Friday, March 18, 2011

"10 O'Clock Live" - Last Advice

This is the last advice I’m going to write to/about ‘10 O’Clock Live’.

Pre-record the show and take your cut advantages. Let Charlie Brooker do another series of Newswipe, Lauren Laverne present some straight faced show and Jimmy Carr whatever else he can screw up I won’t be able to watch and let David Mitchell tackle the news on his own maybe with contributions from others. He can still do his interviews, but he has to learn to do interviews more impartial and let the interviewees actually talk. He has to learn what a more professional approach of interviewing is. And also give the show a different name and get rid of this damn awful audience.

In short dump this pathetic foetus of an abortion and try to develop something that might live up to the expectations you created for this show.

And please stop tormenting us.

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