Thursday, March 14, 2013

Winter Blues and/or Quarter Life Crisis

Since a few years I’ve een suffering from winter blues, or rather it’s a lack of light. It always starts somewhere around October. I start to feel down and somewhat depressed. I don’t want to do anything. I have trouble getting up and my overall mood decreases. Not a fun period at all. Luckily I live in a country were the seasons tend to be quite present, so after winter, so far, spring always followed and eventually summer.

As soon the first “warmer” sun rays hit the surface and it’s still light outside when I get home from work my energy levels peak. I suddenly want to do things. I suddenly have loads of energy and ideas. I suddenly start new side projects and take part in contests and I shall win (I’m very competetive in spring).

This year my collegue, with whom I share most of my workload, decided to take a month long holiday to Australia. This means I have to do it all myself, his tasks on top of my own. I was supposed to learn how to do intakes anyway, so it’s only favourable. After he returns I’ll be completely up to speed and then I’ll go on holiday.

Not at all that interesting, I just thought I’d let you know. My latest adventure has been my double workload, yes, and figuring out what my company offers in online learning. Sounds simple, believe me, in my company, incredibly complicated. As always, loads of people had the sublime idea to start an online environment for people to do e-learning. The task I took upon me is to unravel what’s there and then add to it. Hah!

Challenge this time: Finish the freakin’ project!!!

Here’s a little piece I wrote yesterday in bed:

Life seemed to have really started. My quarter life crisis or my last chance of youth has now really evaporated. We're all slowly coming to terms with life.

In 2000 we started to walk, we tried to run. Everything and all was 24, maybe 23. We went faster than the wind, faster than we ever dared to dream and then we fell flat on our face. We are now getting back up, straightening our backs, broken bones and blue spots representing or failures, mistakes, lessons learned and some life experience.

We are ready now, to take over the weight.

Dedicated to my own generation; to my "heroes", or fellow sufferers.

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