Monday, December 24, 2012

Who I am...Apparently

This is the result of a name test. Some of it I like to adopt as true, cause it looks good on me. Other things are just b8ll2!!! Still...My comments in red.

Who is she? (An IT professional with Bachelor title)
With two master numbers, we are in the presence of a deeply humane (...Okay...) and altruistic (once again...okay...) individual with a powerful personality (Wow!). Anja is extremely sensitive (Oh god yes. Don't you even dare to comment something negative!!!) and remarkably intuitive (Which I can sense you won't. Well, go on, proof me wrong). Such high vibrations incite her to advocate a better world and to take care of the most underprivileged people on this planet (Does that include wiping the idiot part from the world? Somehow sounds wrong.). Material contingencies are of secondary importance, as far as she is concerned. While she is often an enlightened or inspired soul (Thnx mate!) – with both knowledge and creative talent (and thnx again), it is not always possible for her to experience these energies at such a high level due to the difficulties that they entail (and I blame all of you *points*). They could therefore be expressed as a tendency to day-dream, hypersensitivity, emotional fragility, dependence, suggestibility and selflessness. Her emotional equilibrium is often precarious because a high level of nervous tension is inextricable from such a passionate temperament (Hmmm...). As a little girl, Anja is endearing and adorable (My god, I am! No wait, it says 'as a little girl'. I didn't grow much however, so sounds about right :-D), eager to please (f*** off, I'm not a doormat) and particularly receptive to her family environment (...myeah...). It only takes a minor emotional upheaval or a parental disagreement for her to feel completely lost and out of her depth (...Sure...), which she can respond to by becoming totally withdrawn (Now I'm upset. See how hypersensitive I am?). Parents, it is important to encourage her autonomy and sense of duty while taking care to respect her fragile nature and preserve the carefree innocence of her childhood. (Too late, I'm Screged!)

What does she like? (Mangos...and Doctor Who)
Anja is a very emotionally orientated lady who possesses an active imagination inclined to flights of fancy (D'ya know I married and had babies with both JM's and JG. I also divorced all three of them multiple times. :-D), magic and marvel (Especially the divorces). Not particularly materialistic, she tends to seek solace in her thought and day-dreams as a way of escaping the more unexciting side of material reality. (The divorces were very exciting!!!) She is very fond of travelling and other countries, mystery, spirituality and the unusual; as well as anything else that appeals to her craving escapism. Music is another welcome distraction from the humdrum. In matters of the heart, Anja is romantic and a big softie! (HAhahaha *falls over laughing*) An idealist, she puts her man on a pedestal (Well, he has to deserve it!!! Or I'll divorce him!!!), running the risk of disillusion when the veil finally falls… She is a tender, affectionate and maternal woman who seeks true union (karmic 11 (Whatever that means)), and is quite capable of forgetting herself for those she loves.

What does she do? (Not much. At this moment, making fun of a stupid test.)
This configuration has all the ingredients for a glittering success (Really? Then where is it?) . The social and artistic domains are particularly royal roads, the material realm being neither a priority nor a condition. Anja is likely to find satisfaction in one of the following careers: teaching (Ugh!), psychology (Interesting, but as a job...?), sociology (Where I happen to work and I hate it. Well, I don't like it much. Well, it could be better. Actually, it's not so bad *shakes head*...*shakes fist* Barrowman!!!), counselling, education (Sorry, again, ugh!)…, music and other artistic activities (This is pretty artistic, is it not? Well, it's at least activity.)…, astrology or graphology – unless religion is an area of interest (Huh!? What, that doesn't go together?), or anything to do with philosophy, philanthropy or humanitarian issues (Something went wrong when they stitched my name to my mind/soul/person/body/?). (I really almost feel like this chapter should've been titled: "What doesn't she do?")

Thursday, December 20, 2012


My mind today was very confused, distracted and anxious. It was so bad, I forgot to eat lunch and only found out this evening after my cat played with my lunch. On top of that I skipped dinner as well. In other words I haven't eaten propperly except for a small snack. And here I am blogging again. It's not Jake's birthday anymore, or at least not in my part of the world, and the end is slowly approaching. I'm now so tired and underfed, I can't sleep. I even took the effort to type this blog on my freakin' phone.

Jake's birthday...still today

I thought I throw this out there again. It's still Jake's birthday. In two days that doesn't matter anymore. was a beautiful event during the run of a bleak period. What the hell am I ranting about!?!?

No idea if Becky will come by to check my blog out, but if so:

Sorry for cluttering up my own blog so you won't immediately find my blog about my feelings about your book and this sentence is about to become about nothing at all just trying to pack as many 'abouts' in one sentence as I can while I'm about to faint.

I'm not so sure I'll sleep tonight.

Will it end this friday? Will it really end? If not, I'd like a painkiller for my headache and a tranquilizer for my nerves.

Sod grammar and spelling.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Hairy 2

In my August blog from this year I posted pictures of John Mayer and Jason Mraz (or is that Jason Mraz and John Mayer?) with long curls. I feel I should add a picture of Jake with his 'healthy beard'.

Not that interesting though, though it would give my blog some needed colour.

Stop the Ridiculous Accusations

AND THIS!!! Somehow this did not get published. I thought it was too good to withheld.

Normally I don’t take notice of people stating that someone doesn’t have the right anymore to say or do something, because he married someone. Yes, of course I’m talking Brooker/Huq again, but the inconsistencies and the strange way of measurement is starting to really piss me off.

This is a many heard statement: “Charlie doesn’t have the right anymore to mock dodgy presenters, cause he’s married one.”

What? Why not? I don’t think Charlie married Konnie because she’s such a fine/dodgy presenter. I think more personal reasons lead to their marriage. This is like being rejected from a job in a fish store because your partner is not a very good fisher(wo)man. Or like you’re not allowed to talk about crosswords, because your partner sucks at solving them. Or like you’re not allowed to talk about people who don’t know anything about computers, because your partner is one of them. That is bullshit!

Maybe he doesn’t have the right, because he became a dodgy presenter himself, but not because he married Konnie Huq. He’s not responsible for her behaviour, because that Mss. Huq still is herself.

I like to point out that a work relationship is not the same as a marriage. I don’t think Konnie stands besides the bed with a mic in her hand when Charlie wakes up in the morning telling him he’s watching his own marriage and today is going to be a fine day because Konnie is horny and in for experimentation, but first, breakfast.

Sure he still has the right to mock dodgy presenters, it’s just not very smart since if he wants to remain fair he, at some point, has to mock his own wife. That can be tricky.

Charlie doesn’t owe us anything except maybe the gratitude we did read and watch his work. He doesn’t owe us new work, or work in the same vain. What he wants to do in his career is his own choice and not ours. What he wants to do in his private life is completely his own choice and none of our business. Nor does his private life hold a relation to his work unless he decides to televise his marriage to Konnie which so far I don’t think he has.

Judging Charlie’s work on how his marriage goes or who he’s married to is not only unfair, but also wrong, because his marriage doesn’t represent his work. Konnie doesn’t represent his work. Charlie is not responsible for Konnie’s work. And their marriage is a different subject all together.

If you want to blame any poor quality in his work to anything, blame it to his hair. His hair has proven to be distracting.

Old Practice, New Period

THIS ONE!!! Good post. I forgot I wrote it and then didn't publish it. Why? No idea. Can't remember.

All the positivity stuff and all the stuff of happiness I already knew. The reason I never aired them, or even reacted on Jason’s blogs was, because it was all so obvious to me, I didn’t realize the rest of the world was only finding out or coming back around. I must admit I had a little forgotten about it too. Well, not really forgotten, it was filed somewhere in the back of my brains. Every time somebody brought it up, I remembered.

My initial reactions to Jason’s public epiphanies were: “I already knew that. He’s finding it out only now? Poor guy, that’s kind of sad.”

And my initial reaction to people having trouble practicing positivity and gratitude was: “There’s something wrong with your attitude.”

Like I said, I didn’t realize not everybody had The epiphany. So, not everybody believes in the good of practicing positivity. Also, a lot of people don’t even realize how much they got. They don’t realize there’s a very fair chance they would have been dead already if they got born 2 centuries ago, or on another continent. Our healthcare knowledge is incredible. The safety on the streets is so much better than it used to be. And I’m not only talking about people with guns and knives, but also about the hygiene. Realizing that, knowing that, there’s nothing else I can do than be grateful.

Sure our lives know obstacles and hurdles. Some you can take, others are too high. People have to realize they can achieve way more than they think. People also have to learn to draw the line on a personal level. Carrying on caring for other people and forgetting about your own needs isn’t going to help anyone in the end, and certainly not you. Often help and tools are present. Often we tend to think too hard and too complicated to solve problems. Try and make it as easy as possible for yourselves without breaking down opportunities and other people’s feelings. A few rules I try to follow.

1. Accept your limitations and celebrate your talents. Accept limitations in a situation and celebrate the possibilities.
2. Nothing gets solved without effort. If you want to achieve something, or change something, you are the one to make it happen. Put in your part of effort.
3. Make it as easy as possible and is acceptable. Being lazy can also be a virtue.
4. Together you can achieve more; it’s not a shame to ask for help. Remember:
a. You can’t change people, but you can change some of their behaviour. Inspire them.
b. You can’t change people, but you can accept their shortcomings.
c. You can change, but you have to do it yourselves.

Teach Me How to Juggle

WHAT IS THIS!?!?!? I know I wrote this; it's in my drafts. However, I don't recall writing it, nor do I understand what the hell it's about. But here goes, cheap confusing fun:

I used to have boyfriend who did nill to nothing on sports. His motto was 'Dry stepping stones on wet days' or 'Try stepping stones on a wet days'. I never managed to step any stone on the path to his heart. He was closed as a highly guarded and sophistecated <>.

Jake's Birthday .... Today...

Oh yeah, I forgot to say:

It's Jake's birthday today and I feel sick.

Happy birthday to the birthday boy anyway.

And on we go...
I started to read what's available of the book, some sort of preview. My head is swimming with her and my own memories; we have a lot in common. I'm seriously sitting here, at work, reading in a cold sweat already knowing I will need a lot of time to wrestle my way through the book, because my own memories of long-gone-crazy-fangirl-days will keep cropping up on me. I feel so ridiculous for feeling this way and for my own mad behaviour in the past. I think I'm going to like this.

What a ride it already is.

Should I scream and cry like a banshee (some leftover phrase from my Queen time), or sulk and retreat in my own weird little not-so-save dreamworld?

the G-riddle

Everything is fine in my life. I’m still learning in my job, but I get by all right. In my personal life it’s all well too. My Christmas is completely fully booked and will be spent with friends and family. My spare time is filled with fun entertainment stuff and I learned to play the cups part of the cups song (When I’m Gone from the film Pitch Perfect) and now I am learning to sing along to my cup playing. I’m not brilliant, but no-one’s life is depending on it, so I’m not that bothered of getting it pitch perfect. Pardon the pun. And the Doctor Who 50th anniversary is coming up.

I should feel exhilarated.

Why did a book, which I haven’t even read yet, wipe me off my feet and left me feel anxious? Is it because I’m having my period? Or do I actually care more than I dare to admit?

The book is ‘I’m Stalking Jake’. Yes, let’s just drop the G-word, Gyllenhaal. It’s not actually about Jake, or so the summaries say, it’s about a girl who ran a blog, together with another girl, called ‘Jake Watch’. It’s about how they ran it, about fandom and about coming-of-age. It’s written by the girl who the book is about. On Amazon it was rated 5 stars. I ordered it.

I haven’t read it yet, but since learning about the book and what it is about and after finding out about the ‘dismissive’ Stephen G. which is also in the book, I can’t help but feeling unhinged. It makes no sense, does it? It sure doesn’t to me.

The author, Becky, also blogged about him, SG, as an afterthought. There she’s talking about his insistence, on his blog (this is getting confusing), about how he’s a ‘lowly commoner, a rabble-rouser, if you will’… ‘with nothing but a computer’. ..And she writes about how ironic it is since she was ‘looked down upon for being a commoner by Stephen Gyllenhaal’. All that, I have no idea how things went along and how things happened and I accept that this is one side of a story. However, I’m not entirely surprised about what allegedly happened.

I feel like I’m slowly losing the plot in this blog, but I’m going to give it a try anyway.

What does this have to do with me feeling unhinged? Wait for it….

First, why am I not surprised? I think it’s commonly known, or at least by me, that the Gyllenhaal family, a bit of a generalisation maybe, try to relate to us lowly commoners. I wouldn’t go as far as to say that they are part of the lowly commoners society, as SG does. In this case, I completely agree with Becky; they are not and won’t be. Nor do they really understand what being a lowly commoner means. Nor do they really behave like they are, cause they’re not. They’re Hollywood fodder and behave like, though in a milder way, like Hollywood fodder.

It’s funny, in both a ‘Haha’ and ‘weird’ way, I already had them in my head as such. My daily daydream routine exists of meeting Jake and telling him we are never going to work, cause his and my worlds are so far apart, they’re not even in the same Universe. When you watch a lot of Doctor Who you started thinking in terms like ‘Universes’.

Then why, when it’s not a surprise to me, did the confirmation, which it pretty much was, left me feeling so anxious and unhinged? There’s a question I can’t answer, but I do feel slightly relieved after writing this blog even though I used both Becky’s and SG’s names in vain. Well, not really, I mean, not really in vain, but you know….No, you don’t and neither do I.

The Blog:

P.S. Just to be clear, this is not a complaint towards the Gyllenhaals, since 'the facts' are all based on other people's views and opinions. The Gyllenhaals never insulted or dismissed me...mainly because I never gave them a chance...hahaha-ok....the 'Hollywood fodder' parts are not a complaint, just my observation....Now I come to think of it, it might be an insult...hmmm...Well, sorry if someone is insulted.