Thursday, April 29, 2010

Help Me Through the Coming Years!!! (nail bite)

It's weird to see how both Jonathan and Alan got tangled up in huge productions. Jonathan in Pirates of the Caribbean series and Alan in the Harry Potter series. You have no idea how weird that is to me. A little lucky to know there will be a sufficient supply of both on screen, but weird cause I'd rather see them doing other stuff instead of the playful weird fantasy worlds of Harry Potter and Captain Sparrow. I mean dude, what the hell!?!?!? Fortunately or Unfortunately (I'm not sure which one) Jonathan already dropped out of the PotC series and Alan just finished up for Harry Potter. It makes me eager and happy to look forward to new projects and sad to know it's going to be harder to find their new stuff. Damn....Now what!?

Someone, cast them!!! (preferably in something that is not too hard to find) They can do more than this:

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