Thursday, January 3, 2013

Goodwill and Entitlement

I think I’m in a bad mood today, I’m not quite sure yet. Thing is, Becky is now annoying me a bit. I’m reading her blog, not her book, but the blog, not the one she writes about in the book, but the one that promotes the book. I’m reading a live blog and leave the explanation of what a Live blog is to Becky, though I’m not sure it’s on the blog; the one that promotes the book. Maybe it’s in the book. I’m sure I read her explanation somewhere.

Anyway, she was once live blogging about Jake’s appearance on the Conan show. I’ve seen that interview as well. And Conan at some point says that Jake has always been “friendly” to him and then quickly “amends” (amends between quotes, because I never use that word, but Becky does) “as celebrities go.” Then Becky “amends from her living room, friendly “to other celebrities as celebrities go””. My gawd, that is a lot of quotations.

So which one is the crazed stalker and which one the passionate fan?

Now, I’m coming back to some earlier posts of mine of expectations of fans about their idols. I was ranting (and foaming at the mouth) about how fans always seem to be expecting more than they paid for. In some way I do understand; it is nice of celebrities to come out to sign some stuff and take some photographs. However, it’s not obligatory. Yes, lots of people will claim that it comes with fame, but quite honestly, I don’t really believe that anymore. I don’t think any of the celebrities are really missing out on anything if they don’t always come out to sign stuff and don’t always look you in the eye when they’re signing your goddamn stuff. They can be friendly; there’s never a good reason not to be friendly. But that goes for non-celebrities too. And some celebrities don’t come out to sign stuff and aren’t very friendly to their fans. Yet, the bastards keep making much more money than I do.

To go back to Becky’s blog and that specific part: I try to put myself, imaginary, in Jake’s armSHOES!! Shoes, not arms. Or should that be “socks”? And I try to imagine how I would react and I think I would do the same as Jake; be friendly for a few seconds to the weird screaming lady, then run away and chat friendly to a fellow famous person. Some days I will even go as far as trying to avoid the weird screaming lady, because I’ll have a lunch with one of my fellow famous persons. I mean come on! What do you expect from Jake? Jake can way better relate to Conan than to all the weird screaming ladies. Also, I’m guessing Jake knows where his bread is buttered, but not necessarily which of the weird screaming ladies is a crazed stalker and which one is just a passionate fan. I mean, can you tell the difference in the 5 seconds they both scream your eardrums out of your skull?

Or maybe I’m just taking this too serious. It’s a pet annoyance, I can’t help it.

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