all the same faces. Obviously, I have no problem with David Mitchell or Charlie Brooker and I can even accept Jimmy Carr. The Laverne woman still mystifies me, though. From what I've read so far, still nobody is sure what she's doing there. And still, nobody thinks she's particularly funny, but she's not the either; her attempts at humour are still too many for that.
Will I find the courage to watch an episode from season 3? I might, I am still curious. But right now I find my muesli more interesting.
Still all the same faces...God knows why.. |
Friday, May 24, 2013
Limburg and the Oranges
That I am now this interested in the Oranges is a bit strange. When I was young I grew up in Limburg, the appendix hanging on the bottom. A piece of land that for whatever reasons didn't rebel as hard against the king (King Willem I) and decided it rhater be Dutch than Belgian, or rather independent, but not the guts. I don't know. In any case, Limburg became and still is part of the Netherlands. Do Limburgish people feel Orange? To some extend, but not too much. Limburgish people are atypical Dutch people, mainly Catholic, not Protestant or Reformed. Neither as spoken out or enterprising. Not as loud either, except when it's Carnaval, which they don't celebrate, not really, above the rivers. But Dutch none-the-less.
What I remember, from my childhood, of Queensday? Not much. It was a public holiday. No school, some activities, not too many. Definately not a big party.
Nowadays I live in Amsterdam. Amsterdam, like many other big cities colour orange. It's been since I live in Amsterdam I really celebrate Queensday. A party to watch all the boats on the canals and weirdoes in orange. Even for me it was something new to experience, and I was Dutch.
The Belgium revolution started in 1830. Well, you can read all about it here:
Google search: Belgian revolution
After reading a bit of the wiki-page, I found out a part of Limburg was given back. That's even more depressing. On the other hand, we kept the tradition of being flung from one power to another going.
Does Limburg feel Dutch? No. The Dutch not-Limburgish people don't think so. Even the Limburgish people don't think so. And I have to confess, neither do I. And yet, I feel Dutch. I can even tell you most Limburgish people feel Dutch, but they feel Limburgish first. How else could it be. For the greatest time in all times, Limburg wasn't one of the seven united Netherlands. Most of the time they didn't fall under the Orange leadership, they fell under the French, Spanish or other power. So it's no surprise Limburg wasn't that keen to sing along with the King's song last Queensday. Neither is it surprising they feel like an appendix hanging on. It's the strangest of situations.
So if the King is thrown out, and the Republic returns, what would that mean for Dutch- or East-Limburg? I wonder.
What I remember, from my childhood, of Queensday? Not much. It was a public holiday. No school, some activities, not too many. Definately not a big party.
Nowadays I live in Amsterdam. Amsterdam, like many other big cities colour orange. It's been since I live in Amsterdam I really celebrate Queensday. A party to watch all the boats on the canals and weirdoes in orange. Even for me it was something new to experience, and I was Dutch.
The Belgium revolution started in 1830. Well, you can read all about it here:
Google search: Belgian revolution
After reading a bit of the wiki-page, I found out a part of Limburg was given back. That's even more depressing. On the other hand, we kept the tradition of being flung from one power to another going.
Does Limburg feel Dutch? No. The Dutch not-Limburgish people don't think so. Even the Limburgish people don't think so. And I have to confess, neither do I. And yet, I feel Dutch. I can even tell you most Limburgish people feel Dutch, but they feel Limburgish first. How else could it be. For the greatest time in all times, Limburg wasn't one of the seven united Netherlands. Most of the time they didn't fall under the Orange leadership, they fell under the French, Spanish or other power. So it's no surprise Limburg wasn't that keen to sing along with the King's song last Queensday. Neither is it surprising they feel like an appendix hanging on. It's the strangest of situations.
So if the King is thrown out, and the Republic returns, what would that mean for Dutch- or East-Limburg? I wonder.
the Republic - Homework
Here are some links so you can update yourself about the "Dutch" Republic. I will be reading these too.
In ‘s Nederlands:
Often the same information, but still valuable.
Van Republiek naar Koninkrijk en terug naar Republiek:
"Niet voor niets is in artikel 2 van deze nieuwe Grondwet vastgelegd dat het doel van de Republiek het geluk van de burger is"
"...goal of the Republic is the happiness of the citizen..."
This has to be specified. When I'm happy, it doesn't automatically mean my neighbour is too. A subjective aspect like "happiness" can't be used as a foundation to build a constitution on, I think. So maybe we don't need a specification.
The Netherlands is already a republic. I think, of all articles about the Netherlands and the Dutch Republic, this is my favourite: Think whatever you want, there are good and bad points made. I can at least kick against crown and article (I know that sounds contradictory), and maybe I will on this blog.
In Anglaise:
Something somewhat related:
In ‘s Nederlands:
Often the same information, but still valuable.
Van Republiek naar Koninkrijk en terug naar Republiek:
"Niet voor niets is in artikel 2 van deze nieuwe Grondwet vastgelegd dat het doel van de Republiek het geluk van de burger is"
"...goal of the Republic is the happiness of the citizen..."
This has to be specified. When I'm happy, it doesn't automatically mean my neighbour is too. A subjective aspect like "happiness" can't be used as a foundation to build a constitution on, I think. So maybe we don't need a specification.
The Netherlands is already a republic. I think, of all articles about the Netherlands and the Dutch Republic, this is my favourite: Think whatever you want, there are good and bad points made. I can at least kick against crown and article (I know that sounds contradictory), and maybe I will on this blog.
In Anglaise:
Something somewhat related:
the Republic
Quite a few years ago I had my first gush of Orange interest. Back then the subject of my affections was Prince Johan Friso, son of Princess Beatrix and Prince Claus. He’s been in a coma for more than a year now after being caught in an avalange in 2012. My interest in him was way before Mabel gate, back in the ‘90s I think. Looking back I can’t remember why I felt attracted to him. Pretty much like now.
I’m not a royalist. Observing it all, from a distance, to me it all feels very unnatural. And because it feels unnatural, I can’t see how certain things within a monarchie can work. Yes, I know, we regulated it and our monarchie, as it is now, is for a great part ceremonial. Still, a monarchie seems like a tricky thing to me.
Queen Sophie, Alexander’s mum, once said something like, if people could see behind the scenes of a monarchie, they would become republican (in the Dutch sense of the word).
I liked that, obviously. Not only because I don’t really believe in a monarchie, but mainly because someone high up and right in there had the wits to not only noticing it, but also to confirm it. I’m sure she wrote that in one of her letters to one of her many friends, and not in public. Not in public for whatever reasons. Maybe because she didn’t have the power to set up the republic, maybe not even the power to voice her ideas. Who knows her reasons?
In an earlier post I said I don’t think we can do without the Oranges anymore. That hasn’t changed. I did get more curious about the possibilities to go back to being a republic. What would it take? Do we have all characteristics, knowledge, skills and powers needed to making it a success? And how long would we need to build the republic back to strength? I mean, it’s been more than 200 years since we actually were a republic, the Republic. In the passed two centuries the Republic has crept out of our systems, out of our minds and heads. We are subjects to a King, and that’s how we’re living our lives. We can’t remember being inhabitants of a Republic. We don’t know that life, nor do we remember how to live those lives.
Those are objections that I think can be overcome, but it would take time. A lot of time. So what would be the pros? A democratically chosen leader. No money to an expensive royal family (but to the republic). No ridicule over an out of date and highly undemocratic tradition. Yeah, I can’t think of more.
What I do want to do is read a bit more about being a republic and the pros and cons people come up with. Who knows I will do some research. If I do, you will find the results here.
And now for something completely different: I said I would post the intro, or part of, of the book “Alexander – de vergeten kroonprins” on this blog in the, then, next entry. I didn’t, because I forget to bring the book so I could type over what I wanted you to read. I will do so as soon I don’t forget to bring the book, or when I’m back home. Maybe this weekend, maybe next week. Probably never. In other words, don’t hold your breath.
Prince Johan Friso |
I’m not a royalist. Observing it all, from a distance, to me it all feels very unnatural. And because it feels unnatural, I can’t see how certain things within a monarchie can work. Yes, I know, we regulated it and our monarchie, as it is now, is for a great part ceremonial. Still, a monarchie seems like a tricky thing to me.
Queen Sophie, Alexander’s mum, once said something like, if people could see behind the scenes of a monarchie, they would become republican (in the Dutch sense of the word).
In an earlier post I said I don’t think we can do without the Oranges anymore. That hasn’t changed. I did get more curious about the possibilities to go back to being a republic. What would it take? Do we have all characteristics, knowledge, skills and powers needed to making it a success? And how long would we need to build the republic back to strength? I mean, it’s been more than 200 years since we actually were a republic, the Republic. In the passed two centuries the Republic has crept out of our systems, out of our minds and heads. We are subjects to a King, and that’s how we’re living our lives. We can’t remember being inhabitants of a Republic. We don’t know that life, nor do we remember how to live those lives.
Those are objections that I think can be overcome, but it would take time. A lot of time. So what would be the pros? A democratically chosen leader. No money to an expensive royal family (but to the republic). No ridicule over an out of date and highly undemocratic tradition. Yeah, I can’t think of more.
What I do want to do is read a bit more about being a republic and the pros and cons people come up with. Who knows I will do some research. If I do, you will find the results here.
And now for something completely different: I said I would post the intro, or part of, of the book “Alexander – de vergeten kroonprins” on this blog in the, then, next entry. I didn’t, because I forget to bring the book so I could type over what I wanted you to read. I will do so as soon I don’t forget to bring the book, or when I’m back home. Maybe this weekend, maybe next week. Probably never. In other words, don’t hold your breath.
de Republiek,
Johan Friso,
Koningin Sophie,
Queen Sophie,
the Netherlands,
the Republic
Thursday, May 23, 2013
Oh, and this is Willem Nicolaas Alexander Frederik Karel Hendrik (Wiwil)....and the rest of the family
Below a picture of Alexander's older brother Wiwil:
And his older brother Maurits who died age six, one year before Alexander's birth.
Oh, what the hell. Here are Alexander's mum and dad too.
Sophie van Württemberg and King Willem III
Willem (-) Alexander
Here’s a blog that looks like mine, subject and background, but obviously isn’t. However, I do like his post and like to direct you there. It is all in Dutch however. Sorry...
The first post I direct you to is about our current King, Willem-Alexander.
Deze wil ik ook nog even uitlichten:
Uit dezelfde post:
Ik had het geschreven kunnen hebben. Ergens heb ik hetzelfde sentiment geventileerd, maar dat zou best eens in mijn dagboek kunnen zijn. Maar toch, op de troon, alsnog, Willem (-) Alexander.
The first post I direct you to is about our current King, Willem-Alexander.
Deze wil ik ook nog even uitlichten:
"Het waren de jaren - rond 1879 - dat het Oranjehuis bezig was onverbiddelijk uit te sterven."Wat een heerlijke woordkeuze.
Uit dezelfde post:
"Wat verstandig, zeggen ze. Geen Willem IV maar Koning Willem-Alexander. Dus niet terug naar de grotendeels ongelukkige mannelijke Oranjevorsten van de 19e eeuw. Willem-Alexander wordt koning om zichzelf. W-A de eerste.
Toch maakt de Willem-Alexander op die wijze wel degelijk een verbinding met de geschiedenis. Dat ligt niet aan hem persoonlijk maar aan het besluit van zijn ouders Beatrix en Claus toen zij hem die naam gaven. Ik weet niet zeker of hierover destijds, in 1967, openlijk is gesproken. Maar vaag blijft mij bij dat Beatrix en Claus bij de naamgeving van hun oudste zoon uitdrukkelijk gedacht hebben aan de twee Oranjeprinsen aan wie het koningschap door hun vroegtijdig overlijden voorbij was gegaan."
Ik had het geschreven kunnen hebben. Ergens heb ik hetzelfde sentiment geventileerd, maar dat zou best eens in mijn dagboek kunnen zijn. Maar toch, op de troon, alsnog, Willem (-) Alexander.
Wednesday, May 22, 2013
the Media Perfect Prince
It seems my dear prince is very beloved by media people.
the Book: "Alexander - De vergeten kroonprins"
English: "Alexander - The forgotten crown prince"
the Book: "Alexander - De vergeten kroonprins"
English: "Alexander - The forgotten crown prince"
The first cover was the cover used for the first edition of the book, published in the late 70's of last century. The cover on the right is of the latest edition, published some time around 1997.
This book is the best and the most complete biography you can find on Alexander. There's not that much exciting to find out, Alexander didn't really do much of importance. Great parts of the book are filled with the complete texts from papers. It also includes Alexander's sent in letter as a reaction on an article in a paper and the two following brochures he published to explain his point made in the first mentioned letter. It's an interesting and exhausting read since it's all in old Dutch. But it gives a nice view of how Alexander's brain worked. Pretty well, I must say.
In the second edition is a an intro in which the below series "Wij Alexander" ("We Alexander") is mentioned. According to the author the series says Alexander went mad and got institutionalized, instead of dying in 1884. If the author of the book had watched the series right till the end, or had paid attention right till the end, he would have found out his assumptions of what the series was saying were wrong. To find out what I'm talking about watch "Wij Alexander". The piece of intro I'll add in the next entry.
To buy:
the TV-series: "Wij Alexander"
English: "We Alexander"
Find the |
The story plays in 1909 right after the birth of the (then) future Queen Juliana. Doctor Giltay returns to the Netherlands to finish his studies at an institution. In the institution he meets patient #4 who claims to be Prince Alexander, who at that point had been dead for 25 years.
Soon the care of this patient is handed over to Giltay who also gets the assignment to find out about a wooden box (mentioned before on this blog).
The questions are many: Is patient #4 really Prince Alexander? Where's the wooden box and why are people so keen to find it?
I thoroughly enjoyed this series. The story is clever and very respecting towards Alexander. Only facts are presented as facts and rumours remain rumours. If we're not certain about something, neither is the series. In other words, this series doesn't sling any false facts into the world, it merely plays with the already old existing rumours.
Also the pace of the story is right, the acting is superb and it all looks very authentic. Definately recommended.
the Play: "Alexander - de prins die niet wilde"
English: "Alexander - the prince who didn't want to"
I only found out about this play today. This play was only performed on Texel, I believe, for a small audience and only a few dates. The prince was played by Dutch actor Antonie Kamerling, who unfortunately was very depressed and commited suicide in 2010.
I can't really find much about the play except that it was performed in December (?) 2009 and that it gave a view on the Dutch royals from around 1890 from the viewpoint of Alexander. It was a solo performance.
If I find more, I'll post it here.
My Alexander
This is how I always picture Alexander (in my head).
Just so you know.
This one below, however, is my favourite for obvious reasons (probably not to you, but is to me).
the Dutch Royal Soap Continued
Recently, or lately, or the last few days, or would that rather be the coming few days, or more than one century ago or to come, I get stuck in time a little and I’m not even a time traveler.
Even I believe this is getting ridiculous and I indulge myself regurarly in fantasizing up ridiculous things. Out of the Doctor Who fandom into Orange fandom, which quite frankly scares me, has me time traveling more than I did with the Doctor. I mean when fantasizing about the Doctor. Hmmm, I wish. I now know my answer when the Doctor asks me where to go first.
This will be one of these blogs in which I get stuck in gushing about my latest interest. About how I can’t stop thinking about him. About his character flaws, completely forgetting he probably can’t help it (anymore) either.
For my convenience at the bottom some links to sources. These two give you a very complete, though not very detailled, and correct retelling of Alexander’s life.
And now, on with the Royal Soap.
On a forum I read the following:
That one got me. That was a thought I hadn’t come across yet nor did that sprout from my rich fantasies. It had me mildly shocked, amused, excited and then disappointed when I realized that’s not very likely.
However, let’s examine this thought.
Forget all that talk about him never leaving his palace only to lay flowers at his mother’s and brother’s coffins. Also forget that Alexander couldn’t stand the thought of Emma being his step-mother for accepted (by me) moral reasons.
Let’s adopt the generally approved believes that Emma was a good person with a good feel for human suffering. If we forget and/or accept all above mentioned, it’s not a strange thought that Alexander and Emma hit it off. It’s even possible that Wilhelmina is not Willem III’s child, but Alexander’s. In that case, not only has the throne been semi-legally in the Oranje-Nassau family, but something or rather someone of Alexander lives on right up till this day.
See why I got mildly excited? It certainly put a completey different spin on things. It feeds the bottom from which my trees and flowers of absurd stories sprout.
On the other hand, picturing Alexander as Wilhelmina’s father, rather than half-brother, seems a bit gross. I know it’s not really; it would even be a bit less gross than the actual situation. I’m still not willing to picture a sixty-something year old king with a twenty-something year old queen having sex, which, if the history isn’t telling lies, actually happened. It might have saved the monarchy, for what it’s worth, it’s still not a very pleasant thought to me. Emma with Alexander seems more acceptable and suitable in equal measures.
It would have meant not only that Alexander had been with a woman, which pales the gay rumours a little, he would have been with his father new wife, his step-mother. In the light of things disturbing, yet interesting. It definitely would make this horrible royal fairy tale complete. Especially since Alexander never meets his little half-sister/daughter.
So, could Wilhelmina Alexander’s child?
Sources Alexander biography:
Source Alexander’s supposed saviour of the kingdom (a few messages down):
Alexander at some point in his life Could this man be the...? |
Even I believe this is getting ridiculous and I indulge myself regurarly in fantasizing up ridiculous things. Out of the Doctor Who fandom into Orange fandom, which quite frankly scares me, has me time traveling more than I did with the Doctor. I mean when fantasizing about the Doctor. Hmmm, I wish. I now know my answer when the Doctor asks me where to go first.
This will be one of these blogs in which I get stuck in gushing about my latest interest. About how I can’t stop thinking about him. About his character flaws, completely forgetting he probably can’t help it (anymore) either.
For my convenience at the bottom some links to sources. These two give you a very complete, though not very detailled, and correct retelling of Alexander’s life.
And now, on with the Royal Soap.
On a forum I read the following:
Mr Hayes wrote:
“Who was the real father of Queen Wilhelmina????? We shall never know…..unless people go into the grave chambers in Delft to examine that (DNA).”
To which 22339 replies with:
“That 29 year old prince (meaning Prince Alexander) of course who did it with his step-mother.”
Wilhelmina age 4/5 Could this girl be...? |
However, let’s examine this thought.
Forget all that talk about him never leaving his palace only to lay flowers at his mother’s and brother’s coffins. Also forget that Alexander couldn’t stand the thought of Emma being his step-mother for accepted (by me) moral reasons.
Let’s adopt the generally approved believes that Emma was a good person with a good feel for human suffering. If we forget and/or accept all above mentioned, it’s not a strange thought that Alexander and Emma hit it off. It’s even possible that Wilhelmina is not Willem III’s child, but Alexander’s. In that case, not only has the throne been semi-legally in the Oranje-Nassau family, but something or rather someone of Alexander lives on right up till this day.
See why I got mildly excited? It certainly put a completey different spin on things. It feeds the bottom from which my trees and flowers of absurd stories sprout.
Emma, 20-something Could this woman...? |
It would have meant not only that Alexander had been with a woman, which pales the gay rumours a little, he would have been with his father new wife, his step-mother. In the light of things disturbing, yet interesting. It definitely would make this horrible royal fairy tale complete. Especially since Alexander never meets his little half-sister/daughter.
So, could Wilhelmina Alexander’s child?
Sources Alexander biography:
Source Alexander’s supposed saviour of the kingdom (a few messages down):
Friday, May 17, 2013
Alexander, prins der Nederlanden
Isn’t it amusing? Or frightful?
Yeah, I changed subject of obsession again. This time my obsession really does feel rather lonely, in every sense of the word. There’s hardly any attention for him; hardly anyone knows who he is. It’s not easy to find more information on him, partly because it doesn’t exist, I think. It’s only a matter of time before my interest in him dies down and I’ll lay him to rest in the dark corners of my mind.
Over the last few weeks I have been developing some (random) thoughts about him and his family:
It’s ironic he was laid to rest forever in the same room as later his father was, with whom he was far from close. That really goes for the whole (first) family of Willem III, though maybe excluding Maurits, Alexander’s older brother, who died age six/seven one year before Alexander was born. I don’t know how vile Willem III was, but Maurits might not have become sour about his father yet at the age he died.
This one I’ve been wondering about in this blog before. There’s a book about Alexander’s life which is titled “Alexander, the Forgotten Crown Prince”. No, not many (Dutch) people know who he is, but even less people know who his brother, Willem of Orange (Wiwil) was, and he was a crown prince, hence the title behind his name. So far, this prince has spawned more speculation, fantasy and interest than most other princes who never became king.
The more I research him, the more I find websites and forums where people claim he was, or had become, completely mad. This is not true. Right till the last moments of his life he was very sharp and clear, definately not mad. He was misunderstood. He had very progressive ideas for his time. Ideas more fitting for our times. That was the reason some people then labeled him "mad".
In the Netherlands there’s a neighbourhood and area named “Prince Alexanderpolder”. This neighbourhood is named after the “forgotten” crown prince (I’ll remain calling him “crown prince” conviently, eventhough that title doesn’t exist in the Netherlands). So I googled the neighbourhood and found this:
Source: Prins Alexanderpolder website
What would the Netherlands have looked like if he ever became King?
ETA: Facts in this blog are a bit shaky since I didn't feel much like putting it all down quite correctly. The "neighbourhood" is in fact not the neighbourhood, but something else; a "polder".
Yeah, I changed subject of obsession again. This time my obsession really does feel rather lonely, in every sense of the word. There’s hardly any attention for him; hardly anyone knows who he is. It’s not easy to find more information on him, partly because it doesn’t exist, I think. It’s only a matter of time before my interest in him dies down and I’ll lay him to rest in the dark corners of my mind.
Over the last few weeks I have been developing some (random) thoughts about him and his family:
It’s ironic he was laid to rest forever in the same room as later his father was, with whom he was far from close. That really goes for the whole (first) family of Willem III, though maybe excluding Maurits, Alexander’s older brother, who died age six/seven one year before Alexander was born. I don’t know how vile Willem III was, but Maurits might not have become sour about his father yet at the age he died.
This one I’ve been wondering about in this blog before. There’s a book about Alexander’s life which is titled “Alexander, the Forgotten Crown Prince”. No, not many (Dutch) people know who he is, but even less people know who his brother, Willem of Orange (Wiwil) was, and he was a crown prince, hence the title behind his name. So far, this prince has spawned more speculation, fantasy and interest than most other princes who never became king.
The more I research him, the more I find websites and forums where people claim he was, or had become, completely mad. This is not true. Right till the last moments of his life he was very sharp and clear, definately not mad. He was misunderstood. He had very progressive ideas for his time. Ideas more fitting for our times. That was the reason some people then labeled him "mad".
In the Netherlands there’s a neighbourhood and area named “Prince Alexanderpolder”. This neighbourhood is named after the “forgotten” crown prince (I’ll remain calling him “crown prince” conviently, eventhough that title doesn’t exist in the Netherlands). So I googled the neighbourhood and found this:
Feestelijke ceremonie
In 1859 ontwierp waterstaatsingenieur Jan Anne Beijerinck een plan voor de droogmaking van de plassen ten oosten van Rotterdam. Het plan voorzag in drie ondergemalen bij de Ringvaart en één bovengemaal bij Kralingseveer. De eerste steen voor het bovengemaal met stoom werd door de vijftienjarige prins Alexander gelegd op 25 oktober 1866.
Het was een buitengewoon feestelijke ceremonie. Het bouwterrein rond het gemaal was met vlaggen versierd, er stond een feesttent, er was muziek, en er werden toespraken gehouden.
De prins, die was ontvangen door de Rotterdamse burgemeester Van Vollenhoven, genoot in een voor de gelegenheid neergezet gebouw met een uitgelezen gezelschap van een uitgebreide maaltijd. Dankzij persoonlijke tussenkomst van de jonge prins kregen ook de aanwezige arbeiders een feestmaal aangeboden. Bovendien schonk hij hen het door de feestelijkheden verloren dagloon. Na afloop vertrok de prins zoals hij was gekomen, per rijtuig over Schielands Hoge Zeedijk terug naar Rotterdam en vandaaruit met de trein naar Den Haag.
Tijdens de plechtigheid werd er reeds op gezinspeeld dat niet alleen het stoomgemaal in Kralingseveer, maar tevens de gehele nieuwe droogmakerij de naam Prins Alexander zou mogen dragen. Dit laatste vond feitelijk plaats bij Kabinet des Konings schrijven van 31 mei 1873: de Polder Prins Alexander was officieel een feit. In 1875 vestigden zich er de eerste boeren.
Source: Prins Alexanderpolder website
What would the Netherlands have looked like if he ever became King?
ETA: Facts in this blog are a bit shaky since I didn't feel much like putting it all down quite correctly. The "neighbourhood" is in fact not the neighbourhood, but something else; a "polder".
Monday, May 13, 2013
the Orange Bastards - a Proper Game of Thrones
If you think it’s normal and noble the Oranges (of Nassau) are on the throne rightfully so, than you’re very naïve.
I don’t understand people. Why sawing on the legs of the throne when you can just topple it over by sheer moral truth?
How do you think it’s possible a dynasty as “old” (old between quotes for reasons) as the Oranges of Nassau are still on the throne? Not because they’re sweet and cuddly, as a matter of fact their cuddliness has provided a lot of scandal (bastard children and sex escapades in every sort and form). Keeping your family alive was a real challenge in those days and keeping titles pure and fruity especially since only the males were allowed to carry those titles. Then how is it possible the Oranges are still the Oranges from Nassau? Well, by fiddling here and there. I’m not going to elate that whole sordid history, you can go here for that.
What I want to say is, so what the whole inheritance rule didn’t quite work and some people had syphilis and got infertile. Shit happens. A kingdom that is inherited by blood is in any form stupid, dishonourable, arrogant, greedy, self-important and not serving to the people. So why not complain about the basis? Willem of Orange, the father of our country, should have honourably said: “Sod it, I will be the only one in whole history who can carry the title ‘Prince of Orange’. You can bury the dynasty with me.” Well, that didn’t happen. Instead they bred and handed their title over to whoever was oldest son (or daughter in case of crisis), had some vague relation with the original family or just shouted the loudest. Very human.
Does that mean we have to despise the family of Orange-Nassau? Well, they did do important things for the Netherlands. Wilhelmina might have been a bastard unrightful on the throne, she also lead the Netherlands through two world wars. Credit were credit is due. And eventhough Willem I was a self-important greedy ego-tripper with a penchant for begging for a kingdom to rule, he did unite the Netherlands and had import canals digged out, no matter it was to satisfy his own greed. Be honest, how many things do you do for your own good instead of for the bigger good? If you can do it for both, king (that would be you) and country, you would, wouldn’t you? Does that make you a good king? Some people might say “yes”, others will point out that you got better from it.
The last two weeks I’ve been digging in the family’s history and with that Dutch history. I learnt one thing: the Oranges and the Netherlands are so intertwined; the demise of the one might mean the demise of the other. In other words, the Oranges can’t live without us, but we can’t live without them either. Not anymore. I’m sure we would pull ourselves together if the kingdom suddenly would cease to be. We would lose our unity, especially in the times we are now in, think the current variant of political parties. That’s one reason to remain a kingdom. One big reason. Also, when Alexander died and Wilhelmina would not have been born, the throne most likely would have gone to some German prince/king(?). What would have become of the Netherlands in that case? We’ll never know now. Point is, as it is, is not so bad, it could have been much worse.
Now let all the useless and senseless discussion about whether the current Orange belongs on the throne cease to be. I suppose my point is: You can saw away all the legs from the throne, the Oranges will still be sitting there ruling over us.
Hah! Turns out they’re only human after all. Very wicked humans. And Orange is a nice colour. Long live the Oranges!
Now back to my beloved Alexander.
Daddy |
the Orange Bastards
A Proper Game of ThronesIf you think it’s normal and noble the Oranges (of Nassau) are on the throne rightfully so, than you’re very naïve.
I don’t understand people. Why sawing on the legs of the throne when you can just topple it over by sheer moral truth?
How do you think it’s possible a dynasty as “old” (old between quotes for reasons) as the Oranges of Nassau are still on the throne? Not because they’re sweet and cuddly, as a matter of fact their cuddliness has provided a lot of scandal (bastard children and sex escapades in every sort and form). Keeping your family alive was a real challenge in those days and keeping titles pure and fruity especially since only the males were allowed to carry those titles. Then how is it possible the Oranges are still the Oranges from Nassau? Well, by fiddling here and there. I’m not going to elate that whole sordid history, you can go here for that.
What I want to say is, so what the whole inheritance rule didn’t quite work and some people had syphilis and got infertile. Shit happens. A kingdom that is inherited by blood is in any form stupid, dishonourable, arrogant, greedy, self-important and not serving to the people. So why not complain about the basis? Willem of Orange, the father of our country, should have honourably said: “Sod it, I will be the only one in whole history who can carry the title ‘Prince of Orange’. You can bury the dynasty with me.” Well, that didn’t happen. Instead they bred and handed their title over to whoever was oldest son (or daughter in case of crisis), had some vague relation with the original family or just shouted the loudest. Very human.
Wilhelmina, daughter (not male), bastard(?) and unrightful inheritor |
The last two weeks I’ve been digging in the family’s history and with that Dutch history. I learnt one thing: the Oranges and the Netherlands are so intertwined; the demise of the one might mean the demise of the other. In other words, the Oranges can’t live without us, but we can’t live without them either. Not anymore. I’m sure we would pull ourselves together if the kingdom suddenly would cease to be. We would lose our unity, especially in the times we are now in, think the current variant of political parties. That’s one reason to remain a kingdom. One big reason. Also, when Alexander died and Wilhelmina would not have been born, the throne most likely would have gone to some German prince/king(?). What would have become of the Netherlands in that case? We’ll never know now. Point is, as it is, is not so bad, it could have been much worse.
Oink! Willem I looking wisely the right way to align with the impeccable layout of my blog |
Now let all the useless and senseless discussion about whether the current Orange belongs on the throne cease to be. I suppose my point is: You can saw away all the legs from the throne, the Oranges will still be sitting there ruling over us.
Hah! Turns out they’re only human after all. Very wicked humans. And Orange is a nice colour. Long live the Oranges!
Now back to my beloved Alexander.
Dutch Royals
Last week I promised Dutch Royals blog. What happened is that I prefered handwriting for a number of reasons, one of them being that there is no comfortable working space to work on PC at home. Another is that I found handwriting in this particular case more appropriate. What I handwrote was a piece of a letter to the dead crown prince. Though apparently, together with Spain, the Netherlands doesn’t have crown princes; the person next in line for the Dutch crown gets the title prince (or princess, obviously) of Orange.
The letter turned out to be a livelier and bigger beast than I thought; I started last Wednesday and still ain’t finished. I don’t want to neglect my promis, so here’s an alternative blog.
The Forgotten Crown Prince
Before I tell you who he is, I’m going to tell you how I found him. Wikipedia. To be exact the Dutch Royals’ Wikipages. I really just wanted to know who had been king for the Netherlands so far. Turns out three gentlemen with the name Willem (I, II and III obviously) and one lady with the female version of the name (Wilhelmina), then Juliana and finally Beatrix.
For some reason I started with the last Willem, Willem III (I already knew about the ladies), and for some reason I dove in deeper than I had anticipated. That’s how I found Prince Alexander.
This picture on the left was the first glimpse I caught of the prince. For some reason, I was immediately sold. Don’t ask me, I honestly have no clue why. That was the start of the obsession and me repeatedly returning to his wiki, eventhough there’s really not much to read there. Then I found out that I wasn’t the only one who thought this particular prince was interesting eventhough he didn’t do anything. There’s a Dutch series named “Wij Alexander” which fantasizes up an intriguing drama which doesn’t really consist Alexander, or at least not notably and yet it does. And there’s a book, a real biography about Alexander eventhough he didn’t do anything, literally. Well, he did do things, he breathed for instance, but nothing notable. Then why Alexander and not his older brother Wiewil (another Willem in disguise)? He did things, eventhough not important for king and country.
You see, Wiewil was not as dramatic and tragic as Alexander, eventhough he drank, hugged and partied himself to death. Almost quite literally. Also, when Wiewil died, Alexander became the last male (d’oh!) crown prince for a long time. And since Alexander made only little effort to start his own family, some intentions were there but not succesful, the Orange Dynasty was in danger of coming to an end. So, that’s interesting and tying in with the whole sodding wooden handgraved box that might or might not be the proof of unrightful throne holding by the Oranges today. People love to whip up a wind for that one. It was first mentioned in the biography and “Wij Alexander” used it to build the whole plot of the series around it. Even these days the infamous box keeps cropping up. Apparently, the box held papers, and was withheld on Royal demand for forty years by a faithful servant. After the forty years had gone by, since Alexander’s death in 1884, the box was returned to the Royal family, and the cheap Queen Wilhelmina, Alexander’s half-sister, wanted the papers so bad, she was willing to give f1.000,- for the content of the little box. Shortly after papers were burned and rumours say it was the content of that box.
For me that was not the reason I became obsessed with Alexander. I had not even heard of that stupid box. Nor do I wish to push the Royal family off the throne. So why Alexander? Perharps because of his tragic life? Perharps because I can identify with his self-choosen reclusive life? No, that can’t be it, I had only seen a picture of him. It must have been something in his eyes (which were hardly visible) or on his face.
Anyway, some information about Alexander: He was born 25 August 1851. He had many health problems and was very sensitive. He died 21 June 1884, age 32.
Short info, cause 1) enough info elsewhere and 2) got sidetracked by rightfullness of throne holder and the senseless and naïve discussion about it.
The letter turned out to be a livelier and bigger beast than I thought; I started last Wednesday and still ain’t finished. I don’t want to neglect my promis, so here’s an alternative blog.
The Forgotten Crown Prince
Before I tell you who he is, I’m going to tell you how I found him. Wikipedia. To be exact the Dutch Royals’ Wikipages. I really just wanted to know who had been king for the Netherlands so far. Turns out three gentlemen with the name Willem (I, II and III obviously) and one lady with the female version of the name (Wilhelmina), then Juliana and finally Beatrix.
For some reason I started with the last Willem, Willem III (I already knew about the ladies), and for some reason I dove in deeper than I had anticipated. That’s how I found Prince Alexander.
This picture on the left was the first glimpse I caught of the prince. For some reason, I was immediately sold. Don’t ask me, I honestly have no clue why. That was the start of the obsession and me repeatedly returning to his wiki, eventhough there’s really not much to read there. Then I found out that I wasn’t the only one who thought this particular prince was interesting eventhough he didn’t do anything. There’s a Dutch series named “Wij Alexander” which fantasizes up an intriguing drama which doesn’t really consist Alexander, or at least not notably and yet it does. And there’s a book, a real biography about Alexander eventhough he didn’t do anything, literally. Well, he did do things, he breathed for instance, but nothing notable. Then why Alexander and not his older brother Wiewil (another Willem in disguise)? He did things, eventhough not important for king and country.
You see, Wiewil was not as dramatic and tragic as Alexander, eventhough he drank, hugged and partied himself to death. Almost quite literally. Also, when Wiewil died, Alexander became the last male (d’oh!) crown prince for a long time. And since Alexander made only little effort to start his own family, some intentions were there but not succesful, the Orange Dynasty was in danger of coming to an end. So, that’s interesting and tying in with the whole sodding wooden handgraved box that might or might not be the proof of unrightful throne holding by the Oranges today. People love to whip up a wind for that one. It was first mentioned in the biography and “Wij Alexander” used it to build the whole plot of the series around it. Even these days the infamous box keeps cropping up. Apparently, the box held papers, and was withheld on Royal demand for forty years by a faithful servant. After the forty years had gone by, since Alexander’s death in 1884, the box was returned to the Royal family, and the cheap Queen Wilhelmina, Alexander’s half-sister, wanted the papers so bad, she was willing to give f1.000,- for the content of the little box. Shortly after papers were burned and rumours say it was the content of that box.
For me that was not the reason I became obsessed with Alexander. I had not even heard of that stupid box. Nor do I wish to push the Royal family off the throne. So why Alexander? Perharps because of his tragic life? Perharps because I can identify with his self-choosen reclusive life? No, that can’t be it, I had only seen a picture of him. It must have been something in his eyes (which were hardly visible) or on his face.
Anyway, some information about Alexander: He was born 25 August 1851. He had many health problems and was very sensitive. He died 21 June 1884, age 32.
Short info, cause 1) enough info elsewhere and 2) got sidetracked by rightfullness of throne holder and the senseless and naïve discussion about it.
Wednesday, May 8, 2013
Only a Sign of Life
It's been a while since I left a word here. Several reasons I have, but the bottom line is that I didn't feel inspired and I've been lazily neglecting my duties for I am on holiday.
I've been meaning to write something about the Dutch royals, because of the inauguration of our new king; Willem-Alexander. I have found my subject, now I only need the words. I won't disappoint you in how self pittying it will be to tie in with the tragic of my subject. This subject will not stray from any self analysis either.
I am now happy to announce my subject, ironically, to be his higness the Dutch crown prince Alexander, who lived from 1851 to 1884. I hope he will see the light and empathy in this one.
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