Friday, July 2, 2010

I'm too hard at work. Have you ever heard of anything so absurd...

- I didn't recycle a by now very old update list which when filled in, really doesn’t say anything about my state of being. I felt so many things were going on in my life and introducing a new phase in my life, I couldn't use the old list anymore.

I'm counting my activities; I don't think I've ever been as busy as I am now:

- Splitting up with my ex results in 1) figuring out and trying to sell the house, 2) figuring out my future financial status, 3) trying to find and buy a new house.

- The new assignment in my job results in 1) having to learn to understand two applications, 2) the processes around those applications.

- Personal professional development results in 1) see point above, 2) taking several courses about a) communication and b) Problem & change analysis (homework: yuck!) and I'm also involved in a project at work and trying to take my forums expertise to a professional level by writing ebooks and have them published by a colleague.

- And of course I want to have some fun which results in 1) trying to figure out travel plans to attend a) concert, b) theatre play and c) friends. Also trying to get the group order done which included more organization than I actually cared for.

- I'm busy, but I'm good. At least I have the feeling my life is going somewhere, unlike the previous passed months.

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