Thursday, June 28, 2012

Doctor Who Anniversary

It’s been more than a year now, I’m sure. That means that my Doctor Who fangirl part has survived longer than my Alan Rickman one, or the David Mitchell or Charlie Brooker one, or Chris Morris one. No, that’s not exactly fair, these fangirl parts are just dorment and wake up and become wildly active again when really exciting stuff start happening again.

Anyway, one year of Doctor Who madness has passed and I must admit that with the series only returning in August/September, the passion has slightly faded. I also watched most of the classic classic stuff, which means that I’m now wrestling my way through stuff I don’t necessarily like all that much. For tonight I have ‘the Key to Time’ serial on my agenda. Tom Baker era is usually good.

Thinking back, what a funny opinion I had about the Whoniverse.

1) Tom Baker is the Doctor

2) The Doctor always travels with a blond bimbo…*snort*

3) David Tennant is the Doctor…Hold on wait…what happened there….?

4) Matt Smith is incredinly young, but it might work

5) The 8th Doctor is not cannon

I’m not sure I knew he travelled through time and space. I’m not even sure I was aware of the Daleks, though I must have been the last couple of years.

I remember the time the Matt Smith’s era started. I said, I remember the time, not necessarily Matt Smith himself. I remember Charlie Brooker banging on about how he thought Matt Smith was a brilliant Doctor and how I kept telling myself I should check his Doctor out. That year though, I didn’t. No idea why not.

Come last year and my British friend alerted me a new season of Doctor Who had started and if I was interested to watch it together. Sure I was. After all, I had to check out Matt Smith as the Doctor. For some reason I fell for the series and with me being naturally curious I started my indepth research, as I always do with new (to me) fandoms. Nearly 50 year worth of material, WOW! Was I a happy girl (and still am). And 9 other Doctors to meet *grins*. Yes….*broader grin*

Then my perceptions about Doctor Who started to shift.

1) Tom Baker is not the Doctor and neither is David Tennant (They’re all the Doctor, “the definite article”

2) The Doctor has a preference for young girls, but has also travelled with males

3) Matt Smith is brilliant as the Doctor

4) And the 8th Doctor definitely is cannon

5) And is Peter Davison sort of cute or what?

Now I have watched several serials and I caught up on NuWho episodes (not all of them yet). I have also heard loads of the audio plays (not all yet) and read some of the novels.

On August 5th 2009 I made a comparison between John Mayer and Jason Mraz. I’m sure back then I thought it was funny and rather clever. Now I cringe and like to revisit so I can cringe on in the future.

There’s one problem though; I’m not that an avid follower as I used to be, and to be quite honest with you, I have no idea what John’s doing. Well I know what he’s been doing; he’s been recording a new album which I forgot to order.

Jason has his new album released and I haven’t listened to it yet though I have an idea what his work is like at the moment.

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