Tuesday, May 18, 2010


Yesterday I wrote my apologies to Jason Mraz. I also wrote an entry in my diary. For some reason both keep me thinking it’s not completely how I feel. In the case of the apologies it has something to do with leaving things out about how I feel about him. I still remember why I left it out, or didn’t change anything. What I feel is too long to put in that short apologies blog and I kept it short on purpose. However, now I have the feeling if he reads it, he’s going to miss my point which would be completely my fault. I thought about it and decided to only add this:

“Jason, I trust you understand my shortcomings in communication and therefore understand I mean no harm and support you in whatever you choose to do.”

The entry in my diary I’m keeping to myself. I feel that discussion is done and over with and I don’t want to spend anymore energy in it.

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