Monday, July 30, 2012

13 Minutes Rant of Absolute Randomness.

Back in the office after a short interlude from work. I had nice hot weather and a lot of spare time. I did next to nothing which means I watched loads of films and cycled around the area a lot (to buy DVD's and food).

Side note: I just said 'hm-hm' in an attempt to warm up. Obviously, it didn't work.

I'm still in my Jake Gyllenhaal period. Yesterday, first thing in the morning, I ordered more DVD's, all JG films. According to the confirmation mails these should arrive somewhere around 2-3 August.

He chooses his films well, most of the time, though lately his picking has been a bit off. Nearly all films he did, at some point I thought: "Damn, I want to see that film".

I remember having some ideas for tweets, but I forgot them all.

This morning I remembered Doctor Who; still love the Doctor.

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