Monday, April 26, 2010

Men & Boys

From the moment 'Go', the very first time I saw him appear on screen, I knew I loved his work, a lot. It must have been one of his funnier roles in probably the Adventures of Baron Munchhausen film, as The Right Ordinary Horatio Jackson. He was bombastically funny. He made me laugh. The second time I watched him and where it was firmly confirmed he actually is a wonderful and funny actor, was in Brazil. Ever since I kept my eyes open to catch him whenever I was able. Watching loads of Terry Gilliam films helps a great deal. Jonathan was once again great in the Brothers Grimm and in Pirates of the Caribean (PotC is not a Terry Gilliam, mind you).
I don't know why (or why not) I searched YouTube to find more Jonathan. I did one evening and found he did some huge musical productions (besides Evita). I was blown away by his performance as the Engineer in Miss Saigon. Like I always sort of knew he is funny, I also sort of knew he can sing. He can sing all right. He well deserved the awards he got for his role as the Engineer.

Having this said it seems weird I always considered Jonathan Pryce a very serious actor who does drama and serious plays. It is true; he did loads of heavy serious plays, but that is not how I got to know about him. And even though I always knew he is funny and he can sing, to find both of those skills in Jonathan has always blown me away. And still does. My latest crush is his portrayal of Lytton Strachey in Carrington; he's delightfully freaky and outspoken, but very lovable (or is that my love for Jonathan speaking?).

How different things are with Alan Rickman for me. I always knew I liked his work and I always sort of knew he's funny, even though I always considered him a serious actor who does drama and serious plays. I know that sounds the same as what I said about Jonathan, but it's not. There's one big difference; I was paying close attention to Jonathan while I kept forgetting Alan's name. Blasphemy, I know. Well, not really. Well, okay a little. It's not that I discredited, or didn't notice Mr. Rickman's more than fine work, it's just that somehow he always seemed to 'fly under the radar' more than Jonathan. That's absolutely the weirdest thing to say since Rickman seems to be more known than Jonathan Pryce. It's just that my love for Jonathan was instant where my love for Alan only simmered for a long time.

You can very much compare it to my love for the two JM's (that love is running deeper than I ever thought it possible; a very affectionate laugh just escaped me). I saw John Mayer first and knew I would love him (weird thing to say about a famous person). I admire his style. I love his music. I love his passion. Through John I got to know about Jason Mraz. My love for him didn't quite take off from the moment I first set eyes on him. Actually, the first glimpse made me run away for a few months. Eventually, I fell. Now I'm very much in love with him (even weirder thing to say about a celeb). Still, I regard John as my obvious love for his artistic abilities, like I regard Jonathan as my obvious love for his artistic abilities. I don't appreciate Alan's and Jason's work less, oh God no! It's just a different approach. Like an explosion contrary to a home fire. It burns harder at times and wams me faster, but after a while the intensity decreases. Jonathan and John are there to keep me warm. Alan and Jason are there to heat me up.

Bah, I made that sound more sexual than I intended to.

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