Wednesday, December 19, 2012

the G-riddle

Everything is fine in my life. I’m still learning in my job, but I get by all right. In my personal life it’s all well too. My Christmas is completely fully booked and will be spent with friends and family. My spare time is filled with fun entertainment stuff and I learned to play the cups part of the cups song (When I’m Gone from the film Pitch Perfect) and now I am learning to sing along to my cup playing. I’m not brilliant, but no-one’s life is depending on it, so I’m not that bothered of getting it pitch perfect. Pardon the pun. And the Doctor Who 50th anniversary is coming up.

I should feel exhilarated.

Why did a book, which I haven’t even read yet, wipe me off my feet and left me feel anxious? Is it because I’m having my period? Or do I actually care more than I dare to admit?

The book is ‘I’m Stalking Jake’. Yes, let’s just drop the G-word, Gyllenhaal. It’s not actually about Jake, or so the summaries say, it’s about a girl who ran a blog, together with another girl, called ‘Jake Watch’. It’s about how they ran it, about fandom and about coming-of-age. It’s written by the girl who the book is about. On Amazon it was rated 5 stars. I ordered it.

I haven’t read it yet, but since learning about the book and what it is about and after finding out about the ‘dismissive’ Stephen G. which is also in the book, I can’t help but feeling unhinged. It makes no sense, does it? It sure doesn’t to me.

The author, Becky, also blogged about him, SG, as an afterthought. There she’s talking about his insistence, on his blog (this is getting confusing), about how he’s a ‘lowly commoner, a rabble-rouser, if you will’… ‘with nothing but a computer’. ..And she writes about how ironic it is since she was ‘looked down upon for being a commoner by Stephen Gyllenhaal’. All that, I have no idea how things went along and how things happened and I accept that this is one side of a story. However, I’m not entirely surprised about what allegedly happened.

I feel like I’m slowly losing the plot in this blog, but I’m going to give it a try anyway.

What does this have to do with me feeling unhinged? Wait for it….

First, why am I not surprised? I think it’s commonly known, or at least by me, that the Gyllenhaal family, a bit of a generalisation maybe, try to relate to us lowly commoners. I wouldn’t go as far as to say that they are part of the lowly commoners society, as SG does. In this case, I completely agree with Becky; they are not and won’t be. Nor do they really understand what being a lowly commoner means. Nor do they really behave like they are, cause they’re not. They’re Hollywood fodder and behave like, though in a milder way, like Hollywood fodder.

It’s funny, in both a ‘Haha’ and ‘weird’ way, I already had them in my head as such. My daily daydream routine exists of meeting Jake and telling him we are never going to work, cause his and my worlds are so far apart, they’re not even in the same Universe. When you watch a lot of Doctor Who you started thinking in terms like ‘Universes’.

Then why, when it’s not a surprise to me, did the confirmation, which it pretty much was, left me feeling so anxious and unhinged? There’s a question I can’t answer, but I do feel slightly relieved after writing this blog even though I used both Becky’s and SG’s names in vain. Well, not really, I mean, not really in vain, but you know….No, you don’t and neither do I.

The Blog:

P.S. Just to be clear, this is not a complaint towards the Gyllenhaals, since 'the facts' are all based on other people's views and opinions. The Gyllenhaals never insulted or dismissed me...mainly because I never gave them a chance...hahaha-ok....the 'Hollywood fodder' parts are not a complaint, just my observation....Now I come to think of it, it might be an insult...hmmm...Well, sorry if someone is insulted.

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