Thursday, October 25, 2007

I would If I Could

Notice how I try to find a matching title for my texts, but usually they only match the intro of the text. Not that my text can be parted into intro-body-outtro...

I am on my mind. The only one I can really say anything about is me. I know what and who I like. I know the things I do. I know the things I'm good at or bad at. I know what makes me tick, laugh, sleep, any action I actually don't do.

He's on my mind too, but I know nothing about him. All I know is that I think (=me again) he's yummie. And that is as far as I get knowing something about him; he's got a fan....and a million...

I have the tendency to go completely nuts over one person. I dream him, live him, sleep him, eat him, kill him, pain him and love him.

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