Monday, July 2, 2012

Roy & Noah

When I was a little kid I had a fantasy friend; Anders. I’m sure I wrote about him before. I’m also sure I wrote I never really stopped fantasizing. This brings me to Roy. Roy was always a favourite of mine. I don’t know why, probably cause I wanted him my favourite. I even once attempted to make a drawing of what he was supposed to look like. I do remember thinking him up in my Queen period, so he was acquainted with the Queen members and especially Freddie Mercury; Freddie was very fond of him. Silly really.

My fondness of Roy got out as well; Tess knew about it. Well, she knew about my ‘Roy’ fixation. I even had a very extended roleplay going on on MSN with Jade, whom I haven’t spoken to for years. She had a Roy too; she stole the film Roy from ‘Behind the Red Door’ which was really Kiefer Sutherland playing a ‘gay Roy’. Oh, did I mention? Roy is bisexual….or just sex mad… Anyway, we thought it would be fun to have the two Roys meet and Jade even wanted to go as far as hooking the two up. At the time, my Roy was dating Noah. This meant that Roy and Noah had to break up for Roy to start dating uh..Roy.

To unconfuse matters, the Kiefer Roy was dubt RoyRoy while mine conveniently stayed Roy. Roy and Noah were parted, to my big grief and RoyRoy was magically available as well. So off we went on a very weird, bouncy and rushy relationship. We spent a great deal of our chats chatting as Roy and wooshing them from one place to the other. We even got exes involved and boyfriends of exes. Boyfriends of exes disappearing again. And I’m sure if I hadn’t put a stop to it, Jade would have hooked Noah up to one of the exes of RoyRoy, EEEP!!!

In the end we even got the two Roys married with wedding and all and one very drunk Roy. At that point I had to put a stop to it. I told Jade I could not handle anymore and divorced Roy from RoyRoy to have him come back to Noah, where he belongs.

The thing is, in my mind I had already decided Roy and Noah were forever. They were the perfect match. In my mind I had their backgrounds worked out and their characters and how they fit together. In my mind it made so much sense, there was no way else than them together. Usually I let things happen and then that’s what is, even in my fantasies. When you think about it, it might be complicated, cause whatever is in your fantasy you have complete control over. Well, yes, but to experiment with relationships and characters I sometimes have them do certain things and like in real life, they can’t be undone.

Back to Roy and Noah. I had their backgrounds and characters worked out. By the way, they’re the only two characters who have not only birth years (and Roy even a complete birthdate), but also last names, which most of my fantasy characters don’t; just first names. At some point I’ve written Roy out at the age of 28. He had cancer and died, though we never actually saw him die. I’m laughing now, cause I’m talking as if I was a writer to a soap series and I’ve written a character out. But that was what I did, because Thomas Acda said that all great artists die at age 28. Stupid really. Roy was not really an artist; he was a troubled young man having inherited some money and owned his own club. But he was dead.

Their backgrounds, characters and relationship are so deeply wedged in my mind. Noah never left, and I brought Roy back. He didn’t die, he only made everybody believe he did. He actually went to India to work in charity. Don’t ask me why, I just came up with it to explain his absence and like in real life things can’t be turned back.

The reason I brought Roy back was I was playing the Sims FreePlay on my phone, which reminds me I’m redownloading it as I write. At some point I had created so many Sims (about 8) I ran out of characters I always use. I already had Noah and thought: “What the heck, I bring Roy back.” So I did. Only then I realized how deep my love for Roy was. Funnily, Roy’s and Noah’s relationship has changed as well. I’m having great fun fantasizing about that now. They’re still very much in love with each other as am I with them.

This morning I finally decided Noah’s birthday, it’s 1 March 1980. My birthday too, incidentally. I had an online date randomnizer deciding it and this is what came out. Rather happy with it. Also, according to some site are Roy and Noah the perfect couple when looking at their birth signs. Roy was born on 23 July 1978.

This weekend I spent finally trying to visualize them with the aid of the Sims 3 ‘Create a Sim’. I tried Roy several time, because I had trouble getting him right. Noah I had no idea to go about. Though in the end I think I managed it, or at least as close as I ever got to how I visualized them in my head.

Left is Roy and right is Noah.
I have to say, the pictures are darker than when I created them in the Sims. Roy has rather brown hair and isn't as dark haired in the picture. Noah has dark brown hair, not black. Though it does give them both a nice tan.


Owen said...

I had a fantasy spaceship.. the model of it still sits beside my bed. So who am I to comment on this. ;-)

Wiwik said...

I'm sure you were a kid when you had that fantasy spaceship? Or do you still play with it?