Thursday, January 28, 2010

Reply to Hannah

I have in common to that girl that the characters in my dreamworld are dearer to me than most in my real life. That's hardly weird; why would you make up friends you don't even like? And I have in common that I sometimes prefer to stay in my dreamworld, but I wouldn't ever retreat completely into my dreamworld, cause the truth is that I am alive in a real world where I have to live. I also have some storylines happening parellel to my actual life, but it's never the same and I am careful in keeping the two apart. My fantasies and dreams are based on reality, but will always stay fictional.

You remember that blog I wrote about my fantasies?

As of now, I am actually pretty much being me, as you can tell from the previous blog. Pretty much baring my soul there. Nothing pretended, not fiction. But my shadow-me is there as well. She is just as much struggling as I am. She is just as bored as I am. She however will go out tonight and celebrate while playing out all her excesses while I will be going home, play Farmville and Cafe World on Facebook and watch two episodes of Frasier. She might get fired while I'm trying to wriggle myself into a possible new project. Things will look up for me, while she might end up knocked up and in the gutter.

Anyway, all I'm really saying is, I'm using my dreamworld to remain a little sane and to explore the problems I am having in the real world.


Hannah said...

that makes sense.
my dreams just aren't usually that cogent or cohesive. last night, for example, I dreamed about Hanson.. I was in a warehouse somewhere and I couldn't remember which one was which (though I can remember in real life). No complicated storylines, no recurring characters (apart from ones who are real people in my life) .. I mean, it's often just ridiculous. (I don't listen to Hanson.)

My fantasies have storylines, but that's different enchilada.

If your dreams and fantasies help you deal with life, boredom, and frustration.. there's no harm in it. :)

Wiwik said...

I suppose it also depends on how analytic you are or think about things.

Last night I dreamt My manager and my team manager didn't like each other at all. Still they had to carry something heavy outside. My team manager, the male, was trying to remain charming. I wondered why that was. I figured it was strategic.