Tuesday, January 20, 2015


It’s been quite a while since I posted a blog or had an online rant. I’ve been so busy with work, most my rants were work related and done within the confines of space and time of work. However, lately I’ve developed some online activities as in watching some talent show stuff on youtube. I try to stick to the good stuff, but sometimes…


There’s one thing that started to really irk me: “People complaining about averagenessess..sss…”

I’ve been thinking about it because of my work, and no matter how annoying and time wasting it might be, I decided I could accept it. Why and how?

Not everybody I have to work with has affinity with what I do, or the knowledge and experience. I am the specialist and can and will help them as long as they will learn from it. In some cases I just wanted them to go away and be replaced by someone who, at least, will learn.

I’m not an expert in everything either, so I had to learn and did learn, to work together with people and have them do what they do best so I didn’t have to do it and screw it up, so we reached our goals. There’s nothing wrong with it, it’s even very smart and it works well. This way all involved can concentrate at what they do best and what they prefer doing and the results are fantastic. That’s excellence….by people who are in certain areas average.

I figured most people won’t know much and won’t have much experience in most subjects and skills, but they will have skill, knowledge and experience in a few subjects and skills. This means, when you look at everything from a bird’s point of view, the masses won’t know much, or at least not the finest points, of any subject. But within the masses there are groups who do. That’s fine. That’s great, even!

Back to the talent shows. Most talent shows focus on music. Especially the televized ones attrakc a lot of people, the masses so to speak. It is watched by the masses. In other words, most contestants and viewers will be average in skill, knowledge and experience when it comes to music.

One act/contestant/auditionee takes the stage. The judges love it, the masses love it, the specialists don’t. Next thing you know, online, the specialists are complaining about the judges and the masses and about how they know nothing and in some cases should die because of it.

I mean, seriously? You expect everybody in the world to have an above average knowledge, skill and experience in music? Or even, you really think everybody should at least have an above average knowledge in music? Isn’t music first for entertainment? Then, if the judges and the masses were entertained, didn’t the artist at least reach that goal? Yeah, maybe the judges should know better. However, they’re in it for the entertainment value. As long it’s not hurtful and racist, I really don’t see why it’s such a problem.

In some cases it even doesn’t matter when it comes to important subjects like health. Yes, I think the average person should at least know something about healthy food, feeding habits and exercize, but I don’t experct everybody to be experts. That would be unreasonable, like expecting people to have a certain knowledge in music. In case of health, most important is to try and stay healthy. In music, it’s most important you enjoy it. Everything else is extra, but not mandatory.
The thing is, if you don’t like it, don’t watch it! We’re living in a world in which a lot is possible, a lot is happening and a lot of quality is reached. Maybe not in that show, maybe even not on tv, but it is in real life.

Also, I think this world has enough sing birds, what about the work horses? What about the beautifully talented people behind desks, or the ones in shops, or the ones in hospitals and in other services? They're f****** good at what they do and while they're at it, they're keeping life going so the sing birds can sing.