On a regular basis (every workday and sometimes even in the weekends) I do a search for anything new Tobey. With Tobey being very happy in the background news tends to be slow and repetitive. Today however I found a new website and it's surprising in a number of ways.
First of all, surprising thing is, it has its origin in German and I read the whole article in German without too many problems. I'm proud of myself. Though I needed a second reading to get the whole story.
The second it's not actually about the Tobey Maguire I'm searching for, but rather another Tobey Maguire.
Third, it's about a rooster, Tobey Maguire the rooster. I love chickens, roosters usually not so much, because they tend to be much more aggressive and quite loud, very early in the morning. I don't like aggression and I don't like to be woken up very early in the morning.
The fourth surprising thing was, once I finished reading the article, I was invested. Now I want to know on a regular basis how Tobey is doing. This rooster just seemed uncharacteristically endearing. After reading his story, or what they know about his story, I couldn't help but feel bad for the poor animal. In the end, to me, he's a bit like the Tobey he was named after. For both I wasn't sure at first; neither of them seemed naturally particularly nice, but in the end they both won me over. And both turn out to be quite sweet, actually....
Does that make sense? Probably not, but I don't care and I'm sticking to it. It must be in the name...
I just realized another similarity, they both had difficult youths, but with a bit of help eventually blossomed.
Yeah, I don't know. Let's not think too much about it and just enjoy both of them.
Here is the article: DIE RETTUNG von Hahn Tobey Maguire
Note: The article is in German, so you either need to be able to read German or use Google translate. I guess I could add a translation here, but I'm not even sure how many people are going to read my blog or the German site.