Yesterday I compiled a playlist on my phone. It was Bridge Over Troubled Water in covers, except for ‘Bye Bye Love’, obviously. I’ve been listening to it in the evening and I’m listening to it now. As a matter of fact, when the ‘Song for the Asking’ cover came on, I thought: “Aww, this is beautiful”. Something I never thought listening to the S&G version. As a matter of fact, I tended to skip it. The ‘Only Living Boy in New York’ cover is also really great. I’m now somewhat obsessed with this song. This might be the only way I’m going to listen to ‘Bridge…’ from now on. The only S&G version I’m going to miss, if I do, is Cecilia. Never found a better version than the S&G version, and I absolutely love that version.
If you want to compile a list of Bridge Over Troubled Water' covers as well, these are the covers I used. You'll see these are not the big commercially released covers, but rather by people like you and me.
Bridge Over Troubled Water - by Meghna Dundi and Lokhi Pai
El Condor Pasa - by Prasmita from Tara
Cecilia - by Morgan James