Wednesday, November 28, 2007

C'est Une Belle Journée - Part II

I don't really have that much to say. I must say tho, that my heart sings, since the sentence is firmly stampeded into my head. Yes, I'm still in the Lovely Day status. It's just, it sounds so loverly from his mouth. Makes me wanna swallow; I can feel his voice inside my throat singing away: C'est Une Belle Journée. While he's long done singing it, I am still in that mode. Not that I really mean it, it's just, it sounds so sweet.

Times before Christmas are always kind of frantic. A lot has to be done before the year closes and the books will follow shortly. It's always dark and cold and tiresome. Don't spend your days in office, or do, if you can't handle the same amount of sun inside and outside the office. I am awaiting after Christmas, when the new year has begun. Simply cause we can start anew and take on new adventures. I don't want to think about how I screwed up in the same way as the year before. For that the year's too new and too filled with hope. It's just so sweet.

I always feel it's much lighter after Christmas. Fact is, it's just as dark, tho the shortest day has passed already by then. That's a good feeling. It's also the path to spring. I still prefer spring over fall. I don't like falling. Funnily, fall always makes me aware of the seasons, and I really like the fact that seasons exist. I like the changing, not the season itself persé. It divides the year, and that's how I live and work. Always longing to something new.

The seasons may come and go and will be back again each year. Years, however, disappear forever.


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